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SMK 10 English for SMK_Maria Html

Hak Cipta pada Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
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Hak Cipta Buku ini dibeli oleh Departemen Pendidikan Nasional dari Penerbit Sahabat,
For SMK 1
Untuk SMK Kelas X
Penulis : Maria Regina Dyah Pramesti
Wirawan Sigit Pramono
Ilustrasi, Tata Letak : Suryono Wijaya, Mudah
Perancang Kulit : Agus Sudiyanto
Ukuran Buku : 17,6 x 25 cm
PRA PRAMESTI, Maria Regina Dyah
e English for SMK 1 : Grade X/Maria Regina Dyah Pramesti, Wirawan Sigit
Pramono, Suhermawan. – Jakarta : Pusat Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan
Nasional, 2008.
vi, 234 hlm. : ilus. ; 25 Cm.
Bibliografi : hlm.234
ISBN 979-462-932-4
1. Bahasa Inggris –Studi dan Pengajaran I. Judul
II. Pramono, Wirawan Sigit III. Suhermawan
Diterbitkan oleh Pusat Perbukuan
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun 2008
Diperbanyak oleh ...
Puji syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT, berkat rahmat dan
karunia-Nya, Pemerintah, dalam hal ini, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional,
pada tahun 2008, telah membeli hak cipta buku teks pelajaran ini dari penulis/
penerbit untuk disebarluaskan kepada masyarakat melalui situs internet
(website) Jaringan Pendidikan Nasional.
Buku teks pelajaran ini telah dinilai oleh Badan Standar Nasional
Pendidikan dan telah ditetapkan sebagai buku teks pelajaran yang memenuhi
syarat kelayakan untuk digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran melalui
Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 34 Tahun 2008.
Kami menyampaikan penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya kepada para
penulis/penerbit yang telah berkenan mengalihkan hak cipta karyanya kepada
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional untuk digunakan secara luas oleh para siswa
dan guru di seluruh Indonesia.
Buku-buku teks pelajaran yang telah dialihkan hak ciptanya kepada
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional ini, dapat diunduh (down load), digandakan,
dicetak, dialihmediakan, atau difotokopi oleh masyarakat. Namun, untuk
penggandaan yang bersifat komersial harga penjualannya harus memenuhi
ketentuan yang ditetapkan oleh Pemerintah. Diharapkan bahwa buku teks
pelajaran ini akan lebih mudah diakses sehingga siswa dan guru di seluruh
Indonesia maupun sekolah Indonesia yang berada di luar negeri dapat
memanfaatkan sumber belajar ini.
Kami berharap, semua pihak dapat mendukung kebijakan ini. Kepada
para siswa kami ucapkan selamat belajar dan manfaatkanlah buku ini sebaikbaiknya.
Kami menyadari bahwa buku ini masih perlu ditingkatkan mutunya.
Oleh karena itu, saran dan kritik sangat kami harapkan.
Jakarta, Juli 2008
Kepala Pusat Perbukuan
English for SMK Book 1, which is designed based on the basic competencies
determined by Pusat Kurikulum 2005, is written to meet with the need of
sources for teaching and learning English in vocational schools.
This book, which may require about 148 hours, is intended for the first level
(novice) of vocational school students to improve their oral as well as written
performance. This book aims:
1. to practice and develop the four language skills
2. to develop the knowledge, skill, and understanding required by students
to become professional employees or entrepreneurs.
3. to meet students’ need to communicate in English accurately, fluently,
appropriately, and confidently in many useful situations in the work places
as well as in society.
English for SMK Book1, contains:
1. a wide variety of listening activities which are intended to develop the
listening skill, including listening for gist, listening for details, and inferring
meaning from context.
2. a wide range of creative activities of speaking, starting from guided, semi
guided to free dialogs.
3. various tasks of reading for specific information from short passages,
schedules, pictures, maps and so on as well as reading comprehension.
4. a variety of different writing practice activities, such as: completion,
jumbled sentences or paragraphs, matching, and guided sentences and
5. grammar exercises dealing with related functional and communicative
This book consists of 6 units and each unit is divided into sections. In each
section, there are a lot of pair work, group work, and whole class activities
which provide more personal practice of the new learning points and increase
the opportunity for individual student practice.
The writers realize that this book is not perfect, therefore constructive criticism
and suggestions are very welcome.
Kata Sambutan
Section One : Greetings and Leave Takings
Section Two : Introducing Yourself and Other Person
- Grammar Focus:
1. Personal Pronouns
2. The Simple Present Tense: TO BE
3. The Simple Present Tense: Simple Verbs
Section Three : Expressing Thanking
Section One : Describing Colours, Qualities, Sizes, Shapes,
and Materials
Section Two : Describing Origins & Nationalities and
- Grammar Focus
1. Questions and Answers
2. Adjectives in Series
3. Adjectives Showing Physical Appearance
Section One : Numbers, Times, Days, Months, Dates &
- Grammar Focus:
Questions and Answers
Section Two : Singular and Plural
Section Two : Synonym and Antonym
Section One : Showing Regret, Apology, Sympathy and
Expressing Feeling
- Grammar Focus: Subject and Verb
Section Two : Asking For and Giving Permission
- Grammar Focus: Modal Auxiliaries:
Can, May
Section Three : Command, Request and Offering Things or Services
- Grammar Focus: Modal Auxiliaries:
Can, Could, Will, Would.
- Grammar Focus: Modal Auxiliaries:
Shall, Would.
Section One : Describing Present Activities
- Grammar Focus 1: The Present
Section Two : Describing Location
- Grammar Focus 2: There is ... / There are ...
- Grammar Focus 3: Question - Words
Section One : Traffic Signs
Section Two : Itinerary
Section Three : Menu
- Grammar Focus: Degrees of comparison
Section One : Expressing Preferences
Section Two : Expressing Capabilities
Section Three : Asking for and Giving Location and Direction
- Grammar Focus: Conditional Sentences
Type 1
Section One : Oral Invitation
- Grammar Review: Modal Auxiliaries:
Will, Could, Would
- Grammar Review: Preposition; in, on, at.
Section Two : Written Invitation
Section Three : Memo
Good Morning 1
In our daily life, we often need to greet someone, to
introduce ourselves and other person and to express
thanking. That’s why you need to learn this unit. It will
be beneficial for you to get along well with people
around you, either today or later when you get into the
world of work.
Greetings and Leave Takings
Activity 1 Look at the Picture and answer the questions.
1. What are the two people doing?
2. Where are they?
3. Do they know each other?
Unit 1
Learning Outcomes
Section One
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
1. greet somebody
2. express leave-takings and goodbye
3. introduce yourself and other person
4. use different types of personal Pronouns
5. use To Be and Verb 1 in the Simple Present Tense
6. express thanking.
2 English for SMK Grade X
at work
Activity 2 Fill in the bubbles with greetings and leave
takings that you are familiar with.
Activity 3 Keep your book closed. Listen to your teacher.
Then open your book. Listen to your teacher
again and repeat after him.
1. Hello, Lusi!
2. Good morning, sir.
3. Good afternoon, Mr. Hermawan.
4. How are you?
5. Very well. Thank you.
Good morning
Good Morning 3
6. I’m fine. Thanks.
7. How is Hendra?
8. He’s fine, thank you.
9. Good bye, Lusi.
10. See you at the meeting tomorrow.
Activity 4 Open your book. Listen to your teacher and
repeat each expression your teacher says. After
that, practice speaking the dialogues with your
1. Nick : Hello, Lusi. Nice to see you again.
Lusi : Nice to see you too, Nick.
Nick : How are you doing?
Lusi : Pretty well, thanks.
Nick : How is Hendra?
Lusi : He’s fine, thank you.
2. Lusi : Good morning, sir.
Teacher : Good morning, Lusi. How are you?
Lusi : I’m very well, thank you.
Teacher : What are you doing here in the hospital?
Lusi : I am going to visit my neighbor. She has just
delivered a baby.
Teacher : I see. Are you alone?
Lusi : No, I’m with my Mom. There she comes. I’m
sorry, I have to go now. Good bye, sir.
Teacher : Good bye, Lusi. See you at school tomorrow.
3. Mr. Iskandar : Good afternoon, Mr. Hermawan.
How are you?
Mr. Hermawan : Very well. Thank you. How are you?
Mr. Iskandar : I’m fine, too. How is your family?
Mr. Hermawan : They are fine. Thank you. How’s
Mr. Iskandar : It’s going up this year. Thanks.
Mr. Hermawan : Glad to hear that. Oh, there comes
Mr. Bawono. Sorry, I have to see
him before the meeting. I’ll talk to
you later.
Mr. Hermawan : Sure. See you.
4 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 5 In pairs, practice reading the dialogues below.
The bold parts are stressed.
1. Mr. Iskandar : Good morning, Talita.
Talita : Good morning, Mr.Iskandar.
Mr. Iskandar : How are you?
Talita : Very well, thank you. And how are
you, sir?
Mr. Iskandar : Fine, thank you. Did you have a good
night’s rest last night?
Talita : Yes, sir. Thank you.
2. Talita : Hi, Renata.
Renata : Hello, Lita. How’s everything?
Talita : Just fine, thanks, and how about you?
Renata : Good, thanks. How was your
weekend, Lita?
Talita : It was great. I went to Yogya. What
about you?
Renata : Not too bad. I just stayed at home, we
had a family gathering.
- Good morning.
- Good afternoon.
- Good evening.
- Hello, how are you?
Formal Greetings Responses
- Hello.
- Hello, good afternoon.
- Good evening.
- I’m fine. Thank you.
- Very well, thank you.
- Hi, how’s life?
- What’s news?
- How’s everything?
- How’s business?
- Good to see you.
Informal Greetings Responses
- Terrific. And you?
- Just fine, thanks.
- Great, thanks.
- Pretty well. What about
Good Morning 5
Activity 6 With your partner, complete these dialogues
with the expressions you have learned and
practice speaking them out.
1. Situation : You meet a friend of yours, Baskara, in
the street.
You : Hi, Baska. ……………………..
Baskara : …………………………………
You : …………………………………
Baskara : …………………………………
2. You meet your English teacher, Mr. Firdaus, in a book
store. It’s 4 pm.
You : …………………………., Mr. Firdaus.
Mr. Firdaus : …………………., ……………………?
You : …………………………………………
Mr. Firdaus : Are you going to buy some books?
You : ……………………………....................
Mr. Firdaus : ………………………………………….
You : …………………………………………
Activity 7 In pairs, practice reading these dialogues. The
bold parts are stressed.
1. Boys : Bye, dad.
Father : Bye-bye, sons. Take care.
2. Talita : Good bye, Mrs. Iskandar.
Mrs. Iskandar : Good bye, Ms. Yuwono. It’s been
nice talking to you.
3. Talita : I have to go now. See you later.
Renata : Bye. See you.
6 English for SMK Grade X
4. Mr. Iskandar : Good bye, Talita. See you tomorrow.
Talita : Yes. Good bye, Mr. Iskandar.
Activity 8 With your partner, complete the dialogues
below with the expressions you have learned
and practice speaking them out.
1. Mr. Iskandar : Good morning, Baskara. How are
Baskara : ……………………, ……………………..?
Mr. Iskandar : ……………………….. How is your family?
Baskara : ……………………….., thank you.
Mr. Iskandar : I’m sorry, but I really have to go now.
It’s been nice talking to you
Baskara : ……………………… See you some time.
Mr. Iskandar : ………………………………
2. Renata : Hi, Lita.
Talita : ……………………, ……………….?
Renata : ……………………. And you?
Talita : ……………………. How’s work?
Renata : ……………………… Would you like to
have a cup of tea?
Talita : I’d love to but …………………….. I have
a lot work to do.
I’ll call you this afternoon.
Renata : ……………………. Take care.
Talita : Thanks. You too.
- Sorry, I have to go now.
- I’ll talk to you later.
- It’s been nice talking to
- Good bye.
- Bye-bye / Bye.
- See you tomorrow.
Leave Takings Responses
- Yes of course. See you.
- Sure. See you later.
- So long.
- Take care.
- Keep in touch.
- See you at school.
Good Morning 7
Activity 9 Match the situations in column A, with the
proper expressions in column B.
Activity 10 Work with your partner to discuss about the
answers for the questions below.
1. How do you feel on the first day in your new school?
2. Do you know what to do?
3. How do you know about where to go or who to ask if
you have problems?
1. You greet your teacher at 1 p.m.
2. Lita meets an old friend.
3. A teacher greets her students.
4. Someone opens a speech at 7 p.m.
5. You meet your classmate.
6. A receptionist welcomes a guest
at 10 a.m.
7. You part with a friend after
8. A TV presenter closes her
evening’s program.
9. You end a conversation with a
10. A Mommy takes her little son to
a. Hello, Rena. Nice to see you
b. Thank you for joining us. Good
c. Sorry. I really must go now.
d. Good afternoon, ma’am.
e. Good morning, class.
f. Good evening, ladies and
g. Good morning, sir.
h. Good night. Sweet dream.
i. How are you today?
j. Bye. See you tomorrow.
Activity 11 Read the passage below.
Good morning.
Welcome to St. Raphael Vocational School and a warm
welcome to the new students joining our school
community. We are pleased that you have chosen our
International Standard School.
8 English for SMK Grade X
This is our third year of being an International Standard
School with the character of fostering not only a
challenging academic environment, but a safe and
discipline school concept, where student's individual
potential and talents are encouraged.
Please review our Handbook to finds some useful
information regarding our school procedures and policies.
The staff of St. Raphael Vocational School looks forward
to sharing another great year in partnership with you.
We are happy to have you with us.
Activity 12 Answer these questions based on the text
1. Where do you likely read this kind of text?
2. What is the purpose of publishing this text?
3. How long has this institution got the new status?
4. What are the characteristics of this school?
5. How do you get the information about the school
Activity 13
A. Find the words in the text which has similar meaning with
the words below.
1. friendly : __________________________
2. society : __________________________
3. surrounding : __________________________
4. refer to : __________________________
5. beneficial : __________________________
B. Open your dictionary. Find the synonym of the following
1. fostering : __________________________
2. regarding : __________________________
3. concept : __________________________
4. encourage : __________________________
5. look forward : __________________________
Good Morning 9
Activity 14 Work with your partner. Compose a dialogue
based on the situation below. Then, act it out
before the class.
You are at the bus stop, waiting for a bus to take you home
from school. You meet an old friend of yours, Rima. You
say hello to her and ask her about her school. In the middle
of the conversation you see the bus coming. You say good
bye to Rima and wish that you will see her again soon.
Activity 15 Look at the greeting card below and observe
what is written on it. Then, make a similar
greeting card yourself on the computer. Insert
a clip art or down load a picture from the internet
and write down the message as you wish. Print
it out and submit it to your teacher.
Introducing Yourself and Other Person
Activity 16 Look at the picture and answer these questions.
1. What do you think the two people are doing?
2. Who are they?
3. Where are they?
4. What are they saying to each other?
Hi Tita. It’s just a warm
greeting to wish you
luck today.
Section Two
10 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 17 Keep you book closed. Listen to your teacher
and guess when the expressions are used. Then
open your book. Listen to your teacher again
and repeat after him.
1. That’s Baskara. Do you know him?
2. Baska, this is a friend of mine.
3. Hello. Pleased to meet you.
4. I don’t think we have met.
5. Nice to meet you.
6. Let me introduce you to Mr. Hardono.
7. How do you do?
8. Hi. I’m Rafael Romero.
9. May I introduce myself?
10. Glad to meet you, too.
Activity 18 Open your book. Listen to your teacher and
repeat each expression your teacher says. After
that, practice speaking the dialogues with your
1. Talita : That’s Baskara. Do you know him?
Renata : No, I don’t.
Talita : Hello, Baska.
Baskara : Hello, Lita.
Talita : Baska, this is a friend of mine, Renata
Baskara : Hello. Pleased to meet you.
Renata : Hi, pleased to meet you too.
2. Baskara : Excuse me. I don’t think we have met, I’m
Renata : Hello. I’m Renata.
Baskara : Nice to meet you, Renata.
Renata : Nice to meet you.
3. Talita : Mr. Iskandar, let me introduce you to
Mr. Hardono of Java Tour. Mr.
Hardono, this is Mr. Smith, our
Marketing Manager.
Mr. Iskandar : How do you do?
Mr.Hardono : How do you do? It’s very nice to meet
Mr. Iskandar : It’s nice to meet you too.
Good Morning 11
4. Talita : I’m sorry. I don’t think we’ve met. My name
is Talita Yuwono.
Rafael : Hi. I’m Rafael Romero. I’m a new member
in this gym. I’m pleased to meet you.
Talita : Pleased to meet you too. Have you met the
other members?
Rafael : Not yet. You are the first.
Talita : Come with me, then. I’ll introduce you to
Rafael : Thanks. I appreciate that.
- Hi, I’m Baskara.
- Hello, my name’s Baskara.
- Good evening. My name is Baskara.
- May I introduce myself? I’m Baskara.
- Let me introduce myself. My name
is Baskara.
- How do you do? My name is
Introducing oneself Responses
- Hi, I’m Renata. Glad to meet you.
- Hello. My name’s Renata. Pleased
to meet you.
- Good evening. I’m Renata. How
do you do?
- How do you do? My name is
Renata. Nice to meet you.
- Do you know Baskara?
- Have you met Baskara?
- This is a friend of mine, Renata.
- Baska this is Rena, my friend.
- May I introduce our new member,
Mr. Rafael Romero?
- Please allow me to introduce our
new District Manager.
- Let me introduce you to Mr.
Iskandar our Marketing Manager.
Mr. Iskandar, this is Mr.
Hermawan from Borneo Plantation
Introducing others Responses
- No, I don’t think so.
- No, I haven’t.
- Hi, glad to meet you. I’m Renata.
- Hello, Renata. Pleased to meet
- I’m glad to know you.
- It’s nice to meet you.
- How do you do?
- How do you do? It’s very nice to
meet you.
12 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 19 With your partner, complete these dialogues
using the expressions you have learned and
practice speaking them out.
1. Talita : That’s Baskara ...........................?
Renata : No, I haven’t.
Talita : Hi, Baska. How’s everything?
Baskara : ...........................................................?
Talita : ................., thanks. Baska, ........................,
Baskara : Hi, ........................................., Renata.
Renata : .........................................
2. Rafael : Excuse me, .................................. My name
is Rafael Romero.
Talita : How do you do, Mr. Romero? ..............
Rafael : ............................., Ms.Yuwono? .................
Talita : Me, too. Are you a new employee here?
Rafael : Yes, I am. I’ve just moved from the main
Talita : ...................................., then.
3. Mr. Iskandar : Good morning, Mr. Hardono. How are
Mr. Hardono : ............................... How about you?
Mr. Iskandar : ............................. I don’t think you
have met my secretary, Ms. Talita
Yuwono. Talita, this is Mr. Hardono.
Mr. Hardono : ..............................?
Talita : .........................................................?
Mr. Hardono : .......................................
Activity 20 Read the text below.
Read the text below.
Good afternoon, fellows. May I introduce myself? My name
is Rafael Romero. Just call me Rafa. I was born in Mexico,
but my parents moved to the USA when I was young, so I'm
an American. I speak both English and Spanish. I come to
Good Morning 13
Indonesia to learn about the culture because I like dancing
traditional dances. I dream to be a professional dancer one
day. I live in Bantul, a small town southward Yogyakarta.
I'm glad to know you all and hope that I can get help from
you especially in speaking Indonesian. Thank you.
Activity 21 Answer the following questions based on the
text above.
1. Who is introducing himself?
2. Where was he born?
3. Where do his parents live?
4. Does he speak Spanish?
5. What does he do in Indonesia?
6. Is he a student or a teacher?
7. Does he like dancing traditional or modern dances?
8. What does he want to be?
9. Where is Bantul located?
10. What does he expect from his new friends?
Activity 22 Work in a group of three. Practice introducing.
1. Your new friend to your old friend.
2. Your friend to your mother.
Activity 23 On a piece of paper, please write a speech of
introduction about yourself. Mention as much
information as you can. Include your name,
address, family, hobby, and your future plan.
Then act it out in front of your friends.
14 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 24 With your partner, study the following
In the previous activities you learned these expressions.
1. I am Baskara.
2. Let me introduce you to Mr. Smith.
3. Renata is my friend.
4. Renata is a friend of mine.
The underlined parts are personal pronouns.
This table shows the complete forms.
Tita and Rena
Subject Object
(+ noun)
Her ( Talita’s )
His ( Bojes’)
Good Morning 15
Activity 25 In pairs, practice using Personal Pronouns
to answer the following questions. Use the
underlined word or words as the clue. Do like
the examples.Then, continue making questions
and answer by using your own idea
Are you a room boy?
Do the guests stay in the
Does the bank open at 8?
Is Mr. Iskandar your boss?
Question Answer
Yes, I am.
No, …………………….
Yes, ……………………
No, …………………….
Do you know Mrs. Iskandar?
Do you have the receipt with
Do you see the manager
Do you live with your
Question Answer
Yes, I know her.
No, I don't have …. with me.
Yes, I see …. in the lobby.
No, …………………….
Possessive Pronoun
Is it your coat, sir?
Is that their baggage?
Is this Mr. Azis' car?
Is it my pen?
Yes, it's my coat.
No, that isn't ……………..
Yes, ………………………
No, ……………………….
Possessive adjective
Yes, it's mine.
No, ………………………
Yes, …………………......
No, ……………………...
16 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 26 With your partner, study the following
In the previous learning activities, you found the
expressions below.
1. How are you?
2. I’m fine, thanks.
3.How is your family?
4.They are very well, thank you.
5. These are my friends, Surya and
Nyoman. They are waiters.
The underlined words are TO BE
A sentence in English always requires a verb. The
Construction is Subject + Verb. In case we talk about
situation, existence, condition, identification, location,
profession, and nationality or when there is no physical nor
intellectual activity, we should use the verb TO BE.
This table shows the forms of TO BE :
I am
You are
He is
She is
It is
We are
They are
This is
That is
Am I?
Are you?
Is he?
Is she?
Is it?
Are we?
Are they?
Is this?
Is that?
I am not
You are not
He is not
She is not
It is not
We are not
They are not
This is not
That is not
Full Short Full Short
You aren't
He isn't
She isn't
It isn't
We aren't
They aren't
This isn't
That isn't
Good Morning 17
Activity 27 Work in pairs to find out the negative and
interrogative forms of the sentences below.
Activity 28 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms
of TO BE.
1. This ..... Rumpita Hotel. It ..... a business hotel. I ..... the
marketing manager. My name ..... Toni Sartono. There
..... 40 double rooms and 20 single rooms in our hotel.
There ..... a restaurant where you can have breakfast.
We ..... glad to welcome you in our hotel.
2. Those pretty girls ..... Talita and Renata. They .....
employees of Rumpita Hotel. ..... they at the same
department? No, they ..... Talita ..... a receptionist and
Renata ..... a waitress.
3. What ..... your name? What ..... your address? These
questions ..... often asked to you in an interview. There
..... a lot more questions possibly asked, such as: where
…… your parents? what ..... your father’s name? ..... your
mother a house wife? ..... you a graduate of a vocational
school? And many more. The answer for the last question
might be: Yes, I ..... if you are a graduate of a vocational
school or: No, I ..... if you aren’t.
I am late.
You are busy.
He is in his office.
She is a programmer.
It is OK.
We are ready.
They are at the lobby.
This is your luggage.
That is Mr. Hardono.
18 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 29 With your partner, study the following
In the previous learning activities, you found the expressions below:
1. I live in Bantul.
2. We have a new member.
3. Do you know Baskara?
4. I don’t think we have met.
When talking about facts (they stay the same for a long
time) and habits (they happen again and again) we use THE
SIMPLE PRESENT. The verb is the simple form of verb.
In positive form, when the subject is a third singular
person (Talita, she, he) and it suffix s/es is added to the verb.
In negative and interrogative, does is used for the third
singular person, and do is used for the others. it), suffix s/es
is added to the verb.
In negative and interrogative, does is used for the third
singular person, and do is used for the others.
Look at the examples.
1. Talita works in Rumpita Hotel
2. She has the competency to perform well
at work.
3. Does she speak English?
4. Certainly, but she doesn’t speak
5. We live in Indonesia.
6. More people stay in our hotel on
7. They usually come with their family.
8. Do they always spend much money in
the hotel restaurant?
9. No. They usually don’t spend much
money on food.
10. A receptionist welcomes guests in a hotel
or an office.
Good Morning 19
1. In positive form, when the subject is a third singular
person (Talita, she, he, it), suffix s/es is added to the
2. In negative and interrogative, does is used for the third
singular person, and do is used for the others.
Activity 30 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
1. The chemist ……………… (not sell) drugs without doctor’s
2. What time ………… the film in theatre 3 ………….. (begin)?
3. ……….. you …………… (have) your identity card with you?
4. I’m sorry, sir. We ……………….. (not give) discount for
payment by credit card.
5. The restaurant …………………… (not serve) Indonesian
food. It’s a Chinese restaurant.
6. How long …………… it …………….. (take) to fly to
7. Tourists always ……………………. (enjoy) the tour Dieng
8. …….. the service station ……………( open) on Sunday?
9. What ……… an office boy ……………… (do) in an office?
10. The students’ orchestra always ………………. (perform)
a. I’m sorry, we don’t allow children under twelve.
b. I’m afraid we don’t accept personal check.
c. They run every an hour.
d. It closes at 4 in the afternoon.
e. We sell toilet articles in our hotel store.
f. It opens at 9 in the morning.
g. It costs forty five thousand rupiah.
h. They leave from the main entrance.
i. Certainly, we take most credit cards.
j. We don’t charge for making travel arrangement.
well at the concert.
Activity 31 Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer
the questions. Use the table below to answer.
Number 1 is as your model.
20 English for SMK Grade X
1. Student A : Where does the airport bus go from?
Student B : They leave from the main entrance.
2. Student A : What time does the restaurant open?
Student B : __________________________
3. Student B : When does the bank close?
Student A : __________________________
4. Student A : Do you accept payment by credit card?
Student B : __________________________
5. Student B : Can I have my five year-old son with me
to the theatre?
Student A : I’m sorry, ____________________
6. Student A : If I ask you to book me a ticket, how
much will you add to my bill?
Student B : __________________________
7. Student B : How often do Trans-Jakarta buses go?
Student A : __________________________
8. Student A : Where can I buy a toothbrush?
Student B : __________________________
9. Student B : Can I pay by check?
Student A : __________________________
10. Student A : How much is breakfast?
Student B : __________________________
Expressing Thanking
Activity 32 Look at the picture and answer the questions.
1. What is the boy doing?
2. What is he probably saying?
3. How is the girl responding?
Section Three
Good Morning 21
Activity 33 Keep your book closed. Listen to your
teacher. Then open your book. Listen to your
teacher again and repeat after him.
1. Thanks a lot.
2. It’s very nice.
3. I’m glad you like it.
4. It’s very kind of you to help me to find my luggage.
5. You’re welcome.
6. I’m glad I could help.
7. Thanks for taking me home.
8. That’s alright.
9. I really appreciate your visiting us.
10. It was my pleasure.
Activity 34 Open your book. Listen to your teacher and
repeat each expression your teacher says. After
that, practice speaking the dialogues with your
1. Baskara : These flowers are for you.
Talita : Thanks a lot. They’re very nice.
Baskara : You’re welcome.
2. Talita : Thank you for the brooch you gave me for
the birthday gift. It’s just what I wanted.
Renata : I’m glad you like it.
3. Talita : Thanks for taking me home.
Baskara : That’s OK.
4. Guest : It was very kind of you to help me to find
my luggage.
Talita : It was my pleasure.
22 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 35 Study this explanation.
A. When someone gives you something
B. When someone does a favor or helps you
Activity 36 With your partner, complete these dialogues
using the expressions you have learned and
practice speaking them out.
1. Baskara : This is a little gift I bought for you.
Talita : ...................................., ..................
2. Renata : …………………… your helping me
finish the weekly report.
Baskara : ..............................................
- Thanks (a lot) for your help.
- Thanks (a lot) for helping me.
- I really appreciate your help.
- It was very kind of you to help
- I’m very grateful to you for your
- I’m very grateful to you for
inviting me.
Thanking Responses
- You are welcome.
- No problem.
- That’s OK/ alright.
- Never mind.
- Forget it.
- Any time.
- Think nothing of it.
- I’m glad I could help.
- Don’t mention it.
- It was my pleasure/ My pleasure.
- It’s no trouble at all.
- Thanks (a lot).
- Thank you very much (followed by):
- It’s very nice/ beautiful.
- It’s just what I want.
- But you really didn’t have to / You
shouldn’t have (if the gift is not
Thanking Responses
- You are welcome.
- No problem.
- It’s OK/alright.
- Don’t mention it.
- I’m glad you like it
Good Morning 23
3. Receptionist : ........................ staying with us in
our hotel.
Renata : .................................................
4. Mrs. Iskandar : ............................. invite us for the
wonderful dinner.
Mrs. Hermawan : ............................ I hope you’ll
come and see us again.
Mrs. Iskandar : ........................................................
Activity 37 Work in pairs to express thanking and the
response for the following things. Number 1 is
as your model.
Example: Student A : Thanks a lot of your lovely present.
Student B : You’re welcome.
1. a lovely present
2. a kind invitation
3. a useful souvenir
4. kind hospitality
5. repairing your bicycle
Activity 38 Look at the thanking card below and observe
what is written on it. Then, make a similar
thanking card yourself on the computer. Insert
a clip art or down load a picture from the internet
and write down a thanking note to your friend
who gave you a cute white T-shirt. Print it out
and submit it to your teacher.
Dear Mrs. Hermawan,
Rudi and I just received the Chinese
dinner set you sent us for our
wedding present. It is gorgeous, and
it matches our dining table. We will
think of you each time we use it.
Thank you so very much.
24 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 39 Arrange this jumbled dialogue. It’s the review
of what you have learned about greeting,
introducing, and thanking as well.
a. Ari : Not bad. Are you alone?
b. Ari : I am glad you like it.
c. Isti : Thank you, and thanks for your gift too. I really
like it.
d. Ari : Pleased to meet you, Siska.
e. Isti : By the way, did you have a good time at my
party yesterday, Ri?
f. Ari : Hi, Isti. How is everything?
g. Isti : No, I’m with my cousin, Siska. Let me
introduce you to her. Siska this is my friend,
h. Ari : Of course. I enjoyed it very much. It was
i. Siska : Glad to see you too.
j. Isti : Fine, thanks. And you?
Activity 40 In pairs, compose a free dialogue which
includes expressions used for Greetings,
Introducing, Thanking and Leave taking.The
situation is in an office. Use the flow of
conversasion in activity 39 as your model.
After that, act it out before the class.
The World Is Round 25
Colours can make our life bright and interesting. Imagine
how boring our life would be if there were no colours. We
cannot enjoy the beauty of flowers, rainbow, butterflies, etc.
Wherever we are, we will find colours: at home, at school,
in the park, in the garden, etc.
We will also find colours from the time we get up in the
morning until the time we go to bed at night.
So, colours are very meaningful in our life.
Here are the colours:
Unit 2
Learning Outcomes
1. Describing colours, qualities, sizes, shapes, and materials.
2. Describing origins & nationalities and professions.
Section One
In our life, we often need to know how to describe
colours, sizes, shapes, etc. We also need to ask and answer
about someone’s profession, origin, and nationality. Besides,
we will always deal with numbers to get information about
times, days, dates, months, years, etc. And in this Unit, you
will study about all of those things.
1. Blue 2. Red 3. White 4. Black
5. Green 6. Yellow
7. Grey 8. Brown 9. Pink 10. Orange
26 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 1 Mention several things that use colours by
filling the bubbles. Number one has been done
for you.
Activity 2 Look at the pictures, and observe the
sentences in Activity 3.
1. Flags 2. 3. 4.
5. 6.
7. 8. 9. 10.
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9.
The World Is Round 27
Activity 3 Listen to your teacher and repeat.
1. The circle is red. It is a red circle.
2. The square is blue. It is a blue square.
3. The triangle is yellow. It is a yellow triangle.
4. The rectangle is green. It is a green rectangle.
5. The parallelogram is orange. It is an orange parallelogram.
6. The oval is white. It is a white oval.
7. The cylinder is black. It is a black cylinder.
8. The pentagon is grey. It is a grey pentagon.
9. The hexagon is purple. It is a purple hexagon.
10. The box is brown. It is a brown box.
Activity 4 Listen to your teacher and number the picture.
Activity 5 Look at the pictures, and observe the sentences
in Activity 6.
28 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 6 Listen to your teacher and repeat.
1. The flowers are beautiful. They are beautiful flowers.
2. The suitcase is good. It is a good suitcase.
3. The chairs are broken. They are broken chairs.
4. The picture is bad. It is a bad picture.
5. The butterfly is lovely. It is a lovely butterfly.
Activity 7 Listen to your teacher and number the picture.
4 5
The World Is Round 29
} 1 cm
Activity 8 Look at the pictures, and observe the
sentences in Activity 9.
10 11 12
15 m
3 4
7 m
} 10 cm
15 m
30 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 9 Listen to your teacher and repeat.
1. Box A is heavy. It’s a heavy box.
2. Box B is light. It’s a light box.
3. Cylinder A is big. It’s a big cylinder.
4. Cylinder B is small. It’s a small cylinder.
5. The electricity pylon is tall. It’s a tall electricity pylon.
6. The telephone pole is short. It’s a short telephone pole.
7. The dictionary is thick. It’s a thick dictionary.
8. The notebook is thin. It’s a thin notebook.
9. The road is long. It’s a long road.
10. The rope is short. It’s a short rope.
11. The boy is fat. He’s a fat boy.
12. The girl is skinny. She’s a skinny girl.
Activity 10 Listen to your teacher and number the picture.
3 m
The World Is Round 31
Activity 11 Look at the pictures, and observe the sentences
in Activity 12.
Activity 12 Listen to your teacher and repeat.
1. The coins are circular. They’re circular coins.
2. The ball is spherical. It’s a spherical ball.
3. The plates are oval. They’re oval plates.
4. The chessboard is square. It’s a square chessboard.
5. The protractor is semicircular. It’s a semicircular
6. The pipe is cylindrical. It’s a cylindrical pipe.
7. The door is rectangular. It’s a rectangular door.
8. The box is cubic. It’s a cubic box.
9. The ice cream is conical. It’s a conical ice cream.
10. The banners are triangular. They’re triangular banners.
32 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 13 Listen to your teacher and number the
Activity 14 Look at the pictures, and observe the
sentences in Activity 15.
1 2 3 4
leather paper cotton rubber
The World Is Round 33
Activity 15 Listen to your teacher and repeat.
1. These shoes are made of leather. They’re leather shoes.
2. This kite is made of paper. It’s a paper kite.
3. Those T-shirts are made of cotton. They’re cotton T-shirts.
4. That tyre is made of rubber. It’s a rubber tyre.
5. The set-square is made of plastic. It’s a plastic set-square.
6. These cupboards are made of wood. They’re wooden
7. The fence is made of iron. It’s an iron fence.
8. That ring is made of gold. It’s a gold ring.
9. Those marbles are made of glass. They’re glass marbles.
10. These cables are made of copper. They’re copper cables.
Activity 16 Listen to your teacher and number the picture.
plastic wood glass
iron gold copper
34 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 17 Look at the pictures, and observe the
sentences in Activity 18.
1 2 3
5 6 7
8 9 10
Section Two
8 10
The World Is Round 35
Activity 18 Listen to your teacher and repeat.
1. He’s from Indonesia. He’s Indonesian.
2. They’re from China. They’re Chinese.
3. She’s from Japan. She’s Japanese.
4. They’re from Saudi Arabia. They’re Arab.
5. He’s from Spain. He’s Spanish.
6. She’s from England. She’s English.
7. They’re from the USA. They’re American.
8. They’re from India. They’re Indian.
9. He’s from the Netherlands. He’s Dutch.
10. She’s from France. She’s French.
Activity 19 Listen to your teacher and number the picture.
36 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 20 Look at the pictures and observe the sentences
in Activity 21.
Activity 21 Listen to your teacher and repeat.
1. He’s a teacher.
2. They’re waiters.
3. She’s a secretary.
4. They’re policemen.
5. They’re nurses.
6. She’s a doctor.
7. He’s a postman.
8. They’re singers.
9. He’s a dentist.
10. He’s a student.
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10
The World Is Round 37
Activity 22 Listen to your teacher and number the
Activity 23 Look at the pictures and observe the sentences
in Activity 24.
1 2 3 4
Section Three
38 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 24 Listen to your teacher and repeat.
1. The man is tall. He is a tall man..
2. The woman is short. She is a short woman.
3. The girl is slim. She is a slim girl.
4. The man is fat. He is a fat man.
5. The men are strong. They are strong men.
6. The men are weak. They are weak men.
7. The woman is beautiful. She is a beautiful woman.
8. The boy is ugly. He is an ugly boy.
9. Their hair is short. They have short hair.
10. Their hair is long. They have long hair.
Activity 25 Listen to your teacher and number the picture.
5 6 7 8
9 10
90kg 45kg
The World Is Round 39
Activity 26 Listen to your teacher and practice the
Abdullah Zaky and Haritsa are a new couple. They have
just got married for about three months. They are looking
for a house. They are in a real estate agent now having a
conversation with an agent.
Agent : Good morning Mr. and Mrs. . . .?
Zaky : Zaky. Abdullah Zaky.
Agent : Right, Mr. and Mrs. Zaky. Welcome to Gebyar
Pesona Real Estate. I’m Fatih Hamzah. Can I help
Zaky : Yes. We’ve just got married and are looking for a
house, a house which is not so big and not so small.
Ehm . . . medium, I mean.
Agent : Ah yes, you’re very lucky, Mr. and Mrs. Zaky. We
have what you want, a medium house. Here is the
Haritsa : It looks beautiful.
Agent : It does, Mrs. Zaky.
Haritsa : How many rooms does it have?
Agent : There are six rooms. One living room, one bathroom,
two bedrooms, one kitchen, and one garage.
40 English for SMK Grade X
Haritsa : Where’s the kitchen?
Agent : Well, here’s the kitchen.
Haritsa : Hmm . . . it’s very small.
Agent : Yes, it isn’t big. But there’s a cooker and a fridge.
There are some cupboards under the sink. The tiles
are square.
Haritsa : Are there any plates?
Agent : Yes, there are some circular and some oval plates
in the cupboard.
Zaky : Very good. What about the chairs? Are there any?
Agent : Yes, but they are in the living room, four wooden
chairs and one wooden table.
Haritsa : But there aren’t any glasses.
Agent : Yes, there are twelve in the cupboard. Conical
Zaky : And . . . is there a television in the living room?
Agent : Yes, a big, colour television.
Zaky : What colour are the walls?
Agent : Blue outside and white inside.
Zaky : And what about the yard? I mean, how large is the
Agent : The front yard is large enough but the back yard is
not so large.
Zaky : And the garage?
Agent : The garage is enough for one car and one
Zaky : What do you think, honey? Can we take this house?
Haritsa : I think it very good. We can take it.
Zaky : OK, Mr. Hamzah, before we take this house, may
I know how much it is?
Agent : It’s not expensive, Mr. Zaki, only seventy five
million rupiahs. You can pay by installments,
twenty five million as the down payment and ten
million a month within five months.
Zaky : I agree.
Agent : Very good, Mr. Zaky. And if you don’t mind, can I
know where you are from and what you are?
Zaky : I’m from Semarang and my wife is from Bandung.
I’m a businessman and she’s a dentist.
Agent : Thank you very much, Mr. Zaky. Would you please
fill in this form?
Zaky : All right.
The World Is Round 41
Activity 27 Answer these questions.
1. How long have Zaky and Haritsa been married?
2. What kind of house do they want?
3. Does the agent have such a house?
4. Is the house beautiful?
5. How many bedrooms are there in that house?
6. How big is the kitchen?
7. What things are there in the kitchen?
8. What shape are the tiles?
9. What shape are the plates?
10. Are there any chairs in the kitchen?
11. What kind of chairs are they?
12. Are the glasses cylindrical or are they conical?
13. Is the television big or small?
14. Is it a black – white television?
15. What colour are the walls?
16. Which yard is large enough and which yard is not so large?
17. Is the garage wide enough?
18. Where is Zaky from?
19. Where does Haritsa come from?
20. What are Zaky and Haritsa?
Activity 28 Write T (true), F (false), or NC (not clear) for the
following statements.
1. Zaky and Haritsa have got a child.
2. The agent asks Zaky and Haritsa to go around the house.
3. Haritsa thinks that the house is beautiful.
4. This house does not have a balcony.
5. The colour of the tiles of the kitchen is white.
6. The plates are made of ceramics.
7. There are four wooden chairs and a wooden table in the
dining room.
8. There are not any cups in the cupboard.
9. The walls are white outside and blue inside.
10. The house is very expensive.
42 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 29 Make questions (orally) based on the
following responses. Consult your dictionary
for new words.
1. _______________ ? Our uniform is white and grey.
2. _______________ ? The monster is very big.
3. _______________ ? The lake is very large.
4. _______________ ? My shirt is medium.
5. _______________ ? The clock is circular.
6. _______________ ? The calendar is rectangular.
7. _______________ ? The mattress is made of sponge.
8. _______________ ? He’s from Thailand.
9. _______________ ? He’s Thai.
10. _______________ ? He’s a film star.
Activity 30 Read this passage carefully.
Pratama is a 26 year single man. He comes from Magelang,
Central Java. He has just graduated from Law Department
of a state university in Semarang. Now he works in a great
insurance company in Jakarta. One of his hobbies is traveling.
He has visited many regions in Indonesia, such as North
Sumatra, West Sumatra, Ujung Kulon, Yogyakarta, Bali,
Lombok, North Sulawesi, etc. He also likes watching football
matches with a friend in a stadium in his free time.
His great dream is visiting Mecca in Saudi Arabia to do
the pilgrimage. He hopes that next year his dream will come true.
Pratama loves pets. He has three cute cats at home. He
loves them very much. He always keeps the cats well by
giving them the best food.
Other things that Pratama likes to do are getting up early
in the morning and going to bed early at night.
Activity 31 Answer the questions based on the pastage
1. Has Pratama got married?
2. Where did he graduate from?
3. Did he study law in Semarang or in Magelang?
The World Is Round 43
4. Where does he work now?
5. Does he have one hobby or more than one hobby?
6. When does he usually watch football matches?
7. What does he really want to do next year?
8. What pets does he have at home, dogs or cats?
9. How does he keep his pets?
10. Does he hate getting up early in the morning?
Activity 32 Complete the following sentences with suitable
words. Consult your dictionary for new words.
1. ____ are your trousers? They are green.
2. ____ is a mug? It’s cylindrical.
3. Mr. Akimoto is from Japan. He is ____.
4. Papandulos is from ____. He is Greek.
5. ____ are you? I’m 65 kg.
6. ____ is she? She’s 150 cm.
7. The shape of the moon is ____.
8. The ____ of the Indonesian flag is red and white.
9. ____ he from? He’s from Pakistan.
10. What are their ____ ? They’re journalists.
11. What ____ re you? We are Indonesian.
12. What is a screwdriver ____ ? It’s made of steel.
13. What’s the ____ of your watch? It’s not so good.
14. ____ is his house? His house is very big.
15. ____ is your T-shirt? My T-shirt is XL.
16. Mr. Budi is ____ He examines people’s teeth.
17. Miss Anna is a secretary. She works in ____.
18. Mr. Sugito is an architect. He ____ the plan of a building.
19. Miss Sofi is a doctor. She examines ____.
20. Mr. Ari is a tailor. He makes or sews ____.
COLOURS 1 . What colour is your shirt?
2. What colour are your eyes?
1 . It’s blue.
2. They’re black.
44 English for SMK Grade X
1 . What’s the quality of your
2. What’s the quality of this
1 . How big is your house?
2. What size are your shoes?
1 . What shapes is the earth?
2. What shape are the tiles?
1 . What is a spanner made of?
2. What are your shoes made of?
1 . a. Where are you from?
b. Where do you come from?
2. a. What nationality are you?
b. What is your nationality?
3. a. Where’s he from?
b. Where does he come from?
4. a. What nationality is he?
b. What is his nationality?
5. a. Where are they from?
b. Where do they come from?
6. a. What nationality are they?
b. What is their nationality?
1 . a. What’s your job?
b. What’s your profession?
c. What’s your occupation?
d. What are you?
e. What do you do?
2. a. What’s her job?
b. What’s her profession?
c. What’s her occupation?
d. What is she?
e. What does she do?
3. a. What are their jobs?
b. What are their professions?
c. What are their occupations?
d. What are they?
e. What do they do?
1 . It’s good.
2. I t’s bad.
1 . It’s very big.
2. They are medium.
1 . It’s round.
2. They’re square.
1 . It’s made of steel.
2. They’re made of
1 . a. I’m from Indonesia.
b. I come from
2. I’m Indonesian.
3. a. He’s from Vietnam.
b. He comes from
4. He’s Vietnamese.
5. a. They’re from Iraq.
b. They come from
6. They’re Iraqi.
1 . I am a teacher.
2. She’s a secretary.
3. They’re farmers.
The World Is Round 45
1. Put opinion adjectives in front of descriptive adjectives.
2. This is the table of Adjectives in Series:
a. Looks : handsome, ugly, beautiful, pretty,
cute, fat, thin, skinny, slim, charming,
b. Height : tall, short
c. Weight : heavy, light
d. Age : young, old
e. Hair type : long, short, curly, straight, wavy
f. Hair colour : black, grey, white, blonde
g. Etc.
Opinion Adjectives
Descriptive Adjectives
Size Shape Age Colour Origin Material Noun
lovely/nice big circular old brown Javanese wooden table
expensive small - new metallic Japanese - car
good big flat new - - - TV
pretty small square old white - stone house
Opinion Adjective Descriptive Adjective Noun
beautiful small girl
handsome tall boy
expensive big diamond
46 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 33 (Pronunciation)
Listen and repeat after your teacher.
Activity 34 Complete the table. Number one has been done
for you.
Activity 35 Make sentences as the examples.
a. (Tonny/strong/boy) 􀁴 Tonny is strong. He is a
strong boy.
b. (Lussy/bright eyes) 􀁴Lussy has bright eyes. Her eyes
Noun Adjective
1 circle circular coins, wheels, CDs
2 cone conical
3 cube cubic
4 cylinder cylindrical
5 oval oval
6 rectangle rectangular
7 rhombus rhombus
8 square square
9 triangle triangular
The World Is Round 47
are bright.
1. Diana / smart / girl
2. Mujahid / naughty / boy
3. Devi / blonde hair
4. Chamim / flat nose
5. Fatimah / polite / woman
6. Luqman / diligent / boy
7. Fasya / expressive / girl
8. Fadhila / big eyes
9. Haryanto / straight hair
10. Suyuti / thick lips
Activity 36 Make questions and answers.
Example : a. (he / handsome)
A : What does he look like?
B : He’s handsome.
b. (she / blonde hair)
A : What does she look like?
B : She has blonde hair.
1. she / skinny
2. they / big
3. Susan / fair skin
4. Achmin / dark skin
5. Pratiwi / small eyes
6. Susetya / tall and thin
7. Pramono / good looking
8. Nindya / pointed nose
9. Dyah / short and fat
10. Rifky / small mustache
Activity 37 Make questions and answers.
Example : a. (he / kindhearted)
A : What’s he like?
B : He’s kindhearted.
b. (they / bad tempered)
A : What are they like?
B : They’re bad tempered.
48 English for SMK Grade X
1. Fauzan / humorous
2. Fadhila / generous
3. the men / careless
4. the women / diligent
5. Riza / naughty
6. Farida / lazy
7. Ardian / boring
8. The boy / polite
9. Doctor / patient
10. Mr. Akhadun / brave.
Activity 38 Arrange the adjectives in the parentheses into
a good order of adjectives in series.
1. A : May I borrow your (triangular – plastic – long)
B : Here you are.
A : Thanks.
2. A : Can I use your (curved – metal – big) hammer.
B : Yes, please.
A : Thank you.
3. A : Do you mind if I borrow your (Chinese – big – new)
B : Not at all.
A : Thanks a lot.
4. A : Would you have dinner with me in (wooden –
comfortable – Javanese – old) restaurant?
B : With pleasure.
5. A : What kind of furniture does he want?
B : He wants (dark brown – cheap – wooden – old)
6. A : Which gloves do you need?
B : I need (rubber – white – big) ones.
7. A : Can I borrow the hammer?
B : Which one?
A : (new – metal – heavy) one.
The World Is Round 49
Activity 39 Arrange these words into a good sentence.
1. blue – the colour – the book – is – of
2. is – the English-Indonesian – very – dictionary – thick
3. leather – shoes – usually – made – are – of
4. of – are – spectacles – what – your – made – ?
5. does – from – where – come – she – ?
6. people – are – nationality – those – what – of – the – ?
7. laptop – this – a – useful – white – is – modern – light
Activity 40 Complete the conversation with the words /
phrases from the box and then practice it with
your partner.
Jatmiko is a friendly person. He likes getting acquainted
with other people.
Now he is on an excursion boat to Japan. He is having a
conversation with Badawi, a passenger from Malaysia.
Jatmiko : Hi, my name is Jatmiko. I’m from Surabaya,
Indonesia. (1). __________ I know your name?
Badawi : Oh, I’m Badawi. I (2). __________ Selangor,
Jatmiko : Nice to meet you, Badawi.
Badawi : Oh, (3). __________? Nice to meet you, too.
Jatmiko : (4). __________ do you do in Malaysia, Badawi?
Badawi : I’m a student. I (5). __________ economy in
Kuala Lumpur University. What (6).
__________ you, Jatmiko?
Jatmiko : I’m a teacher. I (7). __________ English in a
vocational school in Surabaya.
Badawi : English teacher? Great! Lucky me! I (8).
__________ English very well, and you know
that most people in this boat speak English. I can
(9). __________ you, then.
Jatmiko : Don’t (10). __________.
Badawi : By the way, you look still (11). __________ to
be a teacher. I (12). __________ you were a
student like me.
50 English for SMK Grade X
Jatmiko : I (13). __________ from my university last
Badawi : Oh, wait a minute. Do you hear that (14).
Jatmiko : Yes. What does it mean?
Badawi : It means ‘lunch time’. Let’s have lunch in that
restaurant. We can (15). __________ our talk
there. Don’t worry, I treat you.
Jatmiko : OK. Thanks.
Activity 41
Read this passage.
My mother is a very beautiful woman. She is slim, not
too short, about 157 cm tall. She has long, wavy, black hair.
She has fair skin, blue eyes, and pointed nose. She is energetic,
humorous, diligent, and patient.
1. Now you make similar paragraph describing:
a. your father
b. your English teacher
2. Make a short dialogue based on the following situations.
a. You and your friend are in Bali now. You want to
go around the island, so you go to a car rental to
hire a car. You want to know everything about the
car and the cost for renting it. Make a dialogue
between you and the rental owner.
b. There is a new student in your class. You intend to
introduce yourself to him and want to know
everything about him, such as where he is from,
what he is, etc. Write a dialogue between you and
continue May teach sound come from
about can’t speak graduated really study
thought What rely on worry too young
The World Is Round 51
Unit 3
Learning Outcomes
1. Mentioning cardinal and ordinal numbers.
2. Showing times, days, months, and dates & years
In our life, whenever we are, we always deal with numbers.
Last year, last month, last week, even yesterday, we dealt with
numbers. Today, now, we deal with numbers. Tomorrow, next
week, next month, or even next year, we will deal with numbers.
Wherever we are, we will also find numbers: at home,
at school, at the office, in a public place, in a bank, in a
shopping centre, in a hospital, etc. We cannot imagine how
difficult our life would be if there were no numbers nowadays.
So, numbers are very important in our life. And we use
numbers for many different purposes.
52 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 1 Mention several things that have numbers
by filling the bubbles. Number one has been
done for you.
1. Cardinal Numbers
Cardinal Numbers are used to:
1. show prices,
2. show time,
3. show physical appearances such as weights, heights, ages,
4. show speed,
5. announce flight numbers,
6. etc.
Section One
2. 3. 4.
5. 6.
7. 8. 9. 10.
The World Is Round 53
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
11 12 13 14 15 16
eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen
18 19 20 21 30 40
eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one thirty forty
100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000
one hundred one thousand ten thousand one hundred thousand one million
Activity 2 Listen to your teacher and repeat.
Activity 3 Listen to your teacher and write the number
in words!
Activity 4 Write the numbers.
a. thirty-one f. eight hundred and three
b. forty-six g. four thousand three hundred
c. ninety-two h. five hundred thousand and sixty-four
d. five i. seventy-nine
e. twenty-seven j. fourteen
Activity 5 Look at the pictures, and observe the
sentences in Activity 6.
54 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 6 Listen to your teacher and repeat.
1. It’s six o’clock.
2. It’s quarter past seven.
3. It’s half past eight.
4. It’s quarter to nine.
5. It’s twenty past ten.
6. It’s twenty to twelve.
7. It’s ten to twelve.
8. It’s ten past twelve.
9. It’s twenty five past one.
10. It’s twenty five to three.
Activity 7 Listen to your teacher and number the picture.
The World Is Round 55
Activity 8 Match column A with column B.Number one
has been done for you.
1 􀁴 E
2 􀁴 ___
3 􀁴 ___
4 􀁴 ___
5 􀁴 ___
6 􀁴 ___
7 􀁴 ___
8 􀁴 ___
9 􀁴 ___
10 􀁴 ___
Activity 9 Practice saying the following numbers.
1. 081 325 114 243
2. 1992
3. 250 F
4. 200 mph
5. 150 m2
6. 10.34 p. m.
7. 37,086 ft
8. 13 doz
9. 90 yd
10. $ 100
1 Rp 3,950.00 A Eight three one one five three two
2 1,500 m3 B Two hundred and fifty kilometers per hour
3 Apt. No. 35 C Two thousand and eight
4 07.15 a. m. D One thousand five hundred cubic metres
5 50% E Three thousand nine hundred and fifty rupiahs
6 250 kph F Twenty-five kilograms
7 1000 C G Apartment number 35
8 25 kg H fifty percent
9 2008 I A quarter past seven in the morning (a. m.)
10 8311532 J One hundred degrees centigrade.
56 English for SMK Grade X
2. Ordinal Numbers
Ordinal Numbers are used to:
1. show dates,
2. show ranks / positions.
Activity 10 Listen to your teacher and repeat.
Activity 11 Listen to your teacher and write the number
in words.
Activity 12 Write the numbers.
a. thirty-first
b. forty-sixth
c. ninety-second
d. fifth
e. twenty-seventh
f. eight hundred and third
g. four thousand and three hundredth
h. five hundred thousand and sixty-fourth
i. seventy-ninth
j. fourteenth
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6 th 7 th 8 th 9 th 10 th
first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth
11 th 12 th 13 th 14 th 15 th 16 th
eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth
18 th 19 th 20 th 21 th 32 nd 43 rd
eighteenth nineteenth twentieth twenty-first thirty-second forty-third
100 th 1000 th 1000000 th
one hundredth one thousandth one millionth
The World Is Round 57
1. 2. 3. 4.
4. 5. 6.
Activity 13 Look at the names of the days, and observe
the sentences in Activity 14.
Activity 14 Listen to your teacher and repeat.
1. Today is Sunday. It’s Sunday.
2. Today is Monday. It’s Monday.
3. Today is Tuesday. It’s Tuesday.
4. Today is Wednesday. It’s Wednesday.
5. Today is Thursday. It’s Thursday.
6. Today is Friday. It’s Friday.
7. Today is Saturday. It’s Saturday.
Activity 15 Complete the following sentences with
suitable words.
1. Today is Sunday. Tomorrow will be . . . .
2. Today is Friday. Yesterday was . . . .
3. Thursday is the day after . . . .
4. Monday is the day before . . . .
5. Tuesday is the day between . . . . and . . . .
6. Tomorrow will be Sunday. Today is . . . .
7. Tomorrow will be Wednesday. Yesterday was . . . .
8. Yesterday was Monday. Tomorrow will be . . . .
9. Friday is the day . . . Saturday.
10. Monday is the day . . . Sunday.
11. Wednesday is the day . . . Tuesday and Thursday.
12. Yesterday was Thursday. Today is . . . .
58 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 16 Look at the names of the months and listen
to your teacher. Repeat after him / her.
Activity 17 Complete the following sentences with
suitable words.
1. This month is January. Last month was . . . .
2. This month is April. Next month will be . . . .
3. September is after . . . .
4. November is before . . . .
5. The second month of the year is . . . .
6. December is the . . . month of the year.
7. August is the . . . month of the year.
8. May is between . . . and . . . .
9. The month after July is . . . .
10. The month before May is . . . .
11. Last month was February. This month is . . . .
12. Next month will be June. This month is . . . .
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
9. 10. 11.
June July
May August
October November December
The World Is Round 59
Activity 18 Look at these dates, and observe the
sentences in Activity 19.
Activity 19 Listen to your teacher and repeat.
1. July the thirty-first, nineteen sixty-three.
2. March the sixteenth, nineteen ninety-two.
3. May the twentieth, two thousand and four.
4. June the third, nineteen ninety-six.
5. April the twelfth, nineteen sixty-six.
6. August the seventeenth, nineteen forty-five.
7. January the first, two thousand and eight.
8. September the second, nineteen eighty-two.
9. October the fifth, nineteen ninety-eight.
10. December the tenth, two thousand and five.
11. February the twenty-ninth, two thousand and one.
12. November the thirteenth, nineteen ninety-nine.
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
9. 10. 11. 12.
October 5, 1988 December 10,
February 29,
November 13,
April 12, 1966 August 17, 1945
January 1,
September 2, 1982
July 31, 1963 March 16, 1992
May 20, 2004
June 3, 1996
60 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 20 Listen to your teacher and practice this
Alya has just graduated from her vocational school in
her town. Now she is having an interview to get a job in an
international company in Jakarta.
Alya : Good morning, sir. May I sit down?
Interviewer : Oh, yes. Please.
Alya : Thank you, sir.
Interviewer : Are you ready for the interview?
Alya : Yes, sir.
Interviewer : Good. Let’s start from your name. What’s
your full name?
Alya : My full name is Prialaya Mahardika Dewi.
Interviewer : And your first name?
Alya : My first name is Alya.
Interviewer : Where are you from, Alya?
Alya : I am from Purwokerto, Central Java, sir.
Interviewer : Where do you live in Jakarta.
Alya : I live with my uncle in Depok, not in Jakarta.
Interviewer : I see. What’s your uncle’s address?
Alya : Jalan Kelapa Dua number forty-five Depok.
Interviewer : Where and when were you born, Alya?
Alya : I was born in Purwokerto, on the twenty-eighth
of February nineteen ninety.
Interviewer : How many siblings do you have?
Alya : I have one brother and two sisters. I am the
second child in my family.
Interviewer : What are your parents?
Alya : My father is a teacher in Purwokerto and my
mother is a nurse, also in Purwokerto.
Interviewer : Does your uncle in Depok has a telephone?
The World Is Round 61
Alya : Yes. His number is 021 5466 388.
Interviewer : What’s your phone number?
Alya : My number is 081 325 114 243.
Interviewer : What are your skills?
Alya : I can make programs on a computer and I have
a TOEIC Certificate. My score is 750.
Interviewer : Very good. Do you really want to work in this
Alya : Yes, sir, I do.
Interviewer : OK, I have seen your application. Next week,
on Monday, September the eighth, please
come here again to see the announcement
whether you are accepted or not.
Alya : Thank you, sir. Can I leave now?
Interviewer : Yes, and please ask another applicant to come
Alya : All right, sir. Good bye.
Interviewer : Good bye.
Activity 21 Answer these questions.
1. What is Alya doing now?
2. Where does she come from?
3. When was she born?
4. Does she live with her parents or with her uncle?
5. Is she the only girl in her family?
6. What is her father?
7. What does her mother do?
8. What is her telephone number?
9. Is she very good at English?
10. When should she see the announcement?
62 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 22 Read the text carefully.
Rahardian is a grade one student in a vocational school
in his town. He has not got a lesson schedule for one semester.
He has got a temporary schedule for one week. Here is his
Activity 23 Answer the questions.
1. How many times does he have English lessons?
2. What times and what days does he have English lessons?
3. What day and what date does he have entrepreneurship?
4. Does he have a computer lesson on Friday?
5. Does he have Machinery Lesson on July 26?
Activity 24 Complete the following sentences with
suitable words.
1. Rahardian has a Religion Lesson on . . . .
2. At 10.15 – 11.45, on Tuesday, July 22, Rahardian has . . . .
3. Electricity Lesson is at . . . on . . . .
4. Everyday Rahardian has two breaks; the first is at . . . and
the second is at . . . .
5. Rahardian has English lessons . . . times a week.
Days and Dates
07.00 –
08.30 –
10.00 –
10.15 –
11.45 –
12.30 –
The World Is Round 63
Activity 25 Listen repeat after your teacher.
1. thirteen - thirty 5. seventeen - seventy
2. fourteen - forty 6. eighteen - eighty
3. fifteen - fifty 7. nineteen - ninety
4. sixteen - sixty
Activity 26 Write the sentence.
What time is it?
1. 13.00 : ______________________________
2. 14.05 : ______________________________
3. 15.10 : ______________________________
4. 16.15 : ______________________________
5. 17.20 : ______________________________
6. 18.25 : ______________________________
7. 19.30 : ______________________________
8. 08.35 : ______________________________
9. 09.40 : ______________________________
10. 10.45 : ______________________________
11. 11.50 : ______________________________
12. 12.55 : ______________________________
TIME 1. What time is it now? It is five o’clock.
2. What’s the time?
1. What day is it today? It’s Wednesday
2. What day is it tomorrow? It’s Thursday
3. What day was it yesterday? It was Tuesday
1. What month is it now? It’s January
2. What month is next month? It’s February
3. What month was last month? It was December
1. What date is it today? It’s the thirty-first of
2. What is the date today? July two thousand
and eight
64 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 27 Complete the sentences.
1. The long hand is pointing to twelve. The short hand is
pointing to six. It is _____
2. The short hand is pointing between seven and eight. The
long hand is pointing to three. It is _____
3. The long hand is pointing to six. The short hand is pointing
between three and four. It is _____
4. The short hand is pointing to nine. The long hand is
pointing to twelve. It is _____
5. The long hand is pointing to nine. The short hand is
pointing between ten and eleven. It is _____
Activity 28 Study the table of the flight information below
and then make sentences as the example.
( GI001)􀁴 Flight number GI zero zero one will leave for
Jakarta at thirteen.
1. (MN88) 􀁴____________________________
2. (LA315) 􀁴____________________________
3. (AA500) 􀁴____________________________
4. (MA624) 􀁴____________________________
5. (BA27A) 􀁴____________________________
GI001 13.00 Jakarta
MN88 13.20 Surabaya
LA315 14.45 Medan
AA500 08.50 Makassar
MA624 07.15 Manado
BA27A 15.55 Palangkaraya
Departure Flight Time Destination
The World Is Round 65
Activity 29 Study this table and answer the questions.
Here is the result of an English Debate Contest.
Position Participant’s Names
1 Wigati – Rio – Widi
2 Monica – Eko – Himawan
3 Santi – Zuli - Harum
4 Bayu – Prayitno – Mujahid
5 Tyas – Mustika – Hendika
6 Tina – Riska – Ricky
7 Bagas – Ririn – Astuti
8 Devi – Mico – Agus
9 Bagus – Anik – Kiki
10 Riyan – Enggar – Mahmud
1. Who ranks the tenth?
2. What position do Devi, Mico and Agus hold?
3. Who holds the first position?
4. What is Santi, Zuli and Harum’s position?
5. What about Monica, Eko and Himawan?
Activity 30 Make similar questions and answers about
the other participants in the table above.
Activity 31 Write the sentence.
a. 17 August 1945 : It is the seventeenth of August
nineteen forty-five.
b. August 17, 1945 : It is August the seventeenth
nineteen forty-five.
1. 25 January 2008 : _____________________
2. February 21, 2000 : _____________________
3. 4 March 1999 : _____________________
4. April 19, 2007 : _____________________
5. 1 May 1978 : _____________________
66 English for SMK Grade X
6. June 13, 2006 : _____________________
7. 20 July 1963 : _____________________
8. August 31, 2001 : _____________________
9. 27 September 1956 : _____________________
10. October 20, 1966 : _____________________
11. 6 November 1978 : _____________________
12. December 10, 2004 : _____________________
Activity 32 Write the questions according to statments
1. ___________? My telephone number is 024 6925 341.
2. ___________? My house is not so big.
3. ___________? My school is about 10 km from here.
4. ___________? He is 175 cm tall.
5. ___________? She is about 17 years old.
6. ___________? It is 12.15.
7. ___________? A compact disc is circular.
8. ___________? It is June the twenty-second.
9. ___________? It is Friday.
10. ___________? I am number one in my class.
Activity 33 Fill in the blanks with suitable words / phrases
in the box.
Dessy wants to open a savings account in a bank. She
comes to the bank and meets an officer there.
Officer : Good morning, Madam. Can I help you?
Dessy : Good morning. (1). _______________ to open
a savings account.
Officer : Certainly, Madam. (2). _______________,
you’ll have to fill out a few forms. Can I have your
name, please?
Dessy : It’s Wijayanti, Dessy Wijayanti.
Officer : And how do you (3). _______________ your
last name?
Dessy : It’s W – I – J – A – Y – A – N – T – I
Officer : Thank you. Next, is it Miss, Mrs., or Ms.?
Dessy : I (4). _______________ Ms.
The World Is Round 67
Officer : Fine. Now, (5). _______________ I have your
address, Ms. Wijayanti?
Dessy : Jalan Simpanglima Number 1.
Officer : Is that in Semarang?
Dessy : Yes, (6). _______________. The post code is
Officer : OK, and please (7). _______________ me your
telephone number.
Dessy : It’s 081 326 199 117.
Officer : 081 326 199 117. All right. And (8). ___________,
Ms. Wijayanti, what is your (9). ____________?
Dessy : I work at State Hospital. I’m the head of a lab.
Officer : Fine. I just need the (10). _______________ of
your ID, and we’ll be all set.
Dessy : Thank you very much.
Singular and Plural
copy I’d like could occupation Firstwill
that’s right prefer finally spellgive I’m sorry
Singular Plural Rule
a book books
a pen pens
a bag bags
a chair chairs
a table tables
a bridge bridges
a boy boys
a city cities
a baby babies
a gallery galleries
a reality realities
a country countries
Change –y nouns to –ies if –y follows a
Add –s to most nouns .
Section Two
68 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 34 Circle the correct word.
1. We need ten (box / boxes) to keep all of these things.
2. There are three (women / woman) standing in a queue
in front of the cashier.
3. My parents have five (child / children).
4. Mother bought two kilos of (fishes / fish) yesterday.
5. Nowadays many (man / men) do not like smoking.
6. Please send this (memos / memo) to the receptionist.
7. There are a lot of (deer / deers) in Kebun Raya Bogor.
8. A (mouse / mice) trap is used for catching (mouse /
9. Our school has 31 (class / classes) this year.
10. Jakarta is one of the biggest (cities / city) in the world.
Singular Plural Rule
a class classes
a bus buses
a dish dishes
a match matches
a watch watches
a box boxes
a potato potatoes
a hero heroes
a radio radios
a piano pianos
a knife knives
a leaf leaves
a life lives
a shelf shelves
a child children
a man men
a woman women
a foot feet
a tooth teeth
a mouse mice
a fish fish
a deer deer
Add –s or –es to nouns ending in –f sound
Exceptions: a roof - roofs
a chief - chiefs
Add –s to –o nouns if –o follows a vowel.
Add –es to –o nouns if –o follows a consonant.
Add –es to –ss, -sh, -ch, and –x nouns.
The World Is Round 69
Activity 35 Choose the correct word in parentheses.
Activity 36 Change the singular nouns found in the text
form into plural. Pay attention to the verbs.
We often hear a complaint about work in a factory. The
work is too boring, heavy, repetitive, and even too dangerous
for the worker. The operative does not have to think about
the work. He gets no job satisfaction.
One answer to this problem is a robot. For a certain job, a
robot is much better than a human operative. Once it has been
programmed, it will do its job over and over again. It never
gets bored; it works at a constant speed; it does not make a
mistake; its work is always of the same standard; it does not
get tired; it does not go on strike; it can work for 24 hours
without a break for food, rest, or sleep; it does not take a
holiday or demand a higher wage.
Dear Anissa,
Safira and I (am / are) having the best holiday in
our life. We (are / is) in Yogyakarta, one of the loveliest
(city / cities) in Indonesia. Although (they are / it is)
much smaller than Jakarta, there seems to be more to
do in Yogyakarta. Moreover, the (people / person) here
seem to be friendlier than (that / those) on the other
(place / places). We (is / are) staying in the most
comfortable hotel I have ever stayed. (It’s / They’re)
small and cool, and many (person / people) think
(they’re / it’s) the best hotel in Yogyakarta. (They’re /
It’s) much more interesting than any other (hotel /
hotels), and (it’s / they’re) even smaller than losmen,
but (they / it) has a very artistic (swimming pool /
swimming pools) where we can go swimming a lot.
(They’re / It’s) really good, and I do wish you were
70 English for SMK Grade X
A robot is usually made to act like a human machine. It
has another advantage, too. It can be designed to do almost
any job. You cannot change a human body, but a robot’s arm,
for example, can be made to move in any direction. A robot
can also do very heavy work and it can operate in a condition
that is too dangerous, too hot or too cold for a person to work
in. It can work under water, in a poisonous, radioactive area.
And on top of all this, a robot never complains.
(Taken from Bahasa Inggris Teknologi Industri 2)
Synonym and Antonym
A. Synonym
Section Three
Adjectives Nouns Verbs
beautiful pretty benefit advantage answer reply
big great friend fellow buy purchase
broken damaged garbage rubbish chase run after
clever smart gift present check examine
dangerous hazardous hazard danger close shut
difficult hard mistake error come arrive
easy simple problem trouble contain consist of
famous popular situation condition discover find
far distant student pupil enjoy like
fast quick teacher instructor finish end
happy pleased happen occur
quiet silent hurt injure
small little, tiny identify recognize
thin skinny look at stare at
tired exhausted need require
the same similar pull draw
ugly bad push press
valuable precious repair fix, mend
wrong right, correct shout scream
start begin
The World Is Round 71
B. Antonym
Adjectives Verbs
beautiful ugly answer ask
big small buy sell
clean dirty close open
clever stupid, silly come go
dangerous safe finish start, begin
difficult easy, simple pull push
different the same start end
far near, close
full empty
hungry full
fast slow
foolish smart
quiet noisy
thin thick
tidy messy
valuable priceless
Activity 37 Find the synonym of the italic words.
Mr. Basuki is a very popular mechanic in his town. When he
was thirty-five years old, one of his fellows gave him a very old car as
his birthday gift. The car was very dirty and rusty, but its engine was
not so bad and worked well enough.
Mr. Basuki was so pleased to have s uch an old car. He knew that
the car was so antique that it could be a very precious object if he fixed
and repainted it. One day he took his old car out of the garage and
then said to his wife, “I’m going downtown to purchase some spare
parts and paint for this car.”
Hearrived at a silent road after a few kilometers from his house,
but suddenly his car stopped. Mr. Basuki got out, opened the bonnet of
the car, and checked its engine, but he didn’t discover anything wrong
with it.
His head was under the bonnet for quite a long time. Then a
young man ran to his car and started pulling off one of the red lights at
the back. Of course, Mr. Basuki was very surprised, put his head up,
stared at the young man, and shouted angrily, “What are you doing?!”
72 English for SMK Grade X
The young man answered, “You can steal the pieces at the front.
I’m going to take the ones at the back.”
(Adapted from Bahasa Inggris Teknologi Industri 2)
Activity 38 Find the antonym of the underlined words
and rewrite the text.
Smart and quiet behaviour in the workplace can cause
serious or even fatal accidents. Behaviour like this is called
horseplay. If you interfere with the work of others or make
practical joking, it can also be very safe. Horseplay, running,
and throwing objects in the workplace are good work habits
and can cause accidents.
Bad work habits keep a workplace dangerous. A dangerous
worker is messy in his habits. He keeps a messy bench and a
messy store. The floor around the bench or machine is never
dirty. He always puts rubbish and waste into the wrong bins.
In this way, he prevents obstruction of fire.
A dangerous worker does not wait for accident to
happen. He never takes actions after they happen. If he sees
some oil on the floor, he does not leave it there. Somebody
may slip on that oil and so he wipes it up.
He does not leave tools lying around or on top of machines.
Tools can fall into the moving parts of a machine. The machine
may be damaged, or the operator may be badly injured.
The dangerous worker does these things through habits.
As he works, he is thinking of the safety. He is trying to
remove the safety. He is thinking not only of himself, but
also of his fellow workers.
(Taken from Bahasa Inggris Teknologi Industri 2)
Activity 39
1. Write a paragraph about the schedule of your activities,
covering time, days, dates.
2. You want to fly to Medan. You go to the travel agent to
get a ticket and some information about the flight. Write
a dialogue between you and the agent.
Forgive Me, I’m Terribly Sorry… 73
When we did something that hurts or inconveniences
another person, we usually apologize. The function of
apology is to show regret for the wrong action and to offer
an explanation.
Unit 4
Learning Outcomes
Section One
Students will be able to produce simple expressions that cover base
language function, they are expressions of:
1. showing regret, apology, sympathy, and expressing feeling.
2. asking for and giving permission,
3. command, request, and offering things or services.
Activity 1 Listen to your teacher and repeat these
1. I would like to apologize for being late to class.
2. It’s OK this time. Please be on time in the future.
3. Yes, I will. Thank you, sir.
4. We’re sorry to have the meeting here.
5. That’s all right, we completely understand.
6. Sorry, I forgot to bring your magazine back.
7. No problem, I have finished reading it.
8. I’m sorry to hear that, please accept my condolence.
74 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 2 Listen to your teacher and practice these
dialogues aloud in pairs.
1. In a classroom
Edo : Good morning, sir.
Mr. Kuncoro : Morning, Edo.
Edo : I would like to apologize for being late
to class.
Mr. Kuncoro : Why do you come late?
Edo : My motorbike had a flat tyre on the way
to school.
Mr. Kuncoro : It’s OK this time. Please be on time in
the future.
Edo : Yes, I will. Thank you, sir.
2. In a meeting.
Manager : We’re sorry to have the meeting here. We
know that it’s not comfortable here, but we
have no choice. The meeting room is being
Guest : That’s all right, we completely understand .
Manager : Thank you.
3. In classroom
Lisa : Sorry, I forgot to bring your magazine back.
Ani : No problem, I have finished reading it and
you may give it back to me next time.
Lisa : Thanks.
4. At school.
Iwan : I saw someone pick you up at school
yesterday. Who was he?
Adi : Oh, he’s my uncle. He told me that my mother
had just passed away. Then he asked me to
go home.
Iwan : I’m sorry to hear that, please accept my condolence.
Adi : Thanks.
Forgive Me, I’m Terribly Sorry… 75
Activity 3 Complete these dialogues and practice them
with your partner.
1. In a restaurant.
Girl : I’d like some vanilla ice cream, please.
Waiter : I ____________. We don’t have any
vanilla left.
Girl : Then I’ll have some strawberry, please.
Waiter : I’m sorry, Miss. _________________
strawberry, either.
Girl : Then, ___________ have?
Waiter : Only chocolate and orange.
Girl : I’ll have chocolate please.
2. In an office.
Supervisor : You sent me a message yesterday that you
couldn’t come to office. But you didn’t
explain the reason. What ___________?
Staff : I _________, I didn’t mean to
underestimate you, but I have no time to
explain it. I was in a hurry to take my father
to hospital. He suddenly had a heart attack.
Supervisor : I _____________________. I hope
he’ll get better soon.
3. In classroom.
Hendra : What’s up, buddy? You __________.
Aldo : I’ve scratched Gading’s new mobile phone.
Hendra : Oh, that’s too bad. Did you pay for the
Aldo : No, he has forgiven me, but I _____ guilty myself.
Activity 4 Answer the following questions.
1. What will you do if you damage someone`s property?
2. What do you say to show your regret?
3. Will you pay for the damage?
4. What other situations should someone apologize?
76 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 5 Practice this dialogue with your partner.
Read this dialogue and answer the questions below.
Randy : Hello, Randy’s speaking. Can I speak to Marni?
Marni : Yes, it’s me, Randy. Did you get home all right
last night?
Randy : Yes, thank you. I just want to apologize for the
incident last night.
Marni : Please don’t mention it. It doesn’t matter.
Randy : But I broke a decorating pitcher in your house.
It must be expensive.
Wasn’t your mother angry?
Marni : Forget it. You did it accidentally.
Randy : Yes, but …
Marni : Look. It’s nothing. I was a bit annoyed last night,
but I’m all right now. So, forget it.
Randy : Marni, let me buy another pitcher …
Marni : No, Randy. Listen to me, you did it accidentally.
I don’t want to hear about it anymore.
Randy : All right. I’m terribly sorry about that.
Marni : It’s all right.
Activity 6 Answer the questions based on the dialogue
1. Where does the conversation take place?
2. Why does Randy call Marni?
3. Did Randy break the property deliberately?
4. Does he regret for what he did?
5. Does Marni accept his apology?
6. What did Marni feel last night?
7. Will Randy buy another pitcher next day?
8. Mention the two expressions to apologize stated in the
Forgive Me, I’m Terribly Sorry… 77
Language Function:
Apologizing and Expressing Sympathy
Activity 7 Study the following explanation.
A. Apologizing
Here are the expressions used to apologize and their responses
(from the more formal to less formal expression):
B. Expressing Sympathy
The words “I’m sorry” are also used to express sympathy,
such as in: “I’m sorry to hear that your brother was badly
injured in that accident.”
Forgive me. I’m terribly sorry about …
Please accept my apology for …
Please excuse … (e.g., my cat)
I would like to apologize for …
I apologize for …
I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to …
I’m sorry that …
That’s quite all right
I completely understand
You don’t need to apologize.
Oh, that’s all right. It can happen to
It’s not your fault.
Don’t worry about it
It’s OK
No problem.
Forget it.
Expressing sympathy
􀀹 I’m sorry to hear that.
􀀹 That’s
􀀹 How
􀀹 What
a pity.
too bad.
a pity.
a nuisance.
78 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 8 Work in pairs. Student A apologizes to his
partner for the following situation. Student
B responds it. Then, change roles.
1. bump into someone on a bus
2. spill a hot drink on someone’s hand
3. not able to come to his friend’s party
4. not able to return money that he borrowed
5. dial a wrong number
Activity 9 Work in pairs. One student says his illness
or misfortune from the following sentences,
and another student expresses sympathy.
Then, change roles.
1. I’ve got a bad cold.
2. Our team lost in the basketball competition.
3. I failed my competency test.
4. I broke my leg when playing volleyball.
5. I’ve lost my mobile phone in an art exhibition.
An adjective is used to describe how someone feels. There are
many adjectives we can use, such as: angry, confident, happy,
sad, etc.
Look at these sentences.
􀀣 The teacher is angry.
􀀣 He feels confident.
􀀣 They are happy.
􀀣 You look sad.
Activity 10 Listen to your teacher and fill in the blank
with the words you hear.
1. I was _______ with the service.
2. I’m very _______ and ________ that I will fail
in this interview.
3. Seeing a _______ man like him makes me down.
Forgive Me, I’m Terribly Sorry… 79
4. Anyway, feeling _______ won’t help us now. So, be
_______ !
5. He is ________ in answering some the questions.
Activity 11 Read this dialogues. Find words related to
feeling and underline them.
1. In a job interview.
Bram : Look at the one who is being interviewed. He
is very confident in answering all the
questions. I think he has a job experience
before this.
Joni : Maybe you’re right. The way he appears and
he acts shows that he has a lot of job experience.
By the way, how is your feeling now?
Bram : To tell the truth, I’m very nervous and
worried that I will fail in this interview. You
see, I haven’t had a job experience at all.
Joni : So am I. Seeing a confident man like him
makes me down. I feel that my performance
is much worse than his.
Bram : Anyway, feeling pessimistic won’t help us now.
So, be optimistic!
Joni : Good idea!
2. In a restaurant.
Indah : What do you think of the service in the
restaurant last Sunday?
Galang : I was satisfied with the service. The food was
delicious and I was impressed by the
Indah : How come?
Galang : They are not only friendly, but also pretty.
Indah : Ummph! That’s just like a man!
80 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 12 Complete these dialogues with the adjectives
of feeling and practice them with your partner.
1. At work.
Bagus : You look __________ today, what’s the
good news?
Melly : I’ve got back all my money and ID cards.
Bagus : Do you mean that you lost your wallet
Melly : Yes, I lost it yesterday. I was ______ and
couldn’t sleep all night last night.
Fortunately, a taxi driver returned my wallet
this morning.
How _____ I am!
2. In a classroom
Edy : Do you know why Anton looks __ today?
Lukman : As I know, he cheated in the test yesterday
and the teacher knew it.
Edy : What happened later?
Lukman : The teacher was ___________ at him.
Edy : What about Anton?
Lukman : He was very ________ because this is
the first time he made the mistake. He
admitted that he was wrong and promised
not to do it again.
3. On the telephone.
Astri : Hello, Andi. I‘ve been waiting you for an
hour. I`m getting ______ now. Where
are you?
Andi : I’m _________, I forget that I have an
appointment with you.
Astri : You said that waiting is boring. But why do
you let it happen again and again?
Andi : Sorry, I promise that I won’t make you
wait again. I will always make a reminder
on my mobile phone, so I won’t miss any
appointment anymore.
Be ______, Sweety. I’m coming soon.
Forgive Me, I’m Terribly Sorry… 81
Activity 13 Complete the sentences with suitable
adjectives in the box
1. The teacher was … at Toni because he didn’t do his
2. My friend felt … when she got a flower stalk from her
3. The little child was … enough to kill a snake himself at the
4. Mr. Andrew felt very … because finally he got his
promotion for the higher position.
5. My parents are … of me because I become the first model
student in my school this year.
6. At first, I was attracted by the title of the film, but then I
was … of the poor plot of the story.
7. Meisya feels … every time she watches horror film.
8. Ms. Tuti felt … when her daughter came home late last night.
9. Actually, Dewi was … in cooking, but her boss hired her
in front office.
10. He got ... when he was called to go ahead in front of the classroom.
Adjectives ending in –ed and –ing
Activity 14 Study the following explanation.
Look at these sentences:
􀀹 I was attracted by the title of the film.
􀀹 You said that waiting is boring.
􀀹 I was satisfied with the service because it is satisfying.
The bold typed words are adjectives which are ending in
–ed and –ing. Adjectives ending in –ed show the result of
feeling towards something, while adjectives ending in –ing
show that something cause or affect people in a certain way.
It can be understood from this example.
- Agus was disappointed with the hotel service (Agus
feels disappointed because of the service).
- The hotel service is disappointing (the hotel service
causes Agus disappointed).
frightened nervous disappointed surprised interested
happy worried brave proud angry
82 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 15 Work in pairs. Construct and perform dialogs
with the following model using the words
provided. Then, take turn.
- Question : confused / confusing explanation.
Yeni : I’m confused.
Tono : May I know why?
Yeni : The explanation is confusing.
1. satisfied / satisfying service.
2. embarrassed / embarrassing action.
3. worried / worrying situation.
4. excited / exciting experience.
5. depressed / depressing exam.
6. tired / tiring trip.
7. disappointed / disappointing performance.
8. exhausted / exhausting job.
9. shocked / shocking news.
10. disgusted / disgusting bathroom.
Adjective Set Expressions
Activity 16 Study the following explanation.
Read these sentences.
The man looks angry.
The children feel shy.
The woman seems confident.
The words looks, feel, seems are called linking verbs. Some
adjectives may come after them.
These are the other common verbs which are followed by
Forgive Me, I’m Terribly Sorry… 83
Activity 17 Work in pairs to construct dialogs with the
words provided.
Example :
Question : seem / happy / gets a big prize.
Dialogs :
Yeni : Look! Amel seems happy.
Tono : How do you know?
Yeni : She gets a big prize.
1. look / beautiful / wear a long gown.
2. seem / confident / have a job experience.
3. turn / happy / get back his lost wallet.
4. seem / ill / hear a bad news.
5. look / annoyed / wait too long.
Grammar Review:
Subject and Verb Agreement
Activity 18 Study the sentences carefully.
􀀹 I am happy to see you.
􀀹 John is happy to see you.
􀀹 We are happy to see you.
􀀹 The idea sounds great.
􀀹 The ideas sound great.
Activity 19 Choose the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. The classroom ( get, gets ) quiet when the teacher comes
2. Most men ( am , is, are ) excited at football matches.
3. Roses ( smell, smells ) fragrant when they are fresh.
4. My sister and I ( am, is, are ) frightened when walking in
the darkness
5. The chair ( look, looks ) comfortable to sit on.
6. I don’t like motorist gangster because their actions ( am,
is, are ) embarrassing.
7. Every plant ( grow, grows ) higher day by day.
8. Hendra ( am, is, are ) sad when he gets a bad mark in
English test.
9. The fried rice ( taste, tastes ) very good when it is hot.
10. Some students ( am, is, are ) depressed during final exam
84 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 20 Listen to your teacher and repeat these
1. I wonder if I could work in pairs to do this task.
2. Sorry, but it’s an individual task. You must do yourself.
3. Do you mind if I ask you a question?
4. No, certainly not.
5. Is it all right if I smoke?
6. I’d rather you didn’t.
7. May I borrow it, please?.
8. Of course, but don’t forget to return it to me.
Activity 21 Listen to your teacher and practice these
dialogues in pairs.
1. In a classroom, the students are doing mathematic task.
Student : Excuse me, Sir. I wonder if I could work in
pairs to do this task.
Teacher : Sorry, but it’s an individual task. You must
do yourself.
Student : All right, but may ask a question?
Teacher : What it is about?
Student : What formula should I use for number 3?
Teacher : Sorry, but you have to think it yourself.
2. In a waiting room.
Man : I’m getting nervous. Is it all right if I smoke?
Woman : I’d rather you didn’t. I feel dizzy when
people smoke around me.
Man : Well, I’ll walk around for a moment then.
3. In a classroom.
Hasan : Do you have a pencil?
Erni : Yes.
Hasan : May I borrow it, please?
Erni : Of course, but don’t forget to return it to me.
Hasan : Yes, I’ll use it for a moment.
Section Two
Forgive Me, I’m Terribly Sorry… 85
Activity 22 Complete these dialogues and practice them
with your partner.
1. In the living room, a father is watching news on
Son : Dad, do ________ if I turn down the volume
of the television? It’s too noisy that I can’t
concentrate on studying in my room.
Father : ________, I don’t know that you’re still
studying. Good luck, Son.
Son : Thank you, Dad.
2. At the office
Mr. Santoso : ______ go home now, please?
Mr. Agung : __________ you can’t. Just stay for a
couple of minutes. We almost finish our
work today.
Mrs. Wati : What about me? I’ve finished my work.
May ______ now, please? I want to
attend the evening lecture.
Mr. Agung : ____________ you can.
3. At school park.
Tommy : Hi, Maria, _______ sit beside you?
Maria : ____. Have a seat please.
Tommy : Thank you. And is that your new magazine?
Maria : Yes, it is.
Tommy : Do __________________ it?
Maria : Sorry, _________finished reading it yet.
Tommy : It’s OK. Thanks
86 English for SMK Grade X
Language Function:
Expressions used for asking for and giving permission.
Activity 23 Study the following explanation.
Here are expressions of asking for and giving permission,
and refusing permission as well.
Asking for Permission
I wonder if I could …
Do you mind if I …
Is it all right if I …
May I …
Could I ….
Can I …
Refusing Permission
Well, actually I’d rather you
I’d rather you didn’t
I’m sorry, but ….
I’m afraid you can’t. …
Sorry, but …
Giving Permission
By all means
Not at all
Go ahead
Be aware of responding the question “Do you mind if …?”.
If we want to grant/give permission, the response includes
“No / Not “, such as: “No, help yourself”, “Certainly not”.
Activity 24 Complete these dialogues by choosing the
appropriate clauses.
1. Pasha : Can I speak to you after class?
Erna : Sorry, ______________________.
2. Agus : _________________________?
Anis : Sorry, but you have to do the homework
Forgive Me, I’m Terribly Sorry… 87
3. Man : Do you mind ___________?
Woman : No, go ahead.
4. Rian : I wonder if I ____________________?
Maria : By all means
5. Guest : Do you mind if I ask another glass of tea?
Host : ______________ yourself.
• Could I copy your homework
• but I have to join English extracurricular
• could use your telephone
• if I sit here
• I wonder if I could
• Certainly not. Help
Activity 25 Answer the following questions.
1. Do you often ask for permission to others?
2. What permission have you ever asked?
3. Have another person asked for a permission to you?
4. Did you grant the permission at that time?
5. Write one expression to grant and another one to refuse
Activity 26 Read the following story.
I was on a train the other day, traveling
from Jakarta to Surabaya. I was sitting a
half-full compartment, and wanted to read
the last chapter of Agatha Christie’s “The
Orient Express”. Suddenly, a woman came
in and said. “Excuse me. Is this seat taken?”.
“No”, I answered briefly. Usually I like to
talk with people, but not this time. I wanted
to finish reading the book and find out who
the murderer was. “Do you mind if I
88 English for SMK Grade X
smoke?” said the woman. At first I wanted to say, “Well, I
feel sick when people smoke. Can you find another seat?”.
But of course, I smiled a charming smile and said, “Yes,
certainly”. I still have not finished that last chapter and still
don’t know who the murderer was. You see, I am unfortunately
one of those people who find it difficult to say “No” to
expressions like “May I …”, “Do you mind if I …”, or “Is it
alright if I …”. The trouble is that when I hear those magic
words, I just don’t have the courage to refuse. Well, what do
you say to those difficult questions?
(adapted from Gateway2; English for Communication, 1990)
Activity 27 Answer the questions based on the story above.
1. Was the writer having a trip by a public transportation?
2. Did he talk much with the woman?
3. Did he refuse permission to sit for the woman?
4. Do you think the writer was friendly enough?
5. Was Agatha Christie a train passenger or a book author?
6. Did the writer like or hate smoking?
7. Where did the writer want to go?
8. What did the woman ask the second permission for?
Modal Auxiliaries
Activity 28 Study the following explanation.
We ask for a permission with can and may in the form of a
yes/no question sentence. Study the following chart.
May is more polite and formal than can.
Base form of verb
your bike?
Forgive Me, I’m Terribly Sorry… 89
This is a non-smoking section.
There is a “No Smoking” sign.
I feel sick when people smoke.
Activity 29 Make sentences with “Can I”, “Can we” ,
“May I”, or “May we” and then you give or
refuse permission by saying: “Yes, you can”
or “No, I’m afraid you can’t.”
Rafi wants to sleep early.
Rafi : Can I sleep early?
You : No, I’m afraid you can’t.
1. Bambang wants to use your pen.
Bambang : __________________________?
You : __________________________.
2. Ani and Rita want to borrow your motorbike.
Ani : ___________________________?
You : ___________________________.
3. Dodi wants to go home now.
Dodi : __________________________?
You : __________________________.
4. Edi and Hendra want to smoke at school.
Edi and Hendra : _______________________?
You : ______________________.
5. Ali wants to use your computer.
Ali : __________________________?
You : __________________________.
Activity 30 Work in pairs. Use the cues below to ask
and refuse permission. Refuse with different
reason each time.
90 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 31 Close your book. Listen to your teacher and
repeat these expressions.
1. Don’t drive too fast.
2. Don’t worry!
3. Watch out!
4. Calm down.
5. Would you mind helping me for a minute?
6. Of course.
7. Could you hold this package?
8. I’d be glad to.
Activity 32 Listen to your teacher and practice these
dialogues in pairs.
1. John and Martha are riding motorbike to school.
Martha : John, don’t drive too fast.
John : I’m sorry but we must get to school on time.
Otherwise we’ll get a punishment.
Martha : Yes, I know, but it’s dangerous. The traffic
is too heavy.
John : Don’t worry! Just hold the side handles
tightly and you will be safe.
There’s just little petrol in it.
It’s being fixed.
There’s something wrong with the brake.
It’s drizzle now.
You are broke.
There are too much homework to do.
I have to study.
It’s time to sleep. It will disturb other
people at home.
Borrow your motorbike
Ask you to go out
Call you at night
Section Three
Forgive Me, I’m Terribly Sorry… 91
Martha : OK, … Watch out! Oh my god! You almost
hit another motorbike.
John : Calm down. You’re making me nervous.
2. At the front door of an office.
Toni: Would you mind helping me for a minute,
Abadi : Of course, what do you want me to do?
Toni : Could you hold this package while I look for
the key to the door?
Abadi : I’d be glad to. What’s in this package? It’s
extremely heavy.
Toni : It’s just office stationeries for our activities.
Abadi : Well, hurry up and open the door. I told you
this thing was very heavy.
Toni : I can’t find the key. You must have it.
Abadi : You’re right, but how can I get the key while
I’m holding this big package?
Activity 33 Complete these dialogues with the clauses or
sentences provided below them. Then, practice
them with your partner.
1. At the front office.
Guest : Good morning. Can I meet Mr. Abdul?
Assistant : _______________. __________ to
fill in the guest book on the table.
I’ll check if he is available.
(after some minutes)
Assistant : _________ sir. I’ll take you to his room.
Guest : Sure, thank you.
2. At a restaurant.
Ben : _____________ the salt, Alice?
Alice : Sure, anything else?
Ben : In fact, I need more sauce.
Alice : Tom, _______ the waiter?
Tom : Waiter! __________ more sauce, please?
Waiter : I’d be glad to.
􀂃 Don’t forget 􀂃 Please have a seat
􀂃 Follow me 􀂃 Would you pass me
􀂃 Could you bring us 􀂃 Can you call
92 English for SMK Grade X
Language Function:
Command and Request
Activity 34 Study the following explanation.
A command has an understood subject (you) and the
verb is in the base form. In the negative, “don’t” precede
the base of the verb. Please can be added at the beginning or
at the end to make it polite.
The request sentences usually use these patterns:
Activity 35 Use the cues given to make commands.
For Example:
Tidy / rug / living room.
The command : Please tidy the rug in the living room.
1. tidy / books / room .
2. empty / basket / kitchen.
3. vacuum / carpet / living room.
Follow me.
Calm down.
Look ahead.
Be careful.
Don’t drive too fast.
Don’t go.
Don’t be late.
All right.
Yes, I will.
Can you …
Could you …
Will you …
Would you …
Would you mind …
(V-ing) …
I’d be glad to.
Forgive Me, I’m Terribly Sorry… 93
4. clear up / table / dining room.
5. wash / dishes / kitchen.
6. clean / the stove / kitchen.
7. scrap / floor / bathroom
8. repair / water tap / bathroom
9. water / plants / front yard.
10. cut / grass / front yard.
Grammar Focus:
Modal Auxiliaries
Activity 36 Study the following explanation.
The modals can, could, will, and would appear in questions
with you, to make polite request.
Activity 37 Use the cues in activity 35 no. 1-5 to make
dialogues including requests and their
For Example:
Tidy / rug / living room.
The model Could you tidy the rug in the living room?
Certainly / I’d be glad to.
Auxiliary You Base form of verb Object/adverb Please
turn on
me your raincoat
the fan
me your address
Auxiliary You Mind V-ing Object
Would you mind helping me?
turning off the television?
94 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 38 Use the cues in activity 35 no. 6-10 to make
dialogs including requests and their
For Example:
wash / dishes / kitchen
The model Would you mind washing dishes in the kitchen?
Certainly not. I’ll do it soon.
Activity 39 Answer the following questions.
Mention the commands or requests your parents usually
say to you.
1. ______________________________________.
2. ______________________________________.
3. ______________________________________.
4. ______________________________________.
5. ______________________________________.
Activity 40 Read the following story.
Hendra’s parents were spending two nights in out of
town. They left Hendra a note telling to do many things. He
must water the plants every afternoon. He must wash his
and his sister’s clothes and iron the school uniform. At night,
he must not forget to turn on the lights. His parents also told
him to lock the doors at the bed time. He must pay the the
newspaper boy on Sunday morning, and he may not buy a
new magazine. They wanted him to pick them up at the
station on Sunday at 3:00 p.m. He must not come later than
3:15 p.m.
Activity 41 Answer these questions based on the story
1. How long were Hendra’s parents going away?
2. How did they request Hendra to do some jobs?
3. What must he do at night?
4. When must he lock the doors?
5. Where would he pick his parents up?
Forgive Me, I’m Terribly Sorry… 95
Activity 42 From the story above, rewrite the commands
which Hendra’s parents wrote. First command
has been done for you as an example.
1. Water the plants every afternoon.
2. __________________________________.
3. __________________________________.
4. __________________________________.
5. __________________________________.
6. __________________________________.
7. __________________________________.
8. __________________________________.
9. __________________________________.
Activity 43 You will study expressions of offering things
or services. Listen to your teacher and repeat
these expressions.
1. Shall I call a doctor?
2. Shall I get you an aspirin?
3. No, thanks. I don’t like taking medicine.
4. Would you like me to close the window?
5. No, thank you. I’ll close it later.
6. Would you like a hot orange juice warm your body?
7. Oh yes, I’d love to.
8. Would you like me to bring you a blanket?
Activity 44 Listen to your teacher and practice these
dialogues in pairs.
1. At home.
Mr. Hermawan : What’s the matter with you,
Mrs. Hermawan : I’ve got a cold, I think. I’ve been
sneezing all day since I woke up.
Mr. Hermawan : Shall I call a doctor?
Mrs. Hermawan : Oh, no, it’s not bad enough for that.
I don’t need the doctor.
Mr. Hermawan : Well, how about an aspirin? Shall I
get you an aspirin?
Mrs. Hermawan : No, thanks. I don’t like taking
96 English for SMK Grade X
2. At home.
Lusi : Are you cold, Mom? You are
trembling. Would you like me to
close the window?
Mrs. Hermawan : No, thank you. I’ll close it later.
Lusi : OK. Would you like a hot orange
juice to warm your body?
Mrs. Hermawan : Oh yes, I’d love to.
(after a while…)
Lusi : Here is the juice Mom. Would you
like me to bring you a blanket?
Mrs. Hermawan : No. I’m feeling much better now.
The orange juice is very good.
Activity 45 Complete these dialogues with appropriate
expressions and practice them with your
1. In a classroom.
Student : Would _________ clean the blackboard?
Teacher : ___, please.
Student : ____________ some chalks?
Teacher : Oh, ______.
Student : You’re welcome, Sir.
2. At Joana’s house.
Darmawan : What’s the matter, Joana?
Joana : I’m not ______________.
Darmawan : _________ the doctor?
Joana : No, I don’t need the doctor.
Darmawan : _______ go for a walk?
Joana : _________ a good idea.
Activity 46 Answer the following questions.
Mention offers you usually propose to your friend.
􀀣 Offering a lift to school.
􀀣 ___________________________________.
􀀣 ___________________________________.
􀀣 ___________________________________.
􀀣 ___________________________________.
Forgive Me, I’m Terribly Sorry… 97
Activity 47 Practice this dialogue with your partner.
Grace : Harry, what shall we do this afternoon?
Harry : Do?
Grace : Yes, what shall we do? To celebrate.
Harry : We… we…
Grace : To celebrate our wedding anniversary.
Harry : Oh yes.
Grace : Shall we go and see a film?
Harry : A film?
Grace : Yes, shall we go to the cinema?
Harry : Er… no… I don’t like the cinema.
Grace : Shall we go to a restaurant?
Harry : Er… no, no, no. We can eat at home.
Grace : Shall we go to a concert?
Harry : There’s a lot of good music on the radio.
Grace : Well, shall we go out by car?
Harry : Think of the price of petrol!
Grace : Shall we go for a walk? That’s free.
Harry : No. I’m too tired to go for a walk.
Grace : Well, shall we stay at home?
Harry : Stay at home?
Grace : Yes, shall we stay at home?
Harry : On our anniversary! Stay at home on our
anniversary! Why don’t we go out and enjoy
Grace : Harry…
Activity 48 Answer the questions based on dialogues
1. What does Grace want to do with his husband?
2. What is her first offer to him?
3. Why doesn`t Harry want to go to a concert?
4. How many offers does Grace propose?
5. Do you think that Grace is disappointed?
98 English for SMK Grade X
Language Function:
Offering Things
Activity 49 Study the following chart.
Activity 50 Write expressions of making and accepting
offers and then practice them with your partner.
Follow this model
A : Shall I type you the letter ?
B : Yes please.
1. Shall I …………….?
2. Would you like me
3. Would you like ………
Refusing an Offer
I’m sorry I can’t. I have to …
Oh, I’d love to, but I don’t
think I can’t. It’s all right.
I can …
Accepting an Offer
Oh yes, I’d love to.
That sounds nice.
That’s very kind of you.
Oh, thank you. Yes, please.
Forgive Me, I’m Terribly Sorry… 99
Use the pictures below:
Modal Auxiliaries
Activity 51 Study the following explanation.
To make offering, we usually use modal shall and would.
Base form
of verb
to join
to go?
a drink?
an umbrella?
a medicine?
to movie?
to close the
to turn on
the air
1. Have some tea. 2. Have a snack. 3. Give someone a lift.
4. Push the car. 5. Get you a medicine
100 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 52 Do the same thing as activity 50. Use the
picture and follow the following model.
A : Would you like me to type the letter?
B : Oh, thanks. That’s very kind of you.
Activity 53 Work in pairs. Write the right expressions on
the blanks based on these dialogue cues.
Then, role play the dialogue with your
Situation : Your close friend has just arrived from a visit
to his/her relatives in Kalimantan.
On the next day, you come to his/her house.
Your close friend
1. Returns greeting.
“ ...................................................”
2. Says he/she did, and thank him/
“ ...................................................”
3. Says how long he/she spent time
“ ...................................................”
4. Refuses, thanks and tells him/her
that he/she is still tired.
“ ...................................................”
5. Accepts and thanks him/her.
“ ...................................................”
6. Says alright.
“ ...................................................”
7. Says good bye.
“ ...................................................”
1. Greet his/her.
“.. Hi. How have you been?..”
2. Ask if he/she enjoyed his/her
“ ............................................”
3. Ask how long he/she paid a
visit there.
“ ............................................”
4. Change a new topic, offer
him/her to go out somewhere
this evening.
“ ............................................”
5. Offer him/her to go out
somewhere next weekend.
“ ............................................”
6. Say you’ll come to his/her
house next Saturday.
“ ............................................”
7. Say you have to go and good
“ ............................................”
The Students Are Studying In The Classroom 101
Unit 5
Learning Outcomes
Section One
1. Describing Present Activities
2. Describing Locations using Introductory There.
Activity 1 Look at the pictures, and observe the
sentences in Activity 2!
1 2 3
1. .
They are shaking hands
each other
Anissa is writing in her
They aren’t singing.
They are playing the
102 English for SMK Grade XI
Activity 2 Listen to your teacher and number the
4 5 6
Shanty isn’t playing the
violin. She’s watching
Are the mechanics
fixing a car now? Yes
they are.
Is Mr. Ahmad painting
the wall? No, he isn’t.
He’s painting the fence.
What are those people
doing? They’re having
What is the little girl
doing now? She’s crying.
7 8
The Students Are Studying In The Classroom 103
Activity 3 Listen to the teacher and practice this
Mr. Sumarto, the principal of the best vocational school
in town, is guiding some guests who are visiting his school.
Now they are in the machinery workshop.
Mr. Sumarto : Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the
machinery workshop. This is one of the
workshops that the school has. Please look
around this workshop. The students here are
doing the practice lesson. Do you see the
students at the corner? They are
smoothening some iron rods using files.
Guest 1 : Excuse me, Mr. Sumarto. Can I ask
Mr. Sumarto : Yes, please.
Guest 1 : What are the students near that door doing,
and why are they wearing masks?
Mr. Sumarto : Oh, they’re welding some metals. They’re
wearing masks to protect their face from
Guest 2 : And what are the students near the windows doing?
Mr. Sumarto : They’re operating a drilling machine.
They’re making holes on those metal plates.
104 English for SMK Grade XI
Guest 3 : And the students at the other corner. What
are they doing?
Mr. Sumarto : They’re sawing some iron bars using a
sawing machine.
Guest 4 : Who’s that man standing at the desk? What’s
he doing?
Mr. Sumarto : He’s Mr. Gunarso, the instructor. He’s
observing and supervising the students to
make sure that they’re doing their jobs
correctly and carefully. Ladies and
gentlemen, now we can go to the other
workshops and after that we go back to my
office and have lunch.
Guests : Okay sir.
Activity 4 Complete the table! Number 4 has been done
for you.
Subject Activity Equipment used
Mr. Sumarto
Some students
Students at the corner
Guest 1
Students near the door
Guest 2
Students near the
Guest 3
Students at the other
Mr. Gunarso
Smoothening iron rods files
The Students Are Studying In The Classroom 105
Activity 5 Ask and answer orally about the following
pictures! Consult your dictionary for new
Example (Picture 1):
A : What is he doing?
B : He’s brushing his teeth.
4 5 6
7 8
2 3
106 English for SMK Grade XI
Activity 6 Read the passage carefully!
Mr. Jasmani is a factory worker and Mrs. Jasmani is a
teacher. She teaches English in a vocational school in
Semarang. They have been home, and at the moment they
are relaxing with their family. Mr. Jasmani is sitting in a
sofa, watching some news on TV. Mrs. Jasmani is beside her
husband reading a woman magazine. Their son, Rifky, is
drawing on the computer. Their daughter, Ayu, is in her
bedroom. She is practicing a pop song with her piano. Their
other daughter, Susi, is in the kitchen now. She is preparing
her favourite instant noodle. Their other son, Rusbad, is in
the bathroom. He is taking a bath. Their pet, Meong the cat,
is in the yard running after a grasshopper, and Klinchy the
rabbit is chewing carrots in its cage.
Activity 7 Answer the questions!
1. What does Mr. Jasmani do?
2. What is Mrs. Jasman’s job?
3. What TV program is Mr. Jasmani watching?
4. Is Mrs. Jasmani reading a sport magazine?
5. Is Rifky playing games on the computer?
6. Where is Ayu practicing singing?
7. What is Susi doing in the kitchen?
8. Is Rusbad taking a bath or is he having dinner?
9. Who is running after a grasshopper?
10. Where is Klinchy?
Activity 8 Complete the following sentences with the
suitable words!
Example : Susi is preparing her favourite instant noodle
in the kitchen.
1. Rusbad is having a shower in the . . . .
2. The students are doing the practice lesson in the . . . .
3. The scientists are doing the experiment in the . . . .
4. The doctors are examining their patients in the . . . .
5. Joko and Budi are watching Harry Potter in the . . . .
6. Rini and Riska are having a swim in the . . . .
The Students Are Studying In The Classroom 107
7. They boys are playing football in the . . . .
8. Aminah is buying a book in the . . . .
9. Abidin is buying medicine in the . . . .
10. The Nurhadi family are having dinner in the . . . .
The present continuous is formed with the auxiliary verb be
(is, am, are) and the – ing form of the main verb.
1. Patterns
[is, am, are] + V-ing + C)
[is, am, are] + NOT +V-ing + C)
I am studying English now.
He is studying English now.
She is studying English now.
We are studying English now.
They are studying English now.
You are studying English now.
Am I studying English now?
(+) Yes, you are.
(-) No, you aren’t.
Is he studying English now?
(+) Yes, he is.
(-) No, he isn’t.
Is she studying English now?
(+) Yes, she is.
(-) No, she isn’t.
I am not studying English now.
He is not studying English now.
She is not studying English now.
We are not studying English now.
They are not studying English now.
You are not studying English now.
Are we studying English now?
(+) Yes, we are.
(-) No, we aren’t.
Are they studying English now?
(+) Yes, they are.
(-) No, they aren’t.
Are you studying English now?
(+) Yes, I am.
(-) No, I am not.
(BE [is, am, are] + S + V-ing + C + ?)
108 English for SMK Grade XI
2. Contractions
a. I am 􀃆 I’m
b. He is 􀃆 He’s
c. She is 􀃆 She’s
d. We are 􀃆 We’re
e. They are 􀃆 They’re
f. You are 􀃆 You’re
a. I am not 􀃆 I’m not
b. He is not 􀃆 He’s not / He isn’t
c. She is not 􀃆 She’s not / She isn’t
d. We are not 􀃆 We’re not / We aren’t
e. They are not 􀃆 They’re not / They aren’t
f. You are not 􀃆 You’re not / You aren’t
3. Spelling Problems
Infinitive Explanation
Verbs ending-e, drop the-e when they add-ing.
Verbs with one syllable, ending in one vowel
and one consonant, double the consonant when
they add-ing.
Verbs ending in-ie change the-ie to-y.
No changes
Verb – ing
The Students Are Studying In The Classroom 109
4. Usages
We use the present continuous to describe:
a. actions in progress at the present moment.
Tom, please answer the phone. I’m taking a bath now.
b. actions happening around now, even though not at the
moment of speaking.
We’re learning how to operate the newest computer.
Activity 11 (Pronunciation) Repeat after your teacher!
1. reading – riding
2. learning – leaning
3. laying – lying
4. coming – combing
5. raising – rising
6. shouting – shutting
7. looking – locking
8. working – walking
9. filling – feeling
10. planning – planing
Activity 10 Circle the correct spelling from each pair of
a) crying / cryng k) riding / rideing
b) cycling / cycleing l) siting / sitting
c) deciding / decideing m) stopping / stoping
d) diging / digging n) studying / studing
e) flying / flieing o) swiming / swimming
f) going / goeing p) takeing / taking
g) handling / handleing q) using / useing
h) having / haveing r) waiting / waitting
i) lieing / lying s) washeing / washing
j) readding / reading t) writing / writting
110 English for SMK Grade XI
Activity 11 Add – ing to each of the words below! Follow
the rules!
Activity 12 Make sentences! (Orally)
Example : the waiter / serve / the guest / now
• The waiter is serving the guest now.
1. he / deliver / the mails / now
2. astronauts / travel / the space / now
3. pilot / fly / the plane / now
4. mother / tell / a story / to my little brother / now
5. the dog / chase / the cat / now
6. the workers / build / a bridge / at the moment
7. I / interview / a famous artist / at the moment
8. Maman / post / the letter / now
9. the doctor / examine / the patient / at the moment
10. Fadhila / talk / to Pramasti / now
Verb – ing No. N0 Infinitive Verb – ing
The Students Are Studying In The Classroom 111
Activity 13 Change the sentences in Activity 4 into
negative! (Orally)
Example : the waiter / serve / the guest / now
• The waiter is not serving the guest now.
Activity 14 Change the sentences in Activity 4 into
interrogative! (Orally)
Example : the waiter / serve / the guest / now
• Is the waiter serving the guest now?
Activity 15 Make questions and answers! (In pairs,
Example :
1. Who 􀃆 Who are enjoying gudeg in the lesehan
restaurant now?
* The foreign tourists are.
2. What 􀃆 What are the foreign tourists doing in the
lesehan restaurant now?
* They are enjoying gudeg.
3. What 􀃆 What are the foreign tourists enjoying in the
lesehan restaurant now?
* Gudeg.
4. Where 􀃆 Where are the foreign tourists enjoying gudeg
* In the lesehan restaurant.
5. When 􀃆 When are the foreign tourists enjoying gudeg
in the lesehan restaurant?
* Now.
The foreign tourists are enjoying gudeg
(Who) (What) (What)
in the lesehan restaurant now.
Adv. of Place Adv. of Time
(Where) (When)
112 English for SMK Grade XI
Activity 16 Describe orally what the people in the
pictures are doing!
Activity 19 (Fluency Practice) Do these at speed!
Example :
Model : He’s working.
I : I’m working.
listen : I’m listening.
they : They’re listening.
wait : They’re waiting.
1. you 6. Fasya
2. she 7. eat
3. leave 8. they
4. we 9. I
5. the teacher 10. read
5 6
7 8 9
The Students Are Studying In The Classroom 113
Activity 18 (Fluency Practice) Do these at speed!
Model : He’s not working.
I : I’m not working.
listen : I’m not listening.
they : They’re not listening.
wait : They’re not waiting.
1. you 6. Luqman
2. she 7. taking a bath
3. football match 8. they
4. we 9. I
5. the teacher 10. read a novel
Activity 19 (Fluency Practice) Do these at speed!
Model : Is he working?
I : Am I working.?
listen : Am I listening?
they : Are they listening.?
wait : Are they waiting?
1. you 6. Fatma
2. she 7. write a letter
3. in the beach 8. Tony
4. go to 9. play solitaire
5. library 10. a video game
Activity 20 (Illustrative Situations) Read the text and
answer the questions!
Example: Karno Rano is a businessman. At the moment
he is in a plane on his way to Jakarta from
Jayapura. There is a cup of coffee in his right
hand, a smile on his face, and a beautiful woman
in front of him.
114 English for SMK Grade XI
Question: What is he doing?
Answers : 1. He’s flying to Jakarta.
2. He’s drinking a cup of coffee.
3. He’s smiling at a beautiful woman.
Text 1
Ms. Widiastuti is a teacher. She is in class now.
Question : What is she doing?
Text 2
Ricardo Kaka’ is a great football player. He is on the field
now, and everyone’s eyes are on him.
Question : What is he doing?
Text 3
Andika has a job in bank from 09.00 a. m. to 05.00 p.m.
It is 02.00 p. m. now and he is still in the bank.
Question : What is he doing?
Text 4
Mr. and Mrs. Yulianto are at a restaurant now. The steak
is very good and so is the orange juice.
Question : What are they doing?
Text 5
Komang and Rita like plays very much. They are at the
theatre now, and the actors are on the stage.
Questions : 1. What are Komang and Rita doing?
2. What are the actors doing?
Text 6
It’s a sunny Saturday, and everyone in Bambang’s
neighbourhood is outside today. Bambang is with his bicycle.
Daud, his next door neighbour, is near his car with a bucket of
water and a piece of cloth. Mr. Jauhari is on the lawn with a
sickle in his right hand. Some boys are in the yard with a
ball. Some girls are in the garden with their jerry-cans full of
water. It’s a nice day to be outside!
Questions :
1. What is Bambang doing?
2. What is Daud doing?
3. What is Mr. Jauhari doing
4. What are the boys doing?
5. What are the girls doing?
The Students Are Studying In The Classroom 115
Activity 21 Put the verbs in the correct form!
Conversation 1
A : Well, here’s the National Bank.
B : Is it? Wow, it’s a very great bank, isn’t it?
A : Yes, it is. It’s the biggest bank in town.
B : Oh look! What (1) __________ (that man / do) over
A : He (2) __________ (wait) for the bank to open.
B : But the banks (3) __________ (not open) on
Saturday afternoons. (4) __________ (you / think)
he’s a bank robber? Watch out! He (5) __________
(take) something out of his pocket. He (6)
__________ (walk) towards us.
C : Excuse me. Could you tell me the time, please?
(Taken from New Headway Intermediate)
Conversation 2
Rani : Hi Ririn. What (01) __________ (you / do)?
Ririn : Oh, hi Rani. I (02) __________ (pack) my
suitcase. I (03) __________ (leave) you and
this house.
Rani : But I (04) __________ (not / understand).
Where (05) __________ (you / go)?
Ririn : I (06) __________ (not / know). The only thing
I (07) __________ (know) is that Teguh (08)
__________ (meet) me at the airport at six
Rani : Good luck, then. Take care.
Ririn : Thanks, Rani.
(Adapted from New Headway Intermediate)
Activity 22
A. Write a paragraph describing what the people in your
classroom are doing right now!.
B. Make a short dialogue based on the following situations.
116 English for SMK Grade XI
1. You are a reporter. You want to interview a lifeguard at
Kuta Beach. You want to know what he is doing and
what the people in the beach are doing.
2. You are in your friend’s house. She’s preparing a birthday
party for her 5 year old son. All the guests are already
come but the party has not begun yet. You want to help
her and want to know what the guests are doing while
they are waiting for the party.
Most people in the world have a classroom, and they
have a lot of things in their classroom. The things can be
desks, boards, chairs, books, etc. What about you? Do you
have a classroom, too? What things are there in your
Activity 23 Fill in the bubbles.
Section Two
1 . there are
2 . 3. 4.
7 . 8. 9. 10.
6 .
In my classroom, ....
The Students Are Studying In The Classroom 117
Activity 24 Look at this picture and observe the
sentences in activity 27.
Activity 25 Listen to your teacher and repeat.
1. There’s a television on the cabinet.
2. There’re some drawers on the cabinet.
3. There’s a refrigerator beside the cabinet.
4. There are some books on the cabinet.
5. There’s a carpet between the sofa and the cabinet.
6. There’s a table lamp on the table.
7. There’s a vase on the table.
8. There isn’t a table between the sofa and the cabinet.
9. There aren’t any cushions on the sofa.
10. Is there an aquarium in the living room? Yes, there is.
11. Are there any armchairs in the living room? Yes, there
12. Is there a rubbish basket between the sofa and the table?
Yes, there is.
13. Are there any glasses on the table? No, there aren’t.
14. Is there a fan on the cabinet? No, there isn’t.
15. Is there a duster between the cabinet and the
refrigerator? Yes, there is.
118 English for SMK Grade XI
Activity 26 Listen to your teacher and practice this
Bella : Morning, Betty.
Betty : Morning, Bella.
Bella : Ready to guide the tourists around the island?
Betty : Of course. Hey, why aren’t you wearing your guide
Bella : I’m off today. By the way, how many tourists are
there in your bus?
Betty : There’re twenty five altogether.
Bella : Are there any tourists from Japan?
Betty : No, there aren’t any tourists from Japan.
Bella : Oh, very surprising. There’re usually a lot of tourists
from Japan.
Betty : Not in my bus. In Bayu’s bus, perhaps.
Bella : Is there a tourist from England?
Betty : Yes, one. And there’re some from Europe, five from
France and six from Germany.
Bella : But I expect that there’re some Australian tourists.
Betty : Yes, there are. Seven of them are from Australia.
There’re also three tourists from China and three
tourists from India.
Bella : Are there any tourists from Indonesia?
Betty : Of course not. I guide foreign tourists, remember?
Bella : Ups, sorry, I forgot. Okay Betty, have a nice tour.
Good luck!
Betty : Thanks Bella.
Activity 27 Answer these questions.
1. Who is Betty?
2. What is she going to do?
3. Is Bella a tour leader?
4. Are the tourists domestic or foreign tourists?
5. Where do you think the conversation take place?
The Students Are Studying In The Classroom 119
Activity 28 Complete the table.
Activity 29 Observe this picture.
120 English for SMK Grade XI
Activity 30 Ask and answer about the picture as the
examples. Use the prepositions in the boxs.
Examples :
1. (television / corner)
A : Is there a television?
B : Yes, there is.
A : Where is it?
B : It’s at the corner.
2. (fan)
A : Is there a fan?
B : No, there isn’t.
1. picture / wall 11. switch / picture
2. sofa 12. curtains / windows
3. remote control / table 13. socket / television
4. pillows / bed 14. vas / table
5. wardrobe / television 15. computer
6. newspaper 16. glasses
7. bolster / bed 17. telephone / small table
8. chairs / bed 18. table lamp
9. carpet / wardrobe 10. blanket / bed
Activity 31 Read the text carefully and answer the
Sport is very useful for our health. There are a lot of sports
we can do. The popular sports in our country are badminton,
football, boxing, volleyball, swimming, tennis, etc. Sometimes
we need money to do sports, but sometimes we do not need
money to do them. Not all people have enough money to spend
for sports. There are some cheap sports such as jogging, running,
and walking. All people can do jogging, running, or walking
without spending money. These sports are very good for young
and old people. Moreover people can do them everywhere and
every time they like. If we do jogging, running, or walking
at on beside in front of between behind above in
The Students Are Studying In The Classroom 121
regularly, we will be fresh and healthy all the time. There are
some sports we can do in a team, such as football, volleyball,
basketball, etc. While swimming, high jumping, long jumping
are done individually.
(Taken from Communicative and Meaningful English)
1. Are sports necessary for our body? Why?
2. Is jogging good for old people?
3. Do sports always need money?
4. Give examples of cheap sports.
5. Give examples of expensive sports.
6. When can we do jogging, running, or walking?
7. Where can we do jogging, running, or walking?
8. What sports are done in a team?
9. What sports are done individually?
10. What are the advantages of sports?
Activity 32 Complete the following sentences with the
suitable words.
Example : volleyball and basketball are done in a team.
1. Sports are very good for our . . . .
2. . . . . is usually done in a stadium.
3. . . . , high jumping, and long jumping are individual sports.
4. An example of an expensive sport is . . . .
5. Car racings and motorcycle racings are done in a . . . .
6. People usually do jogging in a . . . .
7. In volley ball, there are . . . players in one team.
8. . . . is a kind of sport that uses a shuttle cock.
9. A sport which uses a net, a small ball, a table is called . . . .
10. There are . . . players in one team of basketball.
122 English for SMK Grade XI
Describing Location Using There is ... / There are ...
1. For Uncountable Nouns, There is . . . is used.
Examples :
(+) There is milk in the bottle.
(-) There is not milk in the bottle.
(?) Is there milk in the bottle?
(+) Yes, there is.
(-) No, there isn’t.
2. How many . . . is for Countable Nouns and
How much . . . is for Uncountable Nouns.
Examples :
a. How many female students are there in this class?
There is one.
b. How many visitors are there in this meeting? There
are fifty.
Singular Plural
1 . There is a television in the
living room.
2. There is a drilling machine
in the workshop.
1. There is not a television in
the living room.
2. There is not a drilling
machine in the workshop.
1. Is there a television in the
living room?
(+) Yes, there is.
(-) No, there isn’t.
2. Is there a drilling machine in
the workshop?
(+) Yes, there is.
(-) Not, there isn’t.
1 . There are a lot of students
in the yard.
2. There are some computers in
the computer room.
1. There are not any students in
the yard.
2. There are not any computers
in the computer room.
1. Are there any students in the
(+) Yes, there are.
(-) No, there aren’t
2. Are there any computers in
the computer room?
(+) Yes, there are.
(-) No, there aren’t
The Students Are Studying In The Classroom 123
c. How much water is there in the bathtub? There is
a little.
d. How much oil is there in the drum? There is a lot.
3. Contractions
Affirmative Negative
There is – There’s There isn’t / There’s not
There are – There’re There aren’t / There’re not
Activity 33 Make sentences using the following words
Examples :
1. towel / bathroom
There is a towel in the bathroom.
2. some meat / fridge
There is some meat in the fridge.
3. some lathes / workshop
There are some lathes in the workshop.
1. calendar / wall
2. air conditioning / conference room
3. bolsters / hotel room
4. vase / desk
5. computers / office
6. spanners / toolbox
7. motorcycles / showroom
8. napkin / table
9. car / garage
10. water / bucket
11. kerosene / jerry can
12. money / my wallet
13. CD player / room
14. shirts / wardrobe
15. clock / wall
124 English for SMK Grade XI
Activity 34 Describe the pictures below orally
Example :
There is a ball under the chair.
1. Gambar sebuah
mobil di depan
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 9
The Students Are Studying In The Classroom 125
Activity 35 Study the following chart.
Jakarta International School
Grade 6 A
Activity 36 Make questions and answers based on the
chart orally.
Examples :
a. (Indonesia) 􀃆 Are there any students from Indonesia?
• Yes, there are three.
b. (England) 􀃆 Are there any students from England?
• No, there aren’t any.
1. Japan
2. Spain
3. Mexico
4. Holland
5. Korea
6. India
7. Singapore
8. Egypt
NO. Country Number of Students
126 English for SMK Grade XI
Activity 37 Make questions and answers based on the
chart orally.
a. (Indonesia) 􀃆 How many Indonesian students are
• There are three.
b. (England) 􀃆 How many English students are there?
• There aren’t any.
1. Japan 5. Korea
2. Spain 6. India
3. Mexico 7. Singapore
4. Holland 8. Egypt
Activity 38 (Fluency Practice) Do these at speed.
Example : There is a telephone on the table.
a. a calendar 􀃆 There is a calendar on the table.
b. on the wall 􀃆 There is a calendar on the wall.
c. pictures 􀃆 There are pictures on the wall.
d. calligraphies 􀃆 There are calligraphies on the wall.
1. There are three chairs in the room.
a. four sofas f. near the door.
b. three tables g. a doormat
c. a television h. shoes
d. beside the cupboard i. under the chair
e. a desk j. a ball
2. There isn’t a fan in the lobby.
a. an air conditioning f. on the table
b. in the hall g. books
c. desks h. on the bookcase
d. lamps i. a magazine
e. on the ceiling j. on the shelf
3. Are there any guests in the restaurant?
a. customers f. in the frames
b. in the bank g. on the wall
c. money h. pictures
d. in your wallet i. near the windows
e. photographs j. a clock
The Students Are Studying In The Classroom 127
4. How many visitors are there in the concert?
a. players
b. in a football team
c. costumes
d. in a festival
e. participants
5. How much sand is there in the bucket?
a. water
b. in the bottle
c. oil
d. in the drum
e. kerosene
Activity 39 Make sentences based on the situations
given, see the example.
Example :
You are eating in a restaurant. You see a fly in your
soup. You say to the waiter. “THERE’S A FLY IN MY
1. You and your friend are coming home late at night.
Suddenly you hear a voice from your house. You say to
your friend: _____________________________
2. You are talking to Mr. Bagus when you see a caterpillar
on his collar. You say to him: __________________
3. The custom officer notices two parcels in your luggage.
The parcels contain books. He asks you: “What are there
in the parcels?”
You answer: ____________________________
4. Yoyok and Andry are walking in the park on Saturday
evening. Yoyok sees three very beautiful birds in a tree.
He says to Andry: _________________________
5. You and your friend have a room in a student’s hostel.
You see two letters in your friend’s post box. You tell
him: _________________________________
128 English for SMK Grade XI
Activity 40 Put there is / there are / there isn’t / there
aren’t / is there / are there to complete the
conversation below.
Conversation 1
Yossy is a friend of Tunggul. He is telling Tunggul about
his new job in Jakarta.
Yossy : Jakarta is a long way away, of course, but the job
is really very good. (1). __________ many like
it in Semarang. In fact I don’t think (2).
__________ any at all.
Tunggul : Yes, but Jakarta! What (3). __________ in
Jakarta? Nothing!
Yossy : You forgot that (4). __________ a lot of
money there, money for people like me!
Tunggul : (5). __________ more in life than just
Yossy : (6). __________? What, for example?
Tunggul : Well . . . uh . . . uh . . . .
Yossy : Besides, what you say simply isn’t true! (7).
_______________a lot of things besides
money. (8). _________________a lot of
Tunggul : (9). __________ any culture in Jakarta,
(10). __________?
Yossy : (11). __________ a good Art Institute and
(12). __________ a lot of very good
universities in Jakarta.
Tunggul : (13). __________ any tradition there, now,
(14). __________?
Yossy : Of course (15). __________. You can see
Ondel – ondel, Tanjidor, Lenong, and many
Tunggul : But I think Semarang is much better than
Jakarta to live.
The Students Are Studying In The Classroom 129
Activity 41 Choose the correct words / phrases in the
box to complete the conversation below.
Conversation 2
You are visiting Yogyakarta for the first time. You have just
two days in Yogyakarta. You want to know what to do and
where to visit. You go to the tourist office and ask for some
Officer : Good morning, sir. (1) __________ I can help you?
You : Good morning. I would like some (2)
__________, please?
Officer : (3) __________, Sir.
You : I’m (4) __________ here for two days. What
can I see in two days?
Officer : As a matter of fact, two days isn’t very much,
but there are still (5) _____ things you can
You : What, for (6) __________?
Officer : Well, . . . let me see . . . .You can go to Keraton,
visit Prambanan Temple, Borobudur Temple and
have (7) __________ in Parangtritis beach.
You : That (8) __________ nice. How can I go
there and how long?
Officer : (9) __________ a lot of delmans that can
bring you to Keraton from here.
You : Delman? What is delman?
Officer : It’s a (10) __________ vehicle, a cart with
two or four wheels pulled by one or two horses.
You : Great. It seems that I’ll enjoy delman (11)
Officer : You will, sir.
You : And then, how can I go to other places as you
(12) __________ before?
Officer : In the Keraton area, there are a lot of cars you
can (13) __________ to Prambanan Temple.
It will take one and a half hours from here.
You : What can I have in Prambanan?
Officer : You will see the (14) __________ Hindus
temple in Indonesia. Not far from Prambanan,
you can go to Kota Gede, a silver (15) _______
130 English for SMK Grade XI
You : After from Kota Gede?
Officer : You can go to Parangtritis Beach to enjoy the
sunset. After that you can go back to
Yogyakarta to have gudeg for your (16)
______ in warung lesehan in Malioboro Street.
You : So, I have to go to Borobudur Temple the (17)
______, right?
Officer : Yes, Sir.
You : What can I see in Borobudur?
Officer : Borobudur is the greatest Buddhist temple in
the world. It takes about two hours from
Yogyakarta. There, you can buy a lot of (18)
You : (19) __________, how much should I pay
for renting a car for two days?
Officer : One million rupiahs, sir.
You : Well, thanks for your information. I’ll get a
delman to Keraton right now.
Officer : You’re welcome, Sir. Have a nice trip. (20)
Good luck! Anything very much By the way information
traditional souvenirs a lot of things mentioned the next day
instance There are rent dinner a sunset
biggest sounds handicraft only Certainly
1. What happened? Danny got an accident.
2. How did it happen? It happened very quickly.
3. When did it happen? It happened two hours ago.
4. Where did it happen? It happened in the workshop.
5. Why did it happen? It happened because he was
1. We use What to ask about one or more things.
2. We use How to ask about manners.
3. We use When to ask about time.
4. We use Where to ask about places.
5. We use Why to ask about reasons.
The Students Are Studying In The Classroom 131
Activity 42 Supply the correct question-words to the
1. . . . will the test begin? Next week.
2. . . . do you usually go to school? By bus.
3. . . . didn’t you go to work yesterday I was sick.
4. . . . will you go to for your holidays? Bali.
5. . . . will you do in Bali? Swim in Kuta Beach.
Activity 43 Give suitable responses to the following
1. What did you do last night?
2. Where did you spend your holidays?
3. When will you graduate from this school?
4. How did you do the English test?
5. Why didn’t you use that tool?
Activity 44 Match the question in coloumn A with their
answer in coloumn B.
Activity 45
a. Write a descriptive paragraph about your bedroom.
b. Make a short dialogue based on the following situations.
1. You are visiting your uncle in a village for the first time.
You have three days off. You do not know what to do
and where to go. You ask your uncle for information.
2. You want to buy a house. You go to the real estate agent and
ask for information about what things there are in the house.
1. Why were you absent last week? In the library.
2. Where’s Luqman? My uncle.
3. What’s he wearing? August 17.
4. Who’s Mr. Dahlan? A red T-shirt.
5. When’s your English class? At 08.30.
6. When’s our Independence Day? In Indonesia
7. Where’s Jakarta? I was sick.
132 English for SMK Grade XI
Look At That Sign! 133
Activity 1 Your teacher will dictate the meanings of
some signs and symbols. Write them down
below each picture
Unit 6
Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to understand:
1. traffic signs,
2. itinerary,
3. and menu.
Section One
________________ ________________ ________________
We see a lot of traffic signs along the way we pass.
The traffic signs will help drivers run their cars or
motorcycles orderly. Later, we can get to our destination
Traffic Signs
134 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 2 Study the signs on activity 1 and make a short
dialogue based on the model of an example
below. Then, practice it with your partner.
Use the cues below.
1. smoke here 6. drive so fast
2. park here 7. go straight ahead
3. turn around 8. take photograph
4. enter the road 9. touch anything
5. blow the horn. 10. go to left
________________ ________________ ________________
________________ ________________ ________________
Look At That Sign! 135
The model of the dialogue.
A : Don’t smoke here.
B : Why?
A : Look at that sign! It says “No Smoking”.
B : Oh, I see.
Activity 3 Make another short dialogue about the
previous signs and symbols with the following
A : What does that sign mean?
B : It means that you are not allowed to smoke here.
A : Oh, I see.
Activity 4 Match the symbols with the meanings. Write
them down on the provided spaces below.
The following story is told by Amel about her experience when
he was a child.
Once, my father took me to his office. When we got to
the office, we had to go up to the next floor. There were two
ways, one of them was on the left side with a symbol of ( 1 )
and another was by a lift. There was a symbol of ( 2 )
, by the lift doors. I was walking on a corridor when I
saw a symbol of ( 3 ) on the door of a room. Inside the
office room, I saw a symbol of ( 4 ) together with its
real tool below it. On another side of the wall, there was a
symbol of ( 5 ) on a box. I also saw a symbol of ( 6 )
You can modify the clause ... you are not allowed to …
With these clauses: - you are not permitted to
- it is prohibited to
- it is forbidden to
136 English for SMK Grade X
on an electronic device.
At noon, my father took me to the canteen. I saw a
symbol of ( 7 ) by the entrance of the canteen. I was
having lunch when someone entered a box room with a
symbol of ( 8 )
in the canteen. Then, I knew that the cantten served not only
meals and beverages, but also a telecommunication service.
After having lunch, I went to toilet and I entered a room
with a symbol of on its door.
On the way home, my father dropped in the gas station
and I saw a symbol of (10 ) there.
(1) = ___________________________________.
(2) = ___________________________________.
(3) = ___________________________________.
(4) = ___________________________________.
(5) = ___________________________________.
(6) = ___________________________________.
(7) = ___________________________________.
(8) = ___________________________________.
(9) = ___________________________________.
(10)= ___________________________________.
a fire extinguisher
smoking section
first aid
electrical hazard
public telephone
information center
Look At That Sign! 137
Activity 5 Read this passage. Rewrite the bold printed
phrases next to the pictures of traffic signs.
Amel also has an experience of the trip to Malang. Here is
the story.
When I was a student of elementary school, I went to
Malang for the first time. I went there with my family driving
my father’s car. I wondered to see many traffic signs along
the trip. The first sign which I saw was that drivers must
wear their seat belt. My father showed it to me while he
was explaining the meaning of it. When passing a school zone,
I found the second sign which meant a school crosswalk
ahead. Then, the car was running slowly when I saw a sign
of road work ahead. Some minutes later, I heard a bell,
saw flashing lights ahead and a sign of railway crossing
beside the road. Later, I saw a train pass. When we passed a
countryside, the road was hilly. There, I saw a sign of steep
hill ahead. There was also a sign of narrow bridge ahead
so my father drove the car slowly. I was very excited that I
could enjoy watching a panorama on the bridge.
Unfortunately, the rain fell and my father had to slow down
his car. There was a sign of road surface slippery when
wet. At the time we passed an arterial road, there was a sign
of the heavy trucks should use this roadway. As we
would get into a tunnel, there was a sign of underpass
ahead. The overhead clearance was 3.1 meters. Our car
swayed to left side when we passed a sharp curve to the right.
There, I saw a group of arrowhead signs along of the road.
As I remembered, the signs were often found in a game of
car race.
1. = _____________________.
2. = _____________________.
138 English for SMK Grade X
3. = _____________________.
4. = _____________________.
5. = _____________________.
6. = _____________________.
7. = _____________________.
8. = _____________________.
9. = _____________________.
10. = _____________________.
Look At That Sign! 139
Activity 6 Understand this passage from its context.
Draw the right traffic sign in the blank boxes.
Then write the meaning of the traffic signs
I was amazed that there were many traffic signs in the city.
Entering the city center, there was (1) . As I know,
it meant that the roadway was divided into two different
directions. My father drove rather slowly about 40 to 50
kilometer per hour because there was (2) . My father
had to stop the car when some people crossed the road because
there was (3) . The car ran more slowly to prepare
to stop after passing (4) . When we stopped, I saw
(5) that later we would pass a crossroad by turning
in a circle way. At one direction there was (6) , so
we didn’t pass the road. Then, I heard a noise of a plane flying
when I saw (7) . The picture of the plane pointed
140 English for SMK Grade X
the direction to the airport. After seeing (8) , we got
to the crossroad. There, I saw (9) . So, my father
drove the car straight. After passing (10) , my father
turned the car to it to fill gasoline into the car.
Activity 7 Write the meaning of the traffic signs you have
drawn above.
(1) = ___________________________.
(2) = ___________________________.
(3) = ___________________________.
(4) = ___________________________.
(5) = ___________________________.
(6) = ___________________________.
(7) = ___________________________.
(8) = ___________________________.
(9) = ___________________________.
(10)= ___________________________.
Activity 8 Answer these questions.
1. Have you ever got on train?
2. Where did you go?
Section Two
Look At That Sign! 141
3. Did you enjoy the trip?
4. Do you think that the train is faster than a bus?
5. Is the train faster than a plane?
Activity 9 Study this train schedule and answer the
questions below.
1. How many destinations are there?
2. What trains have two alternative classes?
3. How many trains start their trips from Surabaya or
4. What executive train will arrives in Jakarta at 9:30 in
the evening?
5. Mr. Purnomo is going to be a speaker in a seminar in
Jakarta tomorrow morning. He wants to have time to
take a rest and prepare the material in the hotel before
it. If he wants to arrive in Jakarta at night as late as
possible, what train should he take?
Train Class Depart from At Arrive at At
KA Argomuria I Executive Tawang Station 05:30 Gambir Station 11:00
KA Argomuria II Executive Tawang Station 16:00 Gambir Station 21:30
KA Kamandanu Executive Tawang Station 21:00 Gambir Station 03:02
KA Senja Utama Business Tawang Station 20:00 Senen Station 02:07
KA Fajar Bisnis Business Tawang Station 08:00 Senen Station 14:18
*KA Argo B. Anggrek I Executive Tawang Station 12:05 Gambir Station 17:34
*KA Argo B. Anggrek II Executive Tawang Station 00:05 Gambir Station 05:33
*KA Sembrani Executive Tawang Station 22:58 Jkt Kota Station^ 05:12
*KA Gumawang Exec/Bus Tawang Station 21:35 Jkt Kota Station^ 04:30
*KA Bangunkarta Exec/Bus Tawang Station 20:40 Ps Senen Station 03:58
*Origin : Surabaya /Jombang ^ : Last destination : Jakarta Kota Station
(adapted from an advertisement in Ilman Nafian bulletin, edition of I/MGG1/01/2008)
142 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 10 Answer this questions below based on the
following train schedule.
Activity 11 Practice in pairs. Play roles as a ticket seller
and somebody who wants to go by train.
1. Someone takes a one-way of second class ticket to
Greenville. How much does the ticket price?
2. A young man wants to go to Westview. The train leaves
at 8:55. What time will the man arrive at the destination?
3. On what platform should the young man be ready to
get on the train?
4. How long does the train leaving at 7:50 take time to get
to Foxley?
5. What does the latest train leave the station?
Have each conversation not less than 3 pairs of sentences.
You may involve information of:
a. the destination,
b. what time it departs and arrives,
c. what platform it departs from,
(taken from Interact; communicative activities for English language learning, p. 100)
Fast and Frequent Services from The Central Station
Look At That Sign! 143
(taken from: http://www.lombokkomodo.com/lombok-flight-schedule.htm)
JT 651
GA 423
MZ 830
GA 420
GA 421
MZ 831
JT 640
GA 420
GA 042
GA 420
d. what class and one way or round trip he takes,
e. how much is the fare,
to ask and respond between them.
Activity 12 Study the following schedule carefully to
answer the questions.
Situation: Suppose you live in Jakarta and wants to
spend vacation in Lombok.
1. How many alternatives of flight can you take?
2. If you take flight GA 420, what time does the plane take
Flight Schedule to and from Lombok
144 English for SMK Grade X
3. Does the plane go directly to Lombok? If no, where will
you transit?
4. What time does the plane depart from Jogjakarta?
5. When will you arrive at the destination?
Situation: Suppose you have spent your vacation in
Lombok and want to go home.
6. Mention the alternative flights you can take?
7. If you take GA 423, what time you will leave Lombok?
8. Will the plane transit somewhere on the way?
9. How long does your trip to your hometown?
10. What time you will arrive in Jakarta?
Activity 13 Answer these questions.
1. Do you often eat in restaurants?
2. Do you go there with your friends or your family?
3. What meal do you like most?
4. What is your favorite drink?
5. What was the most expensive meal or drink you paid?
Section Three
Look At That Sign! 145
Activity 14 Study this menu and answer the questions
Café Formidable
French Onion Soup
(Choose one)
Sirloin steak
Roast beef
Seafood special
Green salad
Chocolate mousse
Coffee or tea
$ 20.00
1. Can someone have all the
foods in the menu at once?
2. How many kinds of drink
are offered in the menu?
3. What is the available
4. Mention the main course
offered in the menu!
5. How much will someone
pay for his meal there?
- Breakfast -
Beverages: Main Courses:
Orange Juice Scrambled Eggs
Grape Juice Fried Eggs
Milk Boiled Eggs
Coffee Omelette
Side Orders:
- Lunch and Dinner -
Beverages: Main Orders:
Milk Taco
Milkshake Soup
Coke Hamburger
Orange Juice Steak
Grape Juice Chicken
Activity 15 Use the menus above to have conversations
with your partner.
You can use these guidelines:
1. Situation: you are on a trip or staying in a hotel. You
find this menu in the hotel restaurant or another one
outside the hotel. You have to choose your meal on your
own interest.
146 English for SMK Grade X
2. Play roles with your partner as guests in a restaurant.
One of you will ask another what foods and why he/she
3. When you finish, change the role. Have another
conversation with different role.
4. You can make variation by adding prices for the foods.
Activity 16 Answer the questions based on the following
Blackcha Café
Soups: Cup/Bowl Salads: Sandwiches (served with Cole Slaw)
Chicken noodle Rp18.000/27.000 Mixed Greens Rp13.500 Tuna Salad Rp38.000
Clam Chowder Rp18.000/27.000 Pasta Salad Rp25.000 Roast Beef Rp42.500
French Onion Rp27.000/41.000 Chef Salad Rp38.000 Grilled Chicken Breast Rp62.500
Burgers (served with French Fries) Beverages Medium/Large Desserts
Hamburger Rp49.500 Coffee or Tea Rp4.000/9.000 Ice Cream Rp13.500
Cheeseburger Rp54.000 Soda Rp7.000/10.000 (Chocolate, Vanilla, or
Turkey Burger Rp51.500 Ice Tea Rp9.000/13.500 Strawberry)
Milk Rp7.000/10.000 Clam Chowder Rp20.000
French Onion Rp33.500
1. What is the name of the restaurant?
2. A man has ordered a cup of chicken noodle soup, roast
beef, a medium of soda, chocolate cake. How much will
he pay later?
3. Mention the available flavors of the ice cream there?
4. What food may someone have for the last time?
5. Is the french fries sold separately?
6. Is the clam chowder soup as expensive as the french onion
7. Is the coffee more expensive than milk?
8. Which one is more expensive, tuna salad or roast beef?
9. What is the most expensive beverage?
10. What burger is the cheapest?
Look At That Sign! 147
Activity 17 Search a restaurant menu on the internet.
After getting it, make at least five questions
you have learned in the previous activities
about the menu together with their answers.
Exchange your work to your partner and try
to correct it if there’s a mistake. Ask your
teacher if you find difficulties.
Grammar Focus:
Degree of Comparison
Activity 18 Study the following explanation.
􀀨 The Chicken Noodle soup is as expensive as the Clam
Chowder one.
􀀨 The coffee costs the same price as the tea.
􀀨 The Roast Beef is more expensive than Tuna Salad.
􀀨 The Tuna Salad is cheaper than the Roast Beef.
􀀨 The iced tea is the most expensive among all beverages.
It can be learned from the examples above that there are
three degrees of comparison, i.e. positive, comparative and
superlative degree.
The followings are some common rules in forming the
comparative and superlative degree of comparison.
1. For one syllable words,
a) add –er for the comparative degree and add –est
for the superlative.
e.g.: tall taller tallest
sweet sweeter sweetest
b) Adjectives ending in –e, just add –r and –st.
e.g.: large larger largest
late later latest
Positive Comparative Superlative
cheap cheap (the) cheapest
expensive more expensive (the) most expensive
148 English for SMK Grade X
c) If the adjectives end in a vowel and a consonant,
double the consonant before adding –er and –est.
e.g.: fat fatter fattest
thin thinner thinnest
2. For two syllables words,
a) If the adjectives end in –y, add –er for the
comparative degree and add –est for the superlative.
e.g.: busy busier busiest
ugly uglier ugliest
It is also preferred to add –er and –est for the
following adjectives.
clever cleverer cleverest
narrow narrower narrowest
quiet quieter quietest
simple simpler simplest
b) For most adjectives and adverbs, precede more for
the comparative degree and most for the superlative.
e.g.: famous more famous most famous
tragic more tragic most tragic
3. For the adverbs end in –ly either of two or more syllable,
precede more for the comparative degree and most for
the superlative.
e.g.: slowly more slowly most slowly
carefully more carefully most carefully
It is an exception for the adverb early. It uses suffix –er and
early earlier earliest
4. For more than two syllables words, just precede more
for the comparative degree and most for the superlative.
e.g.: difficult more difficult most difficult
interesting more interesting most interesting
5. There are some irregular forms of comparative and
superlative degree.
Look At That Sign! 149
Activity 19 Study this chart to make sentences of
Positive Comparative Superlative Explanation
bad worse (the) worst Adj.
far farther (the) farthest Adj. used for distance
far further (the) furthest Adj. used for time, distance and
abstract things
good better (the) best Adj.
well better (the) best Adv.
little less (the) least Adj.
many more (the) most Adj. used for countable nouns
much more (the) most Adj. used for uncountable nouns
old elder (the) eldest Adj. used for members of family
old older (the) oldest Adj. used for other people and things
# Building City Height Floors Year
1. Taipei 101 Taipei 509 m 101 2004
2. Shanghai World Financial .. Shanghai 492 m 101 2008
3. Petronas Tower 1 Kuala Lumpur 452 m 88 1998
4. Petronas Tower 2 Kuala Lumpur 452 m 88 1998
5. Sears Tower Chicago 442 m 108 1974
“© Emporis 2/2008”.
Official World’s 5 Tallest High-rise Buildings
Complete these sentences using the words in brackets in their
appropriate forms.
1. The Petronas Tower 1 is as … the Petronas Tower 2. (old)
2. The Petronas Tower 1 is … as the Petronas Tower 2. (high)
3. The Petronas Tower 1 has the same … the Petronas Tower
2. (height)
4. The Taipei 101 has … floors as the Shanghai World
Financial. (floors)
5. The Petronas Tower 1 is … than the Taipei 101. (old)
6. The Shanghai World Financial has … floors than the
Petronas Tower 1. (many)
150 English for SMK Grade X
7. The Taipei 101 was built … than the Shanghai World
Financial. (early)
8. The Taipei 101 is the … building of all. (high)
9. The Shanghai World Financial is … building of all. (new)
10. The Sears Tower was built the … among those buildings.
Activity 20 Write the comparative and superlative forms of
these words.
Positive Comparative Superlative
Activity 21 Complete the sentences with the correct forms
of the words from activity 20.
1. Harry is taking an English course now. He can speak
English _____________ than before.
2. He is actually 35 years old, but he looks ___________.
He is like a 20 years old man.
3. As parts of English lesson, language function is
____________than grammar focus.
4. As we know, a dove is ____________than any other
5. For most Indonesian, eating rice is ___________than
eating bread.
6. Mr. Anwar is really a good teacher. He is _________
than any other teachers.
7. Husni often comes late to school. He wishes he lived
____________to school.
8. Knowing that there are many students coming late, the
teacher warns them to come ____________.
Look At That Sign! 151
9. The shoes are too small for me. I need a _________one.
10. I was surprised that the total of the bill is _______than
we predict before.
Activity 22 Look at the example and make the similar
Example: work / fast
A : Can’t you work a bit faster than that?
B : No, I can’t. I’m working as fast as I can.
1. drive / fast 6. speak / clearly
2. work / quickly 7. play / well
3. dance / beautifully 8. write / neatly
4. walk / quietly 9. stay up / late
5. type / carefully 10. get up / early
Activity 23 Complete these sentences with superlative
Example :
A : It’s very long coral reef.
B : Yes, it’s … in the world. the longest coral reef
1. A : He’s very intelligent student.
B : Right. He’s … in the school.
2. A : He’s very rich man.
B : Yes, he’s one of … in Indonesia.
3. A : I’ve never met such a generous person as Bram.
B : Bram is … I’ve ever met.
4. A : He’s never got such a good mark.
B : It’s … he’s ever got.
5. A : Was it a bad experience?.
B : Yes, it’s … in y life.
6. A : Is he a very dangerous criminal?
B : No, he’s not … in the country.
7. A : It’s a very valuable painting, I guess.
B : true. It’s … in the gallery.
8. A : Tom is a good player, isn’t he?
B : You’re right. He is … in the team.
152 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 24 Chose the right positive, comparative, or
superlative forms to complete these
paragraphs. Number one has been done for
Mr. Sukrisno and Mr. Suyanto differ from each other in
some ways. Mr. Sukrisno is ...older... (1) and … (2) than Mr.
Suyanto. He is … (3) and he gets things done … (4) than Mr.
Suyanto does. On the other hand, Mr. Suyanto is less busy than
Mr. Sukrisno because he only keeps house and run a small
business at home. Mr. Suyanto is much … (5) in music.
Mr. Sukrisno has children … (6) as Mr. Suyanto does.
Each has two. Mr. Sukrisno’s children are Dhani and Dewi.
Dhani is a vocational shool student and Dewi is a Junior High
School student. Dhani is probably the … (7) student in his
class, but Dewi is not. Dhani’s hobbies are … (8) as Dewi’s
but he gets … (9) grades than she does. Mr. Suyanto’s children
are Tini and Toni. Tini is … (10) as Dhani but Toni is … (11)
than Dewi.
1. (a) old (b) older
2. (a) taller (b) the tallest
3. (a) more diligent (b) the most diligent
4. (a) quickly (b) more quickly
5. (a) interested (b) more interested
6. (a) as many (b) much many
7. (a) good (b) the best
8. (a) similar (b) the same
9. (a) good (b) better
10. (a) more intelligent (b) as intelligent
11. (a) lazier (b) the laziest
Tell Me The Way 153
If we don’t know the direction to go to a place we are not
familiar with, we will be lost. In this unit, you will learn
and practice situations that require the expressions of
asking for and giving Directions as well as Preferences,
Capabilities and Conditional Type I.
Expressing Preferences
Activity 1 Look at the picture and answer the questions.
1. What do you see in the pictures?
2. Which one do you like? Why?
Unit 7
Learning Outcomes
Section One
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
1. Express Preferences.
2. Express Capabilities.
3. Ask for and give Directions.
4. Use Conditional Type I.
154 English for SMK Grade XI
Activity 2 Answer the questions in each circle. Pay
attention to the example
Which do you prefer,
vegetable salad or
fruit salad? I prefer
vegetable salad.
Which do you prefer,
playing games or
sending and receiving
messages with your cell
Which do you prefer,
rice or noodle for
Which do you prefer,
browsing information
or chatting in the
Which do you
reading a comic or
watching a cartoon?
Tell Me The Way 155
Activity 3 Keep your book closed and listen to your
teacher. Then, open your book, listen to your
teacher again and repeat each expression your
teacher says.
1. How do you like Jakarta?
2. What do you think of Yogyakarta?
3. Which do you prefer, living in Jakarta or Yogyakarta?
4. I like both, but I prefer staying in a quieter place like
5. I prefer cycling to riding a motorbike.
6. I would rather watch TV than listen to music.
7. I like playing games on the computer better than playing
8. Would you prefer vegetable salad or fruit salad?
9. I prefer vegetable salad to fruit salad.
10. I’d rather have lemon tea without ice at this time of the
Activity 4 Listen to your teacher. While listening, fill in
the blanks with the word or phrase your teacher
says. When you finish, practice speaking the
dialogueues with your partner.
1. Reporter : How do you like Jakarta?
Man : …………………. It’s a ……………………. modern
Reporter : What do you think of Yogyakarta?
Man : Nice. A traditional town, but still it’s a busy
tourists’ ……………………..
Reporter : Which do you prefer, Jakarta or
Man : I like both, but I prefer staying in a
………………. place like Klaten.
Reporter : Why is that so?
Man : I need a place to ………………….. my new
2. Hasan : How do you go to school?
Basri : I ride my ……………………... What about you?
Hasan : I prefer ………………… to riding a motorbike.
It’s ………………... …………………….., my
house is only two kilometres away from
156 English for SMK Grade XI
3. Teacher : What is your hobby, Lusi?
Lusi : My hobby is ………………………….., Sir.
Teacher : How about you?
Zahra : I …………………….. watch TV than listen to
Teacher : Do you have any hobbies, San?
Hasan : I don’t ………………… have any hobbies, Sir.
Teacher : Well, what do you do in your
…………………….? Playing cards?
Hasan : I like playing ……………… on the computer
better than playing cards.
4. Waiter : What would you like ………………., Madam?
Woman : I’d like to have a …………………, please.
Waiter : Would you prefer …………………. salad or
fruit salad?
Woman : I prefer vegetable salad to fruit salad,
Waiter : Certainly. What would you like to drink?
…………………. perhaps?
Woman : I’d rather have a lemon tea …………….at this
time of the day.
- Would you prefer … to infinitive
… (or infinitive)?
- Would you rather … infinitive…
(or infinitive)?
- Would you like to … infinitive…
(or infinitive)?
- Do you prefer …Gerund/Noun
or Gerund/Noun…?
- What would you rather do: …
Infinitive or Infinitive…?
- Do you like … Noun or Gerund
… better/ more than … Noun or
Preferences Responses
- I’d prefer … to infinitive ….
- I prefer … Noun or Gerund …
- I’d rather … Infinitive … (than
- I like … Nounor Gerund … better
than … Noun or Gerund ….
- I like both.
- I don’t like either of them.
- Neither. I prefer … to infinitive
Tell Me The Way 157
Activity 5 With your partner, complete these dialogues
using the expressions you have learned and
practice speaking them out.
1. Jehan : Do you want to go to the KD concert tonight?
Lus : Not really. I’d rather………….than ……………..
2. Hasan : Would you like to go out with me?
Shifa : Thanks, but I’d prefer ……………………
Hasan : That’s alright, perhaps another day.
3. Father : What would you rather do today, …………………
or ……………….?
Son : Neither. I prefer …………………………
4. Hasan : Do you like ……………better than ……………….?
Shifa : No. I like …………… better than ………….
because ………………...
5. Shifa : Would you prefer ………………….. or
Jehan : I prefer ……………………….. because it’s more
Activity 6 Complete this form. Circle your preference in
the left column. Add others if you wish. Then
write out your ‘favorites’ in the right column
􀂾 The kind of film I like best:
Comedies, horror films, love
stories, adventure films, science
fiction films, others.
􀂾 The kind of music I like best: Pop,
rock, rock & roll, rap, R&B, jazz,
􀂾 The past time I prefer: reading
comics, watching cartoons,
playing games, browsing internet,
􀂾 The sport that I prefer: volleyball,
basketball, football, street soccer,
My preference My favourites
􀂾 My favourite film is ……………..
􀂾 My favourite film star is …………
􀂾 My favourite song is …………….
􀂾 My favourite singer is ……………
􀂾 My favourite band is ……………..
􀂾 My favourite cartoon character is
􀂾 My favourite comic is ……………
􀂾 My favourite game is …………….
􀂾 My favourite athlete is ……………
􀂾 My favourite football team is
158 English for SMK Grade XI
Activity 7 Work in pairs, take turn to ask and answer
your partner about her/his preference. Use
the questions below as the guide. Continue
making questions yourself.
Student A : What kind of films do you prefer?
Student B : ………………………………….
Student A : And what is your favorite film?
Student B : …………………………………
Student A : I see. And can you tell me who your favorite
film star is?
Student B : …………………………………
Student A : All right. Now we’ll talk about music. What
kind of musik do you like best?
Student B : …………………………………
Student A : And who is your favorite singer?
Student B : …………………………………
Student A : Good. Then, what past times do you prefer?
Student B : ………………………………..
Student A : By the way, what sport games do you like to
Student B : ………………………………………
Student A : ………………………………………?
Student B : ………………………………………
( Adapted from : American Breakthrough, Jack C Richards and Mike N
Expressing Capabilities
Activity 8 Look at the picture on the next page and
answer the questions.
1. What are the two men doing?
2. What are they?
3. Do you think they can fix the car?
4. Why do you think so?
Section Two
Tell Me The Way 159
Activity 9 Fill in the chart with the skills that you are
capable with.
Activity 10 Listen to your teacher and complete the
expressions she/he says.
1. I ……………. free style well.
2. I ………………. . when I was young.
3. ………………………. it for me?
4. We ……………………….have it done for you.
5. ……………………….back before 5 p.m.?
6. I wonder if you ………………… Microsoft Windows.
7. Besides, I ………………… take shorthand.
8. It ………………………. to 110 kilometers per hour before
9. …………………… it if the problem is major?
10. We’ll see what we ………………………..
I can operate
Microsoft Power
Point quite well.
I can
I can
I can
160 English for SMK Grade XI
Activity 11 Listen to your teacher and repeat each
expression your teacher says. Then, practice
speaking the dialogueues with your partner.
Pay attention to the expressions in italics.
1. Hasani : I used to swim in the river when I was a
child. That’s why I can swim free style well.
Luthfi : Lucky you. My father didn’t allow me to go
swimming in the river. So I couldn’t swim
when I was young. I started practicing
swimming just 3 months ago and finally I
was able to swim across the swimming pool
2. Valet : Laundry, may I help you?
Guest : I need a button sewn on a shirt. Can you do
it for me?
Valet : Yes, Sir. We will be able to have it done for
Guest : Thank you. By the way, can I get it back
before 5 p.m.?
Valet : Certainly, Sir. I’ll send someone up for it
3. Interviewer : I wonder if you can operate Microsoft
Interviewee : Yes, Ma’am. I can operate Word, Excel,
and Power Point as well. Besides, I’m able
to take short hands.
Interviewer : Good. Can you speak Japanese or
Interviewee : I’m sorry, Ma’am. I can’t either speak
Japanese or Chinese.
4. Customer : My motorcycle can’t run more than 60
kilometers per hour. It could run to 110
kilometers before. What can you do?
Mechanic : Let us check the engine and find out what
is wrong with it.
Customer : Can you fix it if the problem is major?
Mechanic : We’ll see what we can do and let you
know the result.
Tell Me The Way 161
Activity 12 With your partner, complete these dialogues
using the expressions used for expressing
capabilities and the words in brackets. Then,
practice speaking them out.
1. Caller : I’d like to speak to Mr. Abdullah Basalamah
room 424, please.
Operator : Would you repeat that, please? ………………
………(I/not hear) you at all.
Caller : Mr. Abdullah Basalamah
Operator : I’m sorry, it’s a bad line. ……………… (you/
speak) more clearly, please?
2. Luthfi : I heard that …………... (you/run) 100
meters in less than twenty seconds
yesterday. That’s great. ……………. (I/not
make it).
I spent almost forty seconds to do so.
I can swim free style well.
I can’t either speak Japanese
or Chinese.
It could run to 110 kilometers
I couldn’t swim when I was
I’m able to take short hand.
We will be able to have it done
for you.
I was able to swim across the
swimming pool yesterday.
No. Explanation
Can expresses capability in the
present or future.
The negative form of can may be
written can’t, cannot, or can not.
The past form of can is could. It is
used to express general ability in the
The negative form of could is
couldn’t or could not.
Be able to is also used to express
capability, but can is more usual.
Be able to is more commonly used
in combination with other auxiliaries.
Was able to is used when someone
managed to do something in one
particular situation.
162 English for SMK Grade XI
Hasani : Lucky me. My new shoes were very
comfortable. They helped me a lot.
3. Astri : ………………….. (you/prepare) your own
breakfast before you studied in Hotel and
Restaurant Program?
Basri : No, ………………… (I/not). But now,
………………………… (I/make) some
European food for you if you want me to. I
hope ………………………
(I/be) an international chef in the future.
Activity 13 Determine whether the teacher is saying can
or can’t in the following sentences, by giving
a circle on one of the words in brackets.
1. Taking vitamin (can/can’t) hurt.
2. The manager (can/can’t) see you today.
3. The travel agent (can/can’t) change the ticket.
4. (Can/can’t) you understand the situation?
5. Smoking cigarettes (can/can’t) cause cancer.
6. We (can/can’t) have breakfast in the room.
7. Customers (can/can’t) pay the bill by credit card.
8. I (can/can’t) remember your name.
9. People (can/can’t) order goods from the internet.
10. Hackers (can/can’t) break into secure network.
Activity 14 Listen to your teacher. What can she do?
Fill in the grid, put (v) in the can and can’t
Speak English
Play a music instrument
Write Japanese
Operate Microsoft Excel
Dance traditional dance
Play volleyball
Ride a motorcycle
Swim butterfly style
Skill Can Can’t
Tell Me The Way 163
Activity 15 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions.
Use the skill in Activity 16.
Example :
Activity 16 Ask to yourself these questions.
1. How old were you when you could walk?
2. Could you answer mathematical problems when you were
5 years old?
3. Think of three things that you could do when you were
5 years old.
Activity 17 Read the passage and do the
comprehension questions.
A Teenage Genius
Ivan Mirsky was born in Russia but now lives in America
with his father, Vadim. They live in a one-room flat in Brooklyn.
Ivan doesn’t go to school and his father doesn’t have a job. They
practice chess problem all day, every day.
Ivan was different from a very young age: he could ride a
bike when he was eighteen months old, and read before he was
two. He could play cards at three and piano at four. When he was
twelve, he was the under-20 chess champion in Russia.
His father can’t speak English and can’t play chess either.
Ivan translates for him. Vadim says,” I know that I can’t play
chess, but I can still help Ivan. We don’t like playing sports or
watching TV. We live for chess”.
Taken from: Headway, Liz & John Soars
Can you speak
No, I can’t.
Yes, I can.
164 English for SMK Grade XI
1. Where was Ivan born?
2. Does he live in Russia or America?
3. Who is Vadim?
4. Does Ivan go to school? Does Vadim have a job?
5. What do they do every day?
6. Why was Ivan different from a very young age?
7. How old was he when he could read?
8. What was his achievement when he was twelve?
9. Can his father speak English? Can he play chess?
10. What do they live for?
Activity 18 Work in pairs. Tell your friends what Ivan
and his father can do, can’t do, and could
do. Number one is done for you.
1. Ivan could ride a bike when he was eighteen months
2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________
4. ____________________________________
5. ____________________________________
6. ____________________________________
Activity 19 On a sheet of paper write down what you
can do and what you can’t do, what you could
do when you were a child that you can’t do
now, and what you couldn’t do before
but you can do now. Write as many as
you can.
Examples :
1. I can speak Japanese a little but I can’t write the
language at all.
2. Before I studied in a vocational school, I couldn’t
operate a computer.
Tell Me The Way 165
Activity 20 In a group of four, play this game. Take it in
turns to try out the “can” or “can’t” challenges
below. Anytime you can complete a challenge
you get a point. The member of the group who
gets the most points is the winner. You may add
some other challenges.
Here are the challenges:
1. Say the English alphabet in 15 seconds.
2. Say the months of the year backwards without making
any mistake.
3. Spell your name backwards without making any
4. Write down 5 English verbs beginning with “s” in 10
5. Count to 20 in English in 10 seconds.
6. Write down the name of the days in 20 seconds without
making any mistake.
7. Say the name of 10 things in the classroom in 10 seconds.
(Adapted from: Reward, Susan Kay)
Asking for and Giving Location and Direction
Activity 21 Look at the display panel on the next page
and answer the questions.
1. Have you ever seen this panel?
2. Where did you see it?
3. What did it tell you about?
Section Three
166 English for SMK Grade XI
- Guest room 301 – 320
- Swimming Pool
- Tennis Court
- Guest Room 201 – 225
- Krida Loka Conference Room
- Business Center
- Guest Room 101 – 125
- Karya Graha Conference Room
- Bojana Restaurant
- Reception
- Coffee Shop
- Travel Agent
- Money Changer
- Hotel Stores
- Parking Area
- Sauna
- Fitness Center
Activity 22 Look at the panel again and answer the
questions about the location of certain places.
Number one is done as an example.
1. Where is the coffee shop? It’s on the ground floor.
2. Can you tell me where Bojana restaurant is?
3. Where is room 224?
4. Are there any stores around here?
5. Where can I find the sauna?
6. How do I get to Krida Loka conference room?
7. I’m looking for the business center.
Tell Me The Way 167
Activity 23 Listen to your teacher. While listening,
fill in the blanks in the dialogues below.
After that, with your partner practice
speaking the questions and the
1. Guest : Where is the coffee shop?
Security : It’s on …………….., Sir, just …………the
lobby, ………...the reception.
2. Guest : Can you tell me where Bojana
restaurant is?
Receptionist : Certainly, Sir. It’s on the ……. floor.
It’s the third …… on your ………. as
you come out from the
3. Guest : Where is room 224?
Receptionist : It’s on the second floor. Go ……………...
Turn ……… out of the elevator. It’s
…………………….. of the corridor, on your
4. Guest : I need to buy something for my sister.
Are there any stores in this hotel?
Room boy : The stores are on the
…………..floor. ……………the elevator.
There is a souvenir store just
……………….. of it.
5. Guest : Where can I find the sauna?
Receptionist : It’s in the ……………. Go …………….. as
you come out of the elevator.
It’s ………………… the fitness center.
6. Guest : How do I get to Krida Loka conference
Doorman : Just ……..the elevator to the second floor.
168 English for SMK Grade XI
If you …………..the hall, you will see
conference room B ……………….. you.
7. Guest : I’m looking for the business center. I
need to copy some document.
Receptionist : The business center is on the
…………………….. If you go …………. Karya
Graha conference room, you will see it
just ……………..you, ………………………….
1. Expressions used for finding places in the
Activity 24 Look at the plan of a department store on
the next page and listen to your teacher.
Where the directions guide you to?
1. Where is the ………………………?
2. Can you tell me where …………
3. How do I get to …………………...?
4. I’m looking for ……………………
5. Where can I find ………………….?
6. Could you tell me how I can get
to ……………………………., please?
Asking for Directions Giving Directions
1. Go straight ahead.
2. Turn left/right at the ………../as
you come out of the elevator.
3. Go across the …………………..
4. Go up stairs/down stairs
5. Go up/down in the elevator/lift
6. Go up/down on the escalator
7. Take the elevator/lift to the ……..
8. It’s on the …………… floor.
9. It’s in the basement.
10. It’s next to/beside …………………
11. It’s between ……….. and ………..
12. It’s at the end of the corridor.
13. It’s on your right/left.
Tell Me The Way 169
Gambar 5: denah lantai dasar sebuah department store
Activity 25 Work in pairs. Make questions and
responses about the location of certain
places on the plan in activity 26. Start from
the main gate. Number one is as a model.
1. Student A : Where can I find the book store?
Student B : Go straight ahead to the end of the
corridor. You’ll see it facing you.
2. Student A : ___________________________
Student B : ___________________________
3. Student A : ___________________________
Student B : ___________________________
4. Student B : __________________________
Student A : __________________________
5. Student B : __________________________
Student A : __________________________
6. Student B : __________________________
Student A : __________________________
Activity 26 Ask yourself these questions.
1. Have you ever lost your way?
2. If you lose your way, whom will you ask the direction
3. How will you ask for the direction?
170 English for SMK Grade XI
Activity 27 Read the dialogue below. Then, answer the
Situation : Mr. Hermawan is out of his town. He
doesn’t know how to get to BCA bank, so
he stops a man in the street.
Mr. Hermawan : Excuse me, can you tell me where the
nearest BCA bank is?
Man : BCA bank? I’m sorry. I don’t know. I’m
not from around here myself.
Then he meets a policeman and asks him the direction.
Mr. Hermawan : Excuse me, where’s the nearest BCA
bank, please?
Policeman : Go straight down this street. Turn left at
the T-junction, BCA bank is just around
the corner, on your left.
Mr Hermawan : How far is it from here?
Policeman : It will take about 5 minutes if you go there
on foot.
Mr. Hermawan : Thank you very much. I’m sure I’ll find it
easily, if I walk there.
Policeman : Sure, but there’s one thing you have to
Mr. Hermawan : What’s that?
Policeman : Today is Saturday. The bank is closed.
Mr. Hermawan : But not the ATM service, don’t you think?
I just need to withdraw some cash. Thanks
1. Why does Mr. Hermawan ask the direction to BCA bank?
2. Whom does he ask the direction to?
3. Does he get the answer he expects? Why/why not?
4. What does he do then?
5. Does he get a satisfying answer?
6. Do you think the bank is close or far?
7. How does Mr. Hermawan go to the bank?
8. How long does it take to go there?
9. Is the bank closed or open?
10. Why does Mr. Hermawan look for a BCA bank?
Tell Me The Way 171
1. Expressions used for finding places outdoor.
2. Notice how these sentences are used to give direction!
1. At a junction
• Turn left
• Turn right
2. At an intersection / cross roads
• Go ahead
• Go straight on
• Go straight over
- Could you tell me where …………
- Could you direct me to …………?
- Can you tell me how to get
- Would you tell me the way to
- How far is …………?
- Where is the nearest …………?
- Which way is it to …………...?
Asking for Directions Giving Directions
- Go straight ahead
- Go straight down this road
- Go straight over
- Follow this road/street as far as
the ………
- Take the first left/right
- Go around the corner to your left
- Turn left/ right
- Cross the street/road
- Take the left/right turn
172 English for SMK Grade XI
3. At a roundabout
• Take the second exit
• Take the third exit
Activity 28 Work with your partner. Look at the map.
Imagine you standing at the point marked with
a cross ( X ). Name where these directions take
you to.
A city map
1 . Ibis Hotel 6. Selera Restaurant
2. Mandiri Bank 7 . Supit Money Changer
3. Galaxi Mall 8. Gazali Tour and Travel
4. Toyota Service Station 9. Perkasa Sport Stadium
5. Sumber Waras Hospital 10. Bina Sehat Chemist’s Shop
a. Go down this street. Turn right at the first junction. Go
straight on and it’s on your right, just before the
Tell Me The Way 173
b. Keep straight on until you get to the roundabout. Take
the first exit, and it’s on your right. You can’t miss it.
c. Go along this road. Take the second turning on the right.
Keep straight on until you get to the end of the road,
then turn left. Go straight down and it’s on your left.
d. Go straight ahead, pass the first T-junction, and it’s on
your right.
e. Go along this street. Take the first turning on the right,
go straight ahead and turn left at the crossroads. Go
down as far as the roundabout and take the second exit.
Go straight ahead and it’s on your right.
Activity 29 In pairs, interview each other about the
direction to the five places left on the map
above. You are still standing at the place marked
with a cross(X). Look at the example.
Student A : Would you tell me the way to Ibis Hotel,
Student B : Go down this street. Turn right at the first
junction. Go straight on and it’s on your
right, just before the intersection.
1. Student A : __________________________?
Student B : __________________________
2. Student A : __________________________?
Student B : __________________________
3. Student A : __________________________?
Student B : __________________________
4. Student A : __________________________?
Student B : __________________________
5. Student A : __________________________?
Student B : __________________________
174 English for SMK Grade XI
Activity 30 In a group of five, play this game. Take turns
to give directions.
You, as a member of the group thinks of a well-known
building in your town (hotel, restaurant, office, school, etc),
but don’t name it. Give directions on how to get there from a
place which you name (for example the bus station). The
other members can ask questions or correct your directions,
etc. Finally, guess what building it is.
In the last section of this unit you found these sentences:
1. If you pass the hall, you will see Krida Loka conference
2. It will take about 5 minutes if you go there on foot.
1. The sentences consist of two clauses, the main clause
and the If clause.
2. The If clause gives a condition to the main clause.
The condition is introduced with “IF”, that is why it is
called an IF-conditional clause. The condition is real
in a sense that the condition may actually happen in the
3. The main clause tells us the result if the condition
happens. It is called a result clause.
4. The main clause takes future tense, as in:
- You will see Krida Loka conference room
- It will take about five minutes
( Notes: the use of other present modals is possible, such
as: can or may)
5. The If clause takes simple present tense, as in:
- If you pass the hall
- If you go there on foot.
6. The If clause can be in initial or final position. When
you put it in the initial position, don’t forget to put a
comma (,).
Tell Me The Way 175
Activity 31 Work in pairs. Take turns to read the question
and the answer. The answers are provided
below. Number one has been done for you.
A. Complete the dialogueue below with conditional
sentences type 1
1. Student A : Where is the manager office?
Student B : If you follow me, I’ll show you the way.
2. Student A : What time can I see the doctor?
Student B : __________________________
3. Student A : Is it possible for me to get into the fitness
Student B : I’m sorry. _____________________
4. Student B : Where can I get something to drink?
Student A :
5. Student B : How can I contact Mr. Baskara?
Student A :
6. Student B : Where can I get a public telephone in this
Student A :
- You’ll find one on your left if you go out at the main
- We won’t let you in if you don’t have a member card.
- If you follow me, I’ll show you the way.
- If you just give me your name, I’ll check it in the
reservation book.
- If you leave your number, I’ll make sure that he calls.
- You’ll find food court on your right if you go up to
the third floor.
176 English for SMK Grade XI
Teacher : If I go to Bali, I’ll stay in Nusa Dua Hotel.
Students : If I go to Bali, I’ll stay in Nusa Dua Hotel.
Teacher : Will have a wonderful time
Students : If I go to Bali, I’ll have a wonderful time.
• Teacher : will swim at the beach
• Students : ___________________________
• Teacher : will take many pictures
• Students : ___________________________
• Teacher : visit Jakarta
• Students : ___________________________
• Teacher : will see National Monument
• Students : ___________________________
• Teacher : will stay in my uncle’s house
• Students : ___________________________
• Teacher : spend my holiday in Bandung
• Students : ___________________________
• Teacher : will have lunch in a Sundanese Restaurant
• Students : ___________________________
Activity 32 Match the beginning and the ends of these
sentences which are provided in the box
B. Fill in the blanks with the provided sentences.
1. If you call my office, _______________________
2. If the manager arrives, _____________________
3. If the guest pays by credit card, ________________
4. If you contact the room service, ________________
5. If the guest reserves a room by telephone, _________
6. If the phone rings, ________________________
a. you will need to ask for his signature.
b. they will send your order to your room.
c. can you answer it for me, please?
d. I’ll give him your message.
e. we will need to confirm it.
f. the operator will connect it to my room.
Activity 33 Classically repeat your teacher’s sentences
and then change one part of the sentences
with the clause said by her/him.
Tell Me The Way 177
Activity 34 Using the rules for first conditionals,
complete the sentences below.
Example : If the teacher _____ come, who _____?
a) doesn't... will teach
b) does... won't teach
The answer is : a) doesn't... will teach
1. I _____ go to the meeting, if you _____.
a) don't... won't
b) won't... don't
2. What _____ if you _____ get a reply from your
a) do you do... won't
b) will you do... don't
3. If labours’ wage._______________ increased, the
company ________________.
a) is... will collapse
b) will be... collapses
4. If you ____________________ want to join us, I
_____________ force you to.
a) don't... won't
b) won't... don't
5. You ______________ disappointed if you
_____________ take the opportunity.
a) are... won't
b) will be... don't
6. You __________be permitted to enter the room if you
_________ your name tag.
a) don't... will lose
b) won't... lose
7. The security ___________ let your son go inside if he
_________ under twelve years old.
a) don't... will be
b) won't... is
8. You ___________ see my office in front of you if you
__________ the street.
a) do... will cross
b) will... cross
178 English for SMK Grade XI
9. If the guests ____________to the hotel later today,
we ____________ the restaurant reservation.
a) return... will cancel
b) will return... cancel
10. If everything ___________ wrong, ___________
able to solve it immediately?
a) goes... will we be
b) will go... are we
Activity 35 Search a grammar exercise about
Conditional Type I in Google. Do it, print it
out and submit it to your teacher. He will
your work.
What we must do if we want people to come to our
party? Of course, we have to extend invitations to them
before the time of the party. In this unit, we will learn
how to make a simple invitation.
Oral Invitation
Acitivity 1 Listen carefully to your teacher and repeat
these expressions on your notebook.
1. A : I’d like to invite you to come to my engagement
party on Sunday.
B : I’d love to come. Thanks.
2. A : Would you mind coming to my house this evening?
B : I’d like to, but I’ve already planned to visit my
3. A : Would you like to go?
B : Thanks, I’d love to. What time is it?
Unit 8
Learning Outcomes
I’d Like To Invite You …
Students will be able to produce:
- oral invitation,
- written invitation, and
- memo.
Section One
180 English for SMK Grade X
4. A : Let’s just meet at the hall before the concert, around
B : That sounds fine.
5. A : Can you and Susan come?
B : We’d love to but I’m afraid we can’t. We’re going
out with friends for dinner.
Activity 2 Read the dialogues below, pay attention to
the bold typed words.
1. At the office.
Staff : I’d like to invite you to come to
my engagement party on Sunday.
Supervisor : I’d love to come. Thanks. What
time is the party?
Staff : In the afternoon at 4, and please come
with your spouse.
Supervisor : Okay. I’ll be there.
2. Mrs. Kuncoro comes to Mrs. Purwanto’s house.
Mrs. Kuncoro : Would you mind coming to my
house this evening?
Mrs. Purwanto : I’d like to, but I’ve already
planned to visit my parents.
Thanks anyway.
Mrs. Kuncoro : Actually, I’ll have a dinner party. We’ll
celebrate our wedding anniversary.
Mrs. Purwanto : Oh, congratulations to you. Hopefully
your wedding will last forever.
Mrs. Kuncoro : Thank you very much.
3. On the way home.
David : I have two tickets to Exist band
concert on Saturday night.
Would you like to go?
Alex : Thanks, I’d love to. What time is
David : It’s at 8:00.
Alex : That sounds great. So, do you want
to have dinner at 6:30?
David : Uh, I’d like to, but I have to finish my
homework first.
Alex : Oh, that’s OK. Let’s just meet at the
hall before the concert, around 7:30.
David : That sounds fine.
4. At school.
Jacky : There is a computer exhibition in Java
Mall. It is from Thursday to Sunday.
Would you like to come with me?
Dodi : I’d love to. When will we go?
Jacky : I’ll pick you up at 4:00 p.m. Is it OK?
Dodi : That’s fine.
Activity 3 Complete the dialogues with expressions of
inviting, accepting and refusing an invitation.
1. In a doctor office.
Ahmed : We would _____________ to our
charity concert.
Dr. Christ : I’d really _______ come. _________
the concert?
Ahmed : It’s in our school hall on Sunday
morning. _________ invite your
colleagues to come with you?
Dr. Christ : Oh, I’ll try. I’m proud of you, Boy. You
really do a good deed.
Ahmed : __________, Sir.
2. In an office.
Anto : I have two tickets for a football game on
Saturday afternoon. ___________ go
with me?
Dedi : I’m sorry _______. I promised to help
Diky fix his motorbike.
Anto : Oh, it’s _______. I’ll ask another friend.
3. At school canteen
Hendra : I’m having a party on Saturday, Bob.
Can you and Susan ______?
Bobby : We’d ______ but I’m afraid _______.
We’re going out with friends for dinner.
Hendra : Oh, that’s okay.
Bobby : _______ for the invitation.
I’d Like To Invite You …
182 English for SMK Grade X
4. On the way home.
Susi : There’s a rock concert at the city hall tonight.
It is at 7:30 p.m.
Would ______________?
Sinta : _________. But I have to go to the
hospital with my mother.
We have to see my neighbour.
Activity 4 Choose the correct answer by crossing a,
b, c, or d.
1. Adi : I’m having a little party at my home on
Saturday. Can you come?
Husni : … , what time is it?
a. I see c. Thank you
b. No, I can’t d. Yes, I’d love to.
2. Santi : There is a bazaar at the city hall today. ….?
Yuyun : Yes, I’d like to.
a. I’m glad you like it
b. I‘d like to go
c. Could you come to my house
d. Would you go there with me
3. Anton : I really like the computer exhibition. Would
you like … with me?
Budi : I’m sorry I can’t.
a. coming along c. come along
b. to come along d. came along
4. X : Could you come to my home tonight?
Y : ……, but I must do my assignments.
a. No way c. I can’t
b. I’d like to d. Why not
5. Mrs. Sunjoyo : Will you drop in my house some time?
Mrs. Karta : I’m afraid I can’t. …………………….
a. With pleasure c. When do you come?
b. I really love to d. Thanks, anyway
6. Hari : Will you join us to have lunch?
Iwan : I’d love to, …. I’ll go later.
a. but I almost finished my report
b. let’s do it now
c. but I’m free to do anything now.
d. let’s go home now.
7. Anti : Will you go with me to the Pramedia
bookstore this afternoon?
Susan : I’d love to, but I have to accompany my
mother to the hospital.
Anti : …. Maybe next day.
a. Next time? c. It’s all right..
b. You’re welcome. d. Thanks for the invitation.
For questions number 8 – 10, identity the wrong parts of
these sentences.
8. Cici : I feel lonely now. I’ve just broken up with my
Fani : Would you mind to join me to see a movie
9. Mrs. Bakrie : I would like inviting you to come to my
Mrs. Haz : Is there any important event?
10. Would you like to go camping next June?
That’s a good idea. I really enjoy doing it during vacation.
Modal Auxiliaries: will, could, would.
Look at these examples.
􀀹 We would like to invite you to our charity concert
􀀹 Could you and Susi come?
Activity 5 Rearrange these jumbled words to make
good sentences about invitation.
1. would - come - like - you - to?
2. I - able - you - hope – be - to - will - us - join.
3. would - like - you - join - to - us - lunch - for?
I’d Like To Invite You …
184 English for SMK Grade X
4. we - little - have - a - will - party - Sunday -on.
5. you - to - come - would - party - birthday - my?
6. you - coming - would - mind - to - house - my?
7. our - you - could - come - to - next - party - week?
8. I - dinner - would - invite - you - like - to - to - have.
9. will - have - dinner - concert - you - go - to - before - the.
10. accompany - me - could - you - Lisa’s - party - to - go - to?
Preposition: in, on, at.
Study these sentences:
􀀹 Sari will celebrate her birthday on Saturday.
􀀹 The party will be held on October 3rd.
􀀹 Mr. Wijaya invites Mr. Andrew to have dinner at 7 p.m.
􀀹 They will have lunch at Steak and Shake restaurant.
Activity 6 Choose the right preposition for the following
Example: Budi lives … Bandung.
He lives in Bandung.
1. The book is … the table.
A. in B. on
2. The annual meeting will be … December.
A. in B. on
3. My sister works … a bank.
A. on B. at
4. Arman lives … Jl. Dr. Karyadi 26.
A. at B. on
5. We will have a little party … August 16th.
A. at B. on
6. The car is … the house.
A. on B. at
7. The party will be held … night.
A. in B. at
8. Many tourists spend the day sunbathing … Kuta beach.
A. in B. on
9. She lives … Jl. Kartini.
A. at B. on
10. There is much dust … rainy season.
A. on B. in
Activity 7 Complete the following sentences with the
correct preposition: at, in, or on.
1. The dog is lying … the floor.
2. Will you wait for me … the bus stop?
3. Trent arrived … the school building just in time.
4. Bram and Ramzi are out practicing … the football field.
5. Passengers are prohibited to use electronic devices …
airplanes during take off and landing.
6. The study at school begins … Monday.
7. The alarm rings … 6 p.m.
8. My father likes to read newspaper … the afternoon.
9. The book was published … 2008.
10. The train leaves the station … noon.
Activity 8 Identity the wrong parts of these sentences
1. Rio : Let’s just meet in the entrance of the mall,
around 7:30.
David : That sounds fine.
2. Sandi : Please come and join in my party at Saturday
night at 7:00.
Eko : Yes, thanks.
I’d Like To Invite You …
186 English for SMK Grade X
3. Etty : Will you have lunch with us at break time?
Faiq : With please. Thanks
4. Lukman : What will you do if your cellular phone rings
while you are driving?
Yanto : I‘ll use it when I’m on the bus, but never
while I’m on the car.
Activity 9 Make a dialogue betwen students A and
students B based on the situation below.
Situation : A is a new student whereas B is a classmate
who sits next to A. They don’t know each other
very well. Hoping that B will be his best
friend, A invites B to come to A’s house.
Activity 10 Answer the following questions
1. Have you ever made an invitation?
2. Was it written or spoken invitation?
1. greets B.
2. invites B.
3. gives time and location.
4. agrees.
5. says thanks.
Student A Student B
1. greets A.
2. accepts invitation.
3. disagrees with the time, suggests
alternate time.
4. expresses pleasure and thanks A.
Section Two
3. What was the invitation for?
4. Were you happy on the party? Why?
5. Can you mention some events that need invitations?
Activity 11 Read these letters and answer the questions
1. What event will be held based on the invitation?
2. Who has the party?
3. Is the party held in the afternoon or in the evening?
4. How old is Suci at that time of celebration?
5. If you are invited, what colour of shirt will you wear?
Jl. A. Yani 202
June 16th,2009
Hi, Friends.
Please come and join to my birthday party of the 17th anniversary, on:
Date : June 24th, 2009
Time : 03:00 p.m.
Place : Kampung Laut Resto
Jl. Marina Semarang
See you and have fun with me
Code dress : blue and black
Best regards: Suci
I’d Like To Invite You …
188 English for SMK Grade X
1. Who extends the invitation?
2. What activity will be held?
3. When will it be held?
4. Where should Mr. And Mrs. Subroto come to?
5. Do you think it is a formal invitation or informal
Activity 12 Study the following explanation.
As we know, a written invitation is more effective than
a spoken one. If we invite someone orally, he/she may forget
to come because it is the nature of human to easily forget
something. In making a written invitation, you must be
careful to include the following information:
1. your full address;
2. the date, time, and place;
3. any necessary explanation regarding the kind of event
or programme.
The format of personal invitation is similar to the one of
personal letter. The illustration is as the following:
Mr. and Mrs. Kusno Raharjo
Request the pleasure of
Mr. and Mrs. Wiryo Subroto
for dinner
on Wednesday, the third of October
at seven o’clock
Jl. Merapi no. 78
Jl. Merapi no. 78 Boyolali
1. The Heading
It consists of three lines. The first line contains your
address. The second one is the name of your town and postal
code (if there is one). The third shows the date. The most
common written date is month day, year.
2. The Salutation
It greets the reader. The usual form is the word “dear”
followed by the person name who is addressed to. There is a
comma after the salutation.
3. The Body
The body is the real letter itself. In a common personal
letter, the first line is indented. The example can be seen on
the letter above.
4. The Closing
If the closing consists of more than one word, only the
first word of the closing is capitalized.
5. The Signature
The signature is below the closing whether the letter is typed
or hand-written. It should not trail off the space of the right
I’d Like To Invite You …
190 English for SMK Grade X
• June 20, 2008
• Martha
• Your sincerely,
• Since you live right on our route, it would be very
convenient for us to pick you up and take you with
us. Are you interested? We could really have a lot
of fun!
• Jl. Joko Tingkir 123
Salatiga, Central Java
• Dad, Mom, and I are getting ready for a trip to visit
Uncle Yusuf. We plan to arrive there in time to go
Karimunjawa Island on July 2.
• Dear Etty,
• If you can go, have yourself and your suitcase ready
shortly before noon on July 2. you can tell your
mother that you’ll be back home before dark on
July 3.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Activity 13 Complete the frame of a letter with the part
of letter below.
I’d Like To Invite You … 191
Activity 14 Read this reply letter and answer the
Activity 15 Read the following letter and choose the best
answer by crossing a, b, c, d.
Jl. Imam Bonjol 199
Dear Martha,
I’m sorry that I have to turn down your invitation. I’d give anything
if I could go with you to Karimunjawa Island, but Dad needs me at the
store. Since nearly all of his clerks are on vacation, I have to stay around
to help out.
I hope that you and your family have a good trip.
Jl. Imam Bonjol 199
Dear Martha,
It will be wonderful to go with you to Karimunjawa
Island! As I count the days, I can hardly wait for the
time to get there. I’ll be ready when you arrive the
morning of July 2.
1. Who sends the letter above?
2. What date did she write the letter?
3. According to the letter above, does she accept her friend’s
4. Where would they go?
5. When would she be ready to go?
192 English for SMK Grade X
1. Why did Joyce write the letter?
a. She missed her friend.
b. She wanted to go.
c. She is a good writer.
d. She cannot comply with an invitation.
2. Why couldn’t Joyce go with Mary?
a. She was lazy.
b. Dad wanted her to stay at home.
c. She has to keep the store.
d. Dad wanted her to go around the store.
3. What does the word turn down (line 5) mean?
a. accept c. refuse
b. put up with d. turn up.
4. Why were some clerks absent?
a. They were keeping the store
b. They were having a rest
c. They were taking days off
d. They were sleeping.
5. What is the synonym of the word nearly (line 8)?
a. more b. quite c. just d. almost
Activity 16 Complete this e-mail with the words
􀀉 From... januar@plasa.com
􀀉 To... yenny@yahoo.com
􀀉 Cc... aning@gmail.com
Subject: invitation
…… (1) Yenny,
We are having a few friends to lunch in …… (2) my great school achievement
…… (3) Steak and Shake restaurant …… (4) Monday, May 28th …… (5) 02:00
p.m. I …… (6) you’ll be able …… (7) us.
…… (8),
• at • Dear • in • Sincerely
• celebrating • hope • on • to join
I’d Like To Invite You … 193
Activity 17 Arrange these words into good parts of a
reply letter. Then, put them in the e-mail
form provided. The sender intends to accept
the invitation.
1. M. Hatta - Jl. – 50001 - Semarang – 86.
2. 24 - May - 2009
3. to - thank - very - you - for - kind - your - invitation -
lunch - much.
4. I - come - to - love - would.
5. I - looking - you - ’m - on - 28th - forward - to seeing -
Activity 18 Use the following information to make a
similar reply e-mail as the one above in the
form provided. This letter is refusing the
Aning whose email account is aning@gmail.com replies that
she refuses the invitation because unfortunately, she won’t
be able to come because at the same time she has to join
English extra-curricular at school. She says she is so sorry
she can’t join them.
􀀉 From...
􀀉 To...
􀀉 Cc...
Subject: RE : Invitation
194 English for SMK Grade X
Mr. and Mrs. Lukman Arifyanto
request the company of
Mr. and Mrs. Adi Priyadi
at the marriage of their daughter
Retno Lisyanti
Candra Aditya
in Gedung Wanita, Jl. Cut Nyak Dien 99 Semarang
on Sunday, 10th August, 2009
at 09.00 A.M.
Activity 19 Do the task below.
1. Each student writes letters of invitation to two
classmates. Invite them for a birthday party, a picnic,
or another occasion.
2. The letter is in the form of a simple and short one. If
possible, write it through the real e-mail.
3. Exchange the letters and reply them.
Activity 20 Read the explanation below.
For certain occasions such as weddings, or formal parties,
written invitations are required. This is a form of a formal
written invitation:
􀀉 From...
􀀉 To...
􀀉 Cc...
Subject: RE : Invitation
I’d Like To Invite You … 195
RSVP* the French phrase “Respondez s’il vous plait” or “Please
reply”. It means the host expects a response as to whether
you will attend the party, dinner, or invitation. Otherwise, if
someone doesn’t respond to the invitation, it means that he
will not come.
Activity 17 You are a secretary. Your boss orders you
to make an invitation for his wedding
anniversary party. The party will be held at
his house. Use the time and other information
on your own words.
Activity 25 Read the memo below and answer the
1. who wrote the memo?
2. who are the recipients?
3. when was the memo sent?
4. why did Mr. Chavez write the memo?
5. what action should be taken by department managers?
Activity 26 Study the following explanation.
Our monthly managerial meeting is scheduled for
February 27, 2009, in the management meeting room at
09:00 a.m.
Please bring your monthly report with you and submit it
to my secretary 30 minutes prior to the meeting.
: Department Managers
: Mr. Charles Chavez
: February 8, 2008
: Monthly managerial Meeting
Section Three
196 English for SMK Grade X
Memorandum (also more commonly memo) is a brief
written record of communication, used in office, whether
business, government, education institution or legal office
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memorandum). The usual
structure for a memo includes some or all of the following:
TO : the person or group receiving the memo
FROM : the person writing the memo (sender).
C.C. : (Carbon Copy) the person or group who
should be informed about the memo
DATE : usually a formal manner of writing the date
For example: February 22nd, 2009
SUBJECT : a short specific topic discussed in the memo.
This should be in bold.
(instead of SUBJECT:, it’s also acceptable to
use RE: which means regarding or reference)
introduction: explains why the memo has been written and
what topic will discuss. You can start your idea of this
introduction by responding this sentence,” I’m writing
because..”. When the memo is long, the introduction is in a
single paragraph as an executive summary of the memo
body: discusses the topic in detail. It explains a thing exactly
and list items when possible. In a long memo, the body
contains discussion of background information. You can use
this phrase “the facts are…” to develop the body part of a
conclusion: explains what will or should happen next, when
the follow up will occur and why the date is important. In
most memos, the conclusion is in form of actions. The main
idea of this part is that “I will” or “I propose that you …”
Points to remember in writing memos:
• in short, begin your memo by stating the purpose and
end it by letting the recipient know the action.
• Memos are concise and focus on a single purpose. It’s
usually not more than one page. If you have more topics,
write a separate memo for each. If you have an
attachment, put it in separate sheet of paper.
• Use bullets in listing to highlight the items.
• Use 1 inch margins all around.
• Use block style paragraphs (left justified).
• Single space your memo, unless the memo is very short.
• Use an easy-to-read 12-point font
• Don’t use complementary close (e.g., sincerely) and don’t
sign a memo at the bottom.
• Check the spelling and proofread carefully for mistakes
and missing words.
• Add your initials beside your name at the top to indicate
that you have read and approved the memo.
Activity 27 Study this memo and explain the parts of it.
TO : Sales Staffs
FROM : Mr. Roger Bloom
DATE : December 1, 2008
SUBJECT : Annual Meeting
I’m writing to remind you that our annual meeting will
be on Tuesday, December 8. I want everyone to be ready
with ideas, strategies, and sales forecast for next year. I
will be out of town attending a conference on the new
product of LCD projectors in Osaka, on Wednesday and
Thursday of this week. Remember that next Monday is a
holiday. Therefore, if you have something urgent to
discuss, please see me on Friday, December 5.
198 English for SMK Grade X
1. The recipient of the memo is __________________.
2. The sender is ____________________________.
3. The date when the memo was written is __________.
4. The subject of the memo is ___________________.
5. The introduction of the memo is ________________
6. The body of the memo is _____________________
7. The conclusion is _________________________
Activity 28 Read this memo and understand it.
June 3, 2008
To : All employees
Subject : Safety at Work
To keep our workplace safe, we all must share the responsibility. Unsafe
work habits and hazardous condition can cause accidents that may result in
a loss of work time and income.
1. Protect your eyes. Use safety glasses to protect against eye injury
and irritation. Pay attention to the signs that remind you to wear these
glasses in certain areas.
2. Protect your back. Use a back support and correctly body positions
when lifting heavy loads. See the Employees Manual for details.
3. Prevents falls. Be alert. Watch where you’re going, especially if you’re
moving equipment or materials. Always store tools and equipment in
their proper place.
4. Use adequate ventilation. Pay attention to signs that advice the use
of face masks and respirators. In general, avoid inhaling toxic chemical
in closed areas.
Thank you for helping make our work environment safe.
Activity 29 Match the words taken from the text above
with their definition. Number one has been
done for you.
Activity 30 Answer these questions based on the memo
1. What may cause a loss of time and income?
2. What is the purpose the memorandum?
3. Where can the employee find out more information?
4. Which reminder has to do with breathing?
5. What should you do in some work areas to prevent vision
Words in text
employees ( i )
safety ( … )
responsibility ( … )
hazardous ( … )
unsafe ( … )
especially ( … )
equipment ( … )
correctly ( … )
irritation ( … )
attention ( … )
remind ( … )
a. act of attending
b. act of equipping
c. act of irritating
d. condition of safe
e. full of hazard
f. in a correct way
g. in a special way
h. not safe
i. persons who are employed
j. quality of response
k. think again
200 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 31 Write a simple personal memo. Use the
1. You are waiting for a friend. Unfortunately, your mom
asks you to take her to the supermarket. You leave a
memo to your sister. Tell her that you are actually
waiting for your friend but you have to go out. Ask her
to welcome your friend and accompany him until you
come back home. If there is something urgent, she can
call or send SMS to you.
2. Develop your imagination to make another situation
that you have to leave a memo to someone.
Alexander, L. G., 1975. Practice and Progress. Longman.
Alexander, L.G translated by Dra. Sri W. Soegondho. 1992.
Ready for English Grammar Jilid 1. Jakarta: Erlangga
Azar, Betty S. 1989. Understanding and Using English
Grammar. Prentice Hall.
_________. 1992. Fundamentals of English Grammar.
Prentice hall.
Davies, Evelyn., Whitney, Norman. 1981. Reasons for
Reading. Heinemann Educational Books.
DeFillipo, Judy and Skidmore, Charles. 1991. Skill Sharpeners
1, 2, 3. Addison Wesley Publishing Company.
Echols, John M., and Shadily, Hasan. 1997. Kamus Inggris
Indonesia. Jakarta: Gramedia.
__________. 1998. Kamus Inggris – Indonesia. Jakarta:
Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
English 900, Macmillan, London.
Frank, Marcella. 1972. Modern English: a practical reference
guide. Englewood Cliffs, Newjersey: Prentice Hall Inc.
Hornby, A.S. 1999. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.
http://www.umw.edu/policies/style guide/letter styles
forms/sample memorandum.php
202 English for SMK Grade X
Kay, Susan, Reward. 1999. Macmillan Heinemann.
Leo Jones . 1992. Communicative Grammar Practice.
Australia: Cambridge University Press.
Lukman P. K., D., Drs. 2002. Bahasa Inggris SMK Teknologi
Industri 2. Bandung: Humaniora Utama Press.
Marsudi, J.S., Munir Siradj & Wahyu Utomo. 1992. Gateway
2: English for Communication. Jakarta: Intensive
English Course.
Murphy, Raymond. 1994. English Grammar in Use.
Australia: Cambridge University Press.
O’Neil, Robert. 1978. English in Situations. Oxford University
Pramesti, M.R.D, dkk. 2004. Bahasa Inggris SMK Bisnis dan
Manajemen Kelas X. Pemerintah Kota Semarang.
Purwadi, Eko, Drs., dkk. 2004. Bahasa Inggris SMK Teknologi
Industri Kelas X. Pemerintah Kota Semarang.
Richards, Jack C., Bycina, David and Aldcorn, Sue Brioux.
1995. New Person to Person. Oxford University Press.
Richards, Jack C., Long, Mike N. 1991. American
Breakthrough 1. Oxford University Press.
Shaleha, Evi Syaefini, Dra., dkk. 1997. Let’s Learn English.
Soars, John and Liza. 2003. New Headway. Oxford
University Press.
Soars, Liz & John. 1993. Headway Elementary. Oxford
University Press.
Suyoto, S. PD., dkk. 2006. Bahasa Inggris untuk Kelas SMK.
Kharisma Putra.
Tillit, Bruce and Bruder, Mary Newton. 1993. Speaking
Naturally. Australia: Cambridge University Press.
Yates, Christopher St. J. 1991. Check-in: English in Tourism,
London: Cassel.
Unit 2
Activity 4
1 . The octagon is green.
2. It’s a red star.
3. The arrow is black.
4. It’s a white semicircle.
5. The flag is blue.
6. It’s an orange crescent.
7 . The cloud is grey.
8. It’s a yellow rhombus.
9. The paper is purple.
10. It’s a pink heart.
Activity 7
1 . It’s a beautiful dragonfly.
2. The shoes are bad.
3. The tables are broken.
4. The roses are lovely.
5. It’s a good painting.
Activity 10
1 . The woman is short.
2. It’s a deep well.
3. The bird is flying low.
4. He’s a tall man.
5. The pool is shallow.
6. The plane is flying high.
7 . It’s a wide tunnel.
8. The hut is small.
9. It’s a big house.
10. The street is narrow.
Activity 13
1 . The wheel is circular.
2. It’s a pyramidal prism.
3. The set-square is triangular.
4. They’re rectangular boards.
5. The antenna is parabolic.
6. They’re spherical marbles.
7 . The drum is cylindrical.
8. It’s a conical funnel.
9. The windows are square.
10. They’re cubic dices
Activity 16
1 . This necklace is made of silver.
2. It’s a rubber hose.
3. The bag is made of leather.
4. It’s a bamboo bed.
5. This sweater is made of cotton.
6. They’re wooden tables.
7 . That house is made of stone.
8. They’re ceramic cups.
9. That hammer is made of steel.
10. They’re alumunium boxes.
Activity 19
1 . He’s from Argentina.
He’s Argentinean.
2. He’s from Mexico.
He’s Mexican.
3. They’re from Malaysia.
They’re Malaysian.
4. She’s from Turkey.
She’s Turkish.
5. They’re from Egypt.
They’re Egyptian.
6. She’s from Singapore.
She’s Singaporean.
7 . She’s from Italy.
She’s Italian.
8. He’s from Australia.
He’s Australian.
9. They’re from Brazil.
They’re Brazilian.
10. They’re from the Philippines.
They’re Filipino.
Activity 22
1 . She’s a librarian.
2. He’s a businessman.
3. She’s a pianist.
4. He’s a bus driver.
5. They’re waitress.
6. They’re cooks.
7 . They’re farmers.
8. He’s an architect.
9. They’re fishermen.
10. He’s a soldier.
Listening Script
204 English for SMK Grade X
Activity 25
1 . The woman has wavy hair.
Her hair is wavy.
2. The man is bald.
He is a bald man.
3. The man is heavy.
He is a heavy man.
4. The woman is light.
She is a light woman.
5. The men are old.
They are old men.
6. The girls are young.
They are young girls.
7 . The man is handsome.
He is a handsome man.
8. The women are pretty.
They are pretty woman.
9. The man has a big mustache.
His mustache is big.
10. The man has a heavy beard.
His beard is heavy.
Unit 3
Activity 2
Three hundred
Two hundred and one
Five hundred and fifteen
Four hundred and three
One thousand and one
One million
Two hundred thousand
Activity 7
1 . It’s half past eight
2. It’s five to eleven
3. It’s a quarter to five
4. Its seventeen to three
5. It’s seven past three
6. It’s a quarter past five
7 . It’s five past nine
8. It’s seven o’clock
Activity 11
1 . fortieth
2. fifty-fifth
3. sixty-third
4. One hundred and first
5. twenty-second
6. thirty-fourth
7 . seventy-ninth
8. eighty-sixth
9. ninety-seventh
10. two thousand and tenth
Unit 4
Activity 10
1 . I was satisfied with the service.
2. I’m very nervous and worried
that I will fail in this interveiw.
3. Seeing a confident man like him
makes me down.
4. Anyway, feeling pessimistic won’t
help us now. So, be optimistic.
5. He is doubtful in answering some
the questions.
Unit 5
Activity 2
1 . He is jogging in the park.
2. The students are having a test.
3. The teacher is entering the
4. Mr. Habudi is driving a car.
5. They are trying to lift a heavy box.
6. Aminudin is taking photographs.
7 . Dewi is singing a song.
8. The cat is drinking milk.
9. We are having a meal in a cafeteria.
10. I am phoning my friend.
Activity 26
1 . There’s a clock on the wall.
2. There’s a chair at the table.
3. There are a lot of books on the
4. There’s a pillow on the bed.
5. There’s a blanket on the bed.
6. There’s a picture to the left of the
7 . There’s a picture to the right of the
8. There’s a cat on the bed.
9. There’s a table in front of the bed.
10. There are two doors on the cabinet.
Unit 6
Activity 1
1 . fire extinguisher
2. smoking section
3. first aid
4. lady
5. electrical hazard
6. public telephone
7 . poison
8. stairs
9. inflammable
10. handicapped person
Unit 7
Activity 4
1 . Reporter : How do you like
Man : Wonderful. It’s a
sleepless modern city.
Reporter : What do you think of
Man : Nice. A traditional
town, but still it’s a
busy tourists’ destination.
Reporter : Which do you prefer,
Jakarta or Yogyakarta?
Man : I like both, but I prefer
staying in a quieter
place like Klaten.
Reporter : Why is that so?
Man : I need a place to finish
my new novel.
2. Hasan : How do you go to
Basri : I ride my motor bike.
What about you?
Hasan : I prefer cycling to
riding a motor bike. It’s
healthy. Besides, my
house is only two
kilometres away from
3. Teacher : What is your hobby,
Lusi : My hobby is listening
to music, sir.
Teacher : How about you?
Zahra : I would rather watch
TV than listen to music.
Teacher : Do you have any
hobbies, San?
Hasan : I don’t really have any
hobbies, sir.
Teacher : Well, what do you do in
your spare time?
Playing cards?
Hasan : I like playing games on
the computer better
than playing cards.
4. Waiter : What would you like to
order, madam?
Woman : I’d like to have a salad,
Waiter : Would you prefer
vegetable salad or fruit
Woman : I prefer vegetable salad
to fruit salad, please.
Waiter : Certainly. What would
you like to drink? Iced
tea perhaps?
Listening Script
206 English for SMK Grade X
Woman : I’d rather have lemon
tea without ice at this
time of the day.
Activity 12
1 . can swim
2. I couldn’t swim
3. can you do it
4. will be able
5. can I get it
6. can operate
7 . am able to take
8. could run
9. can you fix
10. can do
Activity 16
I can speak English quite well and I can
write it well too. I enjoy listening to
music but I can’t play any single music
instrument and I can’t dance any
traditional dance either. These days I’m
taking a course on Japanese, and I can
speak a few simple words but I can’t write
it at all. Everybody knows that it’s very
difficult. I’m good at operating computer,
especially Microsoft Windows,
Excel, and Power Point because I need it
in my work. I like sport very much,
especially playing badminton and
volleyball. I like swimming too, and I can
do it in any style. My husband always
takes me to school on his motorcycle
everyday because I can’t ride it.
Activity 25
1 . Guest : Where is the coffee
Security : It’s on the ground floor,
sir, just across the
lobby, next to the
2. Guest : Can you tell me
where Bojana
restaurant is?
Receptionist : Certainly, sir. It’s
on the second
floor. It’s the
second door on
your right as you
come out from the
3. Guest : Where is room
Receptionist : It’s on the second
floor. Go upstairs.
Turn left out of
the elevator. It’s
at the end of the
corridor, on your
4. Guest : I need to buy
something for my
sister. Are there
any stores in this
Room boy : The stores are in
the ground floor.
Go down the
elevator. There is
a souvenir store
just on the right of
5. Guest : Where can I find
the sauna?
Receptionist : It’s in the basement.
Go straight
ahead as you come
out of the elevator.
It’s next to the
fitness center.
6. Guest : How do I get to
Krida Loka conference
Doorman : Just take the
elevator to the
second floor. If
you go across the
hall, you will see
Krida Loka conference
facing you.
7 . Guest : I’m looking for
the business
center. I need to
copy some document.
Receptionist : The business
center is on the
first floor. If you
go right to Karya
Graha conference
room, you will
see it on your left,
at the corner.
Activity 26
1 . Turn left out of the lift. It’s the
second shop on your left, next to
the Sport Center.
2. It’s at the end of this corridor, on
your right, at the corner.
3. Turn right as you come out of the
lift and it’s just on your right.
4. Just go along the corridor. It’s in
front of the escalator, between the
souvenir shop and the news stand.
5. Go downstairs on the escalator. As
you come to the ground floor, turn
right. Go along the corridor, pass
the Jewelry and the Kid Station and
it’s on your right.
6. Go out of this building through the
main gate and you’ll see it just on
your right.
Listening Script
208 English for SMK Grade X
(do you) mind : (apakah kamu)
a bit : sedikit
a charming smile : senyum manis/
a fire extinguisher : alat pemadam
a flat tire : ban kempes
a heart attack : serangan
a lift : tumpangan
a moment : (waktu) sebentar
a pitcher : kendi, tempat
able : mampu
accept : menerima
accept : menerima
acceptable : bisa diterima
accidentally : secara kebetulan
accompany : menyertai
accompany : menemani
account : rekening
achievement : prestasi
acquainted : berkenalan
actually : sebenarnya
admit : mengaku
adventure : petualangan
affect : mempengaruhi
affectionately : hormat kami
yang terkasih
afraid : takut, khawatir
ahead : ke / di depan
all around. : di sekelilingnya
allow : mengijinkan
already : telah
amazed : kagum
angry : marah
anniversary : hari ulang tahun
announcement : pengumuman
annoyed : jengkel,
annual : tahunan
apologize : meminta maaf
apology : permintaan maaf
appearance : penampilan
applicant : pelamar
appointment : janji bertemu
appreciate : menghargai
appropriate : cocok, sesuai
approve : menyetujui
arrangement : perencanaan
arrival : kedatangan
arrival : kedatangan
arrowhead : mata panah
as well : juga
ask for : meminta
attachment : lampiran
attend : menghadiri
attracted : tertarik
audiences : penonton/
available : tersedia
background : latar belakang
badly injured : terluka parah
balcony : balkon
bald : botak / gundul
banner : spanduk
base : dasar
based on : berdasarkan pada
bazaar : bazaar, pasar
beard : cambang
beautifully : dengan indahnya
bench : meja kerja
beverage : minuman
blank : kosong
blonde : warna perang
body : badan mobil
bonnet : kap mesin
bored : bosan
boring : membosankan
boring : membosankan
borrow : meminjam
bottom : dasar, bawah
brave : berani
break : putus, istirahat,
bridge : jembatan
brief : singkat
briefly : secara singkat
brooch : bros
browsing : berselancar di
buddy : teman baik
build : membangun
bump into : bertemu/
secara kebetulan
butterfly : kupu-kupu
c.c. (carbon copy) : tembusan,
salinan untuk
cable : kabel
calm down : tenang
capability : kemampuan
capitalize : menulis dengan
huruf besar
carefully : dengan hati-hati
cashier : kasir
cater : memborong
celebrate : merayakan
cell phone : handphone
ceramic : keramik
certain : tertentu
certainly : tentu
champion : juara
chapter : bab
charge : meminta
charity : amal
chart : grafik
chase : mengejar
chassis : rangka mobil
chatting : ngobrol di
chef : juru masak
choose : memilih
chowder : sup kental
circle : lingkaran
circular : berbentuk
clam : remis besar,
semacam kijing
classmate : teman sekelas
clear up : membersihkan
clever : pintar
cloth : kain
colleague : kolega, teman
come after : mengikuti
comfortable : nyaman
comfortable : nyaman
command : perintah
common : lumrah
community : masyarakat
company : perusahaan
comparison : perbandingan
compartment : kamar tidur, ruang
competency : kemampuan
competition : persaingan
complain : mengeluh
complaint : keluhan
complementary : yang melengkapi
complete : lengkap,
comply with : mematuhi,
concentrate : berkonsentrasi
concise : ringkas
conclusion : kesimpulan
condolence : belasungkawa,
simpati turut
berduka cita.
confident : yakin, percaya diri
confused : bingung
confusing : membingungkan
congratulations! : selamat!
conical : berbentuk kerucut
consonant : huruf mati
constant : tetap
contains : berisi
convenient : menyenangkan
cool : sejuk
copper : tembaga
coral reef : bukit karang
corridor : koridor, gang
cost : harga (kata kerja)
cotton : kapas
countryside : pedesaan
couple : pasangan
210 English for SMK Grade X
courage : keberanian
course : kursus
criminal : penjahat
crossroad : persimpangan
crosswalk : penyebrangan
cube : kubus
cubic : berbentuk kubus
cue : isyarat
curved : lengkung
cute : mungil
cylinder : silinder
damage : kerusakan
days off : hari libur
deal with : berhubungan
dear (nama orang), : yang terhormat
(nama orang),
decagon : segi sepuluh
decagonal : berbentuk segi
deed : perbuatan
deer : rusa
degree : derajat
degree : tingkat
deliberately : dengan bebas
delicious : lezat
deliver a baby : melahirkan
delivery : pengiriman
demand : menuntu
departure : keberangkatan
departure : keberangkatan
depressed : tertekan
depressing : yang menekan
designed : dirancang
destination : tempat tujuan
develop : membangun,
device : alat
diamond : intan
dice : dadu
dictate : mendikte
difficult : sulit
directly : secara langsung
disappointed : kecewa
disappointing : mengecewakan
disgusted : jijik
disgusting : menjijikkan
distant : jauh
down payment : uang muka
dragonfly : capung
drop in : mampir
each other : satu sama lain
electricity : listrik
embarrassed : malu,
embarrassing : mempermalukan
employee : pegawai
energetic : bersemangat
engagement : pertunangan,
engine : mesin
enthusiastic : antusias
entrance : pintu masuk
environment : lingkungan
estimated : yang diperkirakan
event : peristiwa, acara
exactly : persisnya, tepatnya
exam period : masa ujian
exception : pengecalian
exchange : menukar,
excited : gembira, bergairah
exciting : menggairahkan,
excursion boat : kapal wisata
exhausted : lelah
exhausting : melelahkan
exhibition : pameran
expect : mengharapkan
expect : mengharap
extend : menyebarkan,
extremely : sangat
fair skin : kulit putih
family gathering : pertemuan
famous : terkenal
favor : kebajikan
fellow : teman
fence : pagar
field : bidang, lahan
find out : mencari tahu
first aid : pertolongan
fix : memperbaiki
flag : bendera
flashing lights : lampu senter
flat nose : hidung pesek
flavor : rasa, selera
flight : penerbangan
follow up : tindak lanjut,
forecast : ramalan
forgive : memaafkan
form : formulir
form : bentuk, format
fortunately : untungnya
fragrant : semerbak,
free style : gaya bebas
fridge : almari es
friendly : ramah
friendly : ramah
frightened : yang ditakutkan
furniture : perabot
gallery : galeri
garbage : sampah
generous : dermawan
gift : hadiah
gloves : kaos tangan
good luck : semoga
nasib baik
gown : gaun
graduate : lulus
grant (permission) : mengabulkan,
memberi ijin
greece : yunani
greek : orang yunani
grey : abu-abu
grow : tumbuh,
guilty : bersalah
gym : tempat olah raga
habit : kebiasaan
hackers : orang yang
merusak file di
half : setengah
hall : aula
hammer : palu
handicapped : orang cacat
hand-written : tulisan tangan
hazard : bahaya
hazard : bahaya, resiko
hazardous : berbahaya
heavy : berat
heptagon : segi tujuh
heptagonal : berbentuk
hero : pahlawan
hexagon : segienam
hilly : berbukit-bukit
hire : menyewa
hole : selang air
hometown : kota asal/kelahiran
homework : pekerjaan rumah
honey : sayang
honey : madu, sayang
hopefully : semoga
hospitality : keramahtamahan
hugging : berpelukan
human : manusia
humorous : jenaka
hurry up : cepat-cepat
hurt : luka
hurt : melukai
hut : gubuk
identity card : kartu identitas
immediately : segera
important : penting
impressed : terkesan
in brackets : dalam kurung
in detail : secara terperinci
in fact : sesungguhnya,
in pairs : secara
in short : pendeknya,
pendek kata
inconvenience : ketidaknyaman-an
inflammable : mudah terbakar
initials : paraf, huruf awal
injure : luka
installment : cicilan
instead of : sebagai ganti
insurance : asuransi
intelligent : cerdas
intend : bermaksud
intend : berniat, hendak
interfere : mencampuri
interview : wawancara
introduce : memperkenalkan
invitation : undangan
212 English for SMK Grade X
invite : mengundang
itinerary : rencana perjalanan
keep in touch : terus berhubungan
kindhearted : baik hati
last : akhir, berlangsung
later : kemudian, lebih
leather : kulit
leave (n) : daun
lecture : ceramah, kuliah
leisure : waktu luang
life : kehidupan
light : ringan
lonely : kesepian
look forward to : menanti-nanti
lost : hilang
lovely : indah
luggage : koper
lying around : berserakan
machinery : permesinan
main entrance : gerbang utama
managerial : yang berhubungan
marble : kelereng
material : bahan
mattress : kasur
mechanic : montir
member : anggota
messy : berantakan
miserable : sedih/susah
monthly : bulanan
more : lebih, lebih banyak
moreover : lagi pula
moreover : apalagi
mug : cangkir
murderer : pembunuh
mustache : kumis
nationality : kebangsaan
nearly all : hampir semua
neatly : dengan rapi
necklace : kalung
neither : tidak juga
nervous : gelisah, gugup
network : jaringan
noisy : berisik, gaduh
nowadays : sekarang ini
obstruction : gangguan
occur : terjadi
once : sekali
once : satu kali, satu saat
one-way : sejalan
operative : pekerja
optimistic : optimis
origin : asal
otherwise : sebaliknya
oval : oval
parallelogram : jajaran genjang
pass away : meninggal dunia
passenger : penumpang
payment : pembayaran
pentagon : segi lima
performance : penampilan
permission : ijin
pet : hewan piaraan
pick up : mengambil,
pilgrimage : ibadah haji
pipe : pipa
plantation : perkebunan
plateau : dataran tinggi
pointed nose : hidung mancung
poisonous : beracun
pole : tiang
policy : kebijakan
pool : kolam
possibly : kemungkinan
precede : mendahului
precious : berharga
prefer : lebih suka
preference : pilihan
prescription : resep dokter
present : hadiah
preserve : melindungi/
pretty well : cukup baik
pretty. : cantik
previous : sebelumnya
prior to : sebelum
prism : prisma
prohibit : melarang
proofread : mengoreksi
properly : dengan pantas
property : hak milik
propose : berusaha,
protractor : busur derajat
proud : bangga
publish : menerbitkan
punishment : hukuman
pupil : murid
purchase : membeli
purple : ungu
purpose : tujuan
purpose : tujuan
pylon : menara listrik
pyramidal : berbentuk
quarter : seperempat
quiet : tenang
quieter : lebih tenang
ready : siap
reality : realitas
rearrange : menyusun kembali
reason : alasan
recipient : penerima
recognize : mengenali
recognize : mengenali
record : catatan, rekaman
rectangle : persegi panjang
rectangular : berbentuk
refuse : menolak
regarding : mengenai
regards : salam hormat
regret : menyesal
regular : rutin
relative : relative, saudara
remind : mengingatkan
remove : menyingkirkan
renovate : memperbaharui
rental : persewaan
repeatedly : secara berulangulang
repetitive : berulangulang
reply : membalas, balasan
report : melaporkan/
report : laporan
request : meminta,
require : membutuhkan/
respond : menjawab
respond : menanggapi
response : tanggapan
result : hasil
result : hasil, akibat
return : mengembalikan
returned : dijawab
roadway : jalan kendaraan
roast beef : daging sapi
salutation : salam pembuka
satisfied : puas
schedule : jadwal
science fiction : fiksi ilmiah
scrape : menggosok
scratch : menggores
separately : secara terpisah
service station : bengkel mobil
sew-sewn-sewn : menjahit
shake hands : bersalaman
shocked : terkejut
shocking : mengejutkan
short hand : steno
shortly : segera
sightseeing : melihat-lihat
sign : tanda, menanda
signature : tanda tangan
sincerely : hormat kami,
dengan sungguhsungguh
sirloin : daging sapi bagian
slippery : licin
slow down : melambatkan
some time : sekali waktu
spare time : waktu luang
speech : pidato
spill : menumpahkan
sponge : busa
square : berbentuk bujur
stadium : stadion
stairs : tangga
stare : melotot
214 English for SMK Grade X
steal : mencuri
steel : baja
steep hill : tanjakan tajam/
strike : nogok
submit : mengumpulkan
suddenly : secara tiba-tiba
suitable : cocok, pantas
suitcase : kopor
suitcase : koper
superlative : bentuk paling
supervisor : pengawas,
suppose : umpamakan
surface : permukaan
sway : bergoyang,
sweater : baju hangat
syllable : suku kata
take care : hati-hati
tempered : perangai
terribly : sangat
terrific : amat baik
therefore : (oleh) karena itu
tidy : rapih
tidy : merapikan
tile : tegel
toilet article : peralatan mandi
towards : ke arah
traffic signs : rambu-rambu lalu
transit : pemindahan
translate : menerjemahkan
trap : perangkap
treat : menraktir
tremble : bergetar
triangle : segitiga
triangular : berbentuk segitiga
trouble : gangguan,
trust : mempercayai
truth : kebenaran
tunnel : terowongan
turn down : menurunkan
(volume suara)
turn on : menghidupkan
ugly : jelek, buruk
underestimate : meremehkan
underpass : jalan melintang di
bawah jalan lain
unfortunately : sayangnya, sialnya
uniform : seragam
valuable : bernilai, berharga
vowel : huruf hidup
warn : memperingatkan
warn : memperingatkan
watch out : hati-hati
welcome : menyambut
what a pity! : kasihan!
whereas : sedangkan
whether : apakah
wonder : heran
wonderful : sangat bagus
worried : cemas, khawatir
a lift 23,97,99,149,223,231
accept 19,20,76,77,211,212,213,
accompany 170,203,204,223,231
account 66,213,223,231
acquainted 49,223,231
allow 11,19,179,223,231
apologize 73,74,76,77,223,231
applicant 60,223,231
appreciate 11,21,22,223,231
arrangement 19,223,231
arrival 157,223,231
audiences 223,231
balcony 41,223,231
bald 218,223,231
banner 223,231
beard 218,223,231
bench 72,223,231
bonnet 71,223,231
brooch 21,224,231
browsing 172,175,177,224,231
cable 224,231
capabilities 178,231
cashier 68,224,231
charge 19,224,231
chase 69,224,231
chassis 61,224,231
chatting 172,224,231
Chef 160,181,224,231
circular 31,40,42,45,46,65,217,224,
community 224,231
complain 224,231
complaint 69,224,231
conical 31,41,46,217,224,231
constant 69,224,231
copper 33,224,231
curved 48,225,231
cute 23,42,45,225,231
cylinder 27,30,46,225,231
cylindrical 31,41,43,46,217,231
daily life 1, 231
deal with 25,51,225,231
decagon 46,225,231
decagonal 46,225,231
deliver a baby 225,231
delivery 225,231
demand 69,225,231
departure 63,157,225,231
designed 69,225,231
dice 225,231
directions 171,187,190,231
down payment 40,225,231
dragonfly 217,225,231
electricity 61,62,225,231
emicircular 231
employee 12,170,225,231
energetic 50,225,231
enthusiastic 8,225,231
environment 225,231
excursion boat 49,225,231
expect 13,225,231
fair skin 47,50,225,231
family gathering 4,225,231
favor 22,225,231
fellow 69,72,225,231
fence 33,225,231
flat nose 47,226,231
flight 52,63,157,226,231,233
free style 178,179,180,226,231
fridge 40,226,231
garbage 69,226,231
gift 21,22,24,69,71,226,231
gloves 48,226,231
216 English for SMK Grade X Indeks
greece 226,231
greek 43,226,231
gym 11,226,231
hammer 48,217,226,231
hazard 69,219,226,231
hazardous 69,169,226,231
heptagon 46,226,231
heptagonal 46,226,231
hospitality 23,226,231
hut 217,226,231
identity card 19,226,231
injure 70,226,231
installment 226,231
insurance 42,226,231
interfere 72,226,231
introduce 1,10,11,12,13,14,24,226,231
invitation 199,201,203,206,207,208,
invite 22,199,201,203,205,207,209,
keep in touch 6,227,232
kindhearted 47,227,232
leisure 176,227,232
lost 78,80,83,171,188,227,232
luggage 17,21,227,232
lying around 72,227,232
machinery 61,227,232
main entrance 19,195,227,232
marble 227,232
mattress 42,227,232
mechanic 71,179,227,232
member 11,18,184,193,195,227,232
messy 70,72,227,232
miserable 7,227,232
moreover 68,151,227,232
mug 43,227,232
necklace 217,227,232
nowadays 51,227,232
obstruction 72,227,232
parallelogram 27,227,232
passenger 49,88,227,232
payment 19,20,40,225,227,231,232
pentagon 27,46,227,232
pet 227,232
pilgrimage 42,227,232
plantation 11
plateau 19,227,232
pointed nose 47,50,227,232
pole 30,227,232
policy 227,232
precious 70,71,227,232
prefer 66,219,227,232
preference 227,232
prescription 19,227,232
preserve 227,232
prism 217,227,232
properly 227,232
protractor 31,228,232
pupil 70,228,232
purchase 69,71,228,232
purpose 7,8,168,170,228,232
pylon 30,228,232
pyramidal 46,217,228,232
quarter 53,228,232
recognize 70,147,228,232
rectangle 27,46,228,232
rectangular 31,42,46,217,228,232
regards 23,207,228,232
regret 73,76,228,232
remove 72,228,232
rental 50,228,232
repetitive 69,228,232
report 22,166,202,228,232
require 70,171,228,232
respond 157,215,228,232
returned 7,80,228,232
science fiction 19,175,228,232
service station 192,228,232
sew-sewn-sewn 228,232
shake hands 8,228,232
short hand 63,180,228,232
sightseeing 23,228,232
signs and symbols 147,149,232
spare time 219,228,232
spherical 31,217,232
sponge 42,228,232
square 27,31,33,40,44,45,46,217,228
stadium 42,192,228,232
stare 70,228,232
steel 43,44,217,228,232
strike 69,229,232
suitcase 28,210,229,232
sweater 217,229,232
symphaty 232
tempered 47,229,232
terrific 4,229,232
tile 229,232
toilet article 229,232
trap 68,229,232
treat 229,232
triangle 27,46,229,232
triangular 31,46,48,217,229,232
trust 229,232
warn 229,232
welcome 17,21,22,23,39,96,170,203,
For SMK1 Grade X
Maria Regina Dyah Pramesti
Wirawan Sigit Pramono
Buku ini telah dinilai oleh Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan
(BSNP) dan telah dinyatakan layak sebagai buku teks pelajaran
berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 34
Tahun 2008 Tanggal 10 Juli 2008 tentang Penetapan Buku Teks
Pelajaran yang Memenuhi Syarat Kelayakan untuk Digunakan
dalam Proses Pembelajaran.
ISBN 979-462-932-4
Harga Eceran Tertinggi (HET) Rp13.410,-

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